
Revelations and grief

I set up everything in my ship and made sure no one could get in without me knowing about it. Then I went to look around the city. It was fairly pretty, but of course being born in the unknown you see prettier sights and more hostile people. Here when you made eye contact with someone they would smile at you and some would just speak to you. It was really weird but in some ways it kinda felt nice. They recognize you as a person, not a weird girl with ears and a tail. I could always hide them if I wanted, but it was nice being myself. Over to my right there was a little bakery. It smelled so good. If only ATLAS was human then I could enjoy things like food and ice cream with him. Eh, who am I kidding? Would I want a friend to enjoy food with or a constant know it all; who's motherboard cost millions in the unknown realm. I need to stop thinking here is like the unknown realm. We can have a different life here.

"Callia, we have a problem." ATLAS said in my ear.

"What's up?" I asked

"Well the maid is here to give you the bath I ordered." he said sounding worried.


Everyone stared at me. I slid over to the shadows.

"Why did you order me a bath!?" I growled

"Well they said we would get a free meal if I allowed them to wash you. And I want you to be able to eat." he said.

"You know that is a scam so that they can pet me right." my ear twitches in annoyance.

"Yes, I know but I said yes cause I thought you would like a nice massage." he admitted.

"Heck no, I'll be fine. I'm eating anyway so leave me alone."

"No, you're not." he said accusingly

"Well… I'm about to. Now go discontinue this whole bath thing." I said walking in the bakery.

"Fine, be safe." he said, disconnecting."

I rolled my eyes and got some biscuits and something called a croissant. When I bit into it was so buttery and delicious.

"Oh my gosh this is delicious!"

I wolfed the rest of it then ordered another one. After my seventh one I decided to go back to the hotel. When I arrived back I shifted into my cat form and walked to the room. I scratched the door twice and waited. Wait what am I thinking he's an A.i he can't open a door unless it's an electronic. I looked to make sure no one was coming then I used my tail and opened the door. Turning around I close the door then shift back into a human.

"ATLAS did you find a good realm to live in?" I asked, looking at the mark on my forehead. Everytime i shifted into my feline form this mark appeared. It was a grayish color of swirls and a gem. I tried rubbing it away for it to dissolve faster but it didn't work.

"I think I have a good place for you to stay." an unfamiliar voice said from the corner of the room.

I spun around and growled. "Come out of the shadows. Imposter." I growled, the last part out.

"Easy now, I'm a friend of your grandmother's." the man said standing up.

"ATLAS, personal data." I commanded.

"That won't work. Let's just say I powered him down for a bit."

"You did what? With my tech? You can get arrested for using someone else's property without their consent. Not to mention all the other laws that come with it." I said fishing for my knife.

"I'm impressed you've been here for a couple hours and already have your rights memorized. Your grandma was right, you are a smart one. But don't worry I just wanted to give you some information that you weren't able to receive when you lived in the unknown."

"I don't care. Get out." I said pointing the knife at him.

He raised his hands. "Please listen. It's about your grandma. She… she has passed. It happened the day after she came back from visiting you."

I stilled my body as the ice chill that I felt when I saw my parent's bodies sunk back in.

"Look kid, I just want to take you home. You have some people who want to meet you." He inched closer. I growled. He stopped moving and stared at me with concern. "Please, come meet your family."