
My Dark Crush

Have you heard of "the angels". The playboy boy's band that consist of four angelic looking boys that could take your breath away. Bryan Ernold is the leader of this popular band. The most handsome depends on your bias. This boy band consist of four dangerously handsome Playboys that flirt even on stage. They own the heart of thousands of ladies around the world especially teenagers. And this made them so full of themselves. They felt no lady could resist their charm until they met her. She is more like a broken vessel. She is a lady of no emotions. And who is she??? She is Bianca Evans. A really beautiful lady that could pass for an angel. She have long silky black hair that stop by her waist, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, deep blue eyes, cute nose, pink lips, dimples on both side of her cheeks, crazy curves and an angelic voice that could make you fall for her over and over again. What happen when Bianca leaves the countryside to come live in the city and she was enrolled into the same highschool with the angels??? What happen when the angels discover that she is the first lady that wasn't smitten by their looks???! What will happen when she happen to steal Bryan's heart on their first meeting and he happen to be someone she hate soo much due to the coincidence of him bearing the same name with someone who has caused her pain???? Will Bryan be able to mend her broken heart??? Will he be able to put a smile on the face of this lady who has forgotten how to smile??? How far will Bryan go to make her love him just the way he loves her??? What will happen when Bryan girlfriend and family becomes an obstacle??? Will Bryan be able to protect her from another heartbreak???

Danial_Arif_Harry · วัยรุ่น
27 Chs

Her awful life

Chapter 2

She was discharged the next morning and her neighbors were kind enough to let her stay with them until her aunt comes for her.

She couldn't stop the tears that continuously fall from her eyes. But yet she wasn't loud, it was silent tears. Tears of pain and betrayal and as she cried, she wished Ryan and Claire would show up and apologize to her, then, console her.

She wished they were there so she could cry on their shoulders, but they never showed up. Not because they haven't heard about what happened to her but probably because they didn't care.

As she think of that, more tears flow down her eyes like a river, but she yet she was silent, very silent that was scared she lost her voice. She was in pain, immense pain. Pain of her parent death and that of betrayal, she felt like dying. Life lost it color and essence and she felt like she was living because she was breathing not because she want to live.

Her aunt and uncle alongside their daughter arrived the next day and her parent were buried.

Then her aunt and her family took her away to the city. As she left the countryside, she couldn't help the tears that flow down her eyes. Normally, she would have been happy but right now the situation is different.

As she looked out of the window, she realize how much memories this place she had come to take as her home holds. All her childhood memories, all the memories with her parent, the memories with her childhood best friend, the memories with her boyfriend.

She trusted Claire soo much that probably why she didn't notice anything between her and Ryan. She remembered all the happy memories they shared.

This countryside she grew up to know as her home is the same place that has come to cause her soo much pain and agony and as she closed her eyes to sleep, she promised herself never to cry again.

Her parent hate to see her in tears, so she promised never to let another tear drop from her eyes and that was how it all began.

Maybe, just maybe, if she had allow her tears to flow freely, her wound would have heal with time. Maybe if she had let her emotions, the pain would have fade away with time. But no, she locked it all up. All her emotions, she locked them all up and as the pain continued to prick her heart, it couldn't bring any emotion out of her. It was as if she has become void of every emotion. It was as if the part of her brain that create emotions as cease to work. She became a dead person living. She built a very strong and and tall wall around herself that was impossible to break.

She became a lady of few words. She only talks when necessary and it really scared her aunt to the core, but there was nothing anybody could do about it. If she was hit or insulted, she always have the same expression and if you say anything funny, it still the same. She stopped smiling, crying, or laughing that one will think she is a robot. She just don't know how to laugh, smile, or cry anymore. The once vibrant and fun filled girl disappeared overnight. Her cousin, Ciara tried her best to cheer her up but all to no avail. At last, they left her to herself and stopped trying to bring her out of her shell 🐚 🐚 🐚