
My Daily Life as a Magical Tour Guide

In the vibrant world of Lumaria, magic and wonder are everyday occurrences. However, townsfolk that spend all their lives in the capital, don’t get to witness this natural magical beauty anymore. Liora Starwind runs a travel agency offering just that: a taste of wonder! Specializing in tours to fantastical locations - from dragon sanctuaries to enchanted forests - she guides her clients through extraordinary experiences while navigating the unique challenges of magical tourism. The catch is: she’s never been to those places either!

DaoistjiHkyP · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

 Chapter I: Welcome to Liora's Magical Getaways

Liora Starwind stood in front of the modest yet charming building that now housed her new venture. She has wavy light-brown hair that comes down to her shoulders in loose curls, and bright green eyes that seem to shine with determination. Her fair skin is lightly freckled, especially across her cheeks and nose.

The wooden building, with its ivy-clad walls and blooming flower boxes under the windows, had a quaint, inviting feel. The freshly painted sign, still gleaming in the afternoon sun, swung gently in the breeze, proudly displayed the place's new name: "Liora's Magical Getaways." At her side, you can still see laying on the ground the old sign for grandfather's "Mordecai's Magical Tours."

She wears her usual outfit, though unsuited for this kind of work: a knee-length corseted dress in shades of forest green and leather details with a high waist on top of her white somewhat loose shirt with puffed sleeves that add a touch of old charm. She carries a small, enchanted leather satchel slung across her shoulder and her sturdy yet elegant high brown boots are perfect for a variety of terrains. A delicate necklace with a small, glowing green gem sits on her chest. Notably absent, she often dons a light, flowing cape that flutters in the wind as she walks. 

Liora wiped her brow, exhausted but quite satisfied to have done it all herself. She felt ready to continue the mission of her late-grandfather and couldn't help but smile with pride. Tomorrow would be the grand reopening of the travel agency, and she was determined to make it a success.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. You could say the place itself was a tourist spot for someone who'd lived behind city walls all their lives: shelves lined with magical trinkets brought from far-away travels and maps filled the walls. A large carved desk stood at the center, with piles of old books around her grandfather's open old notebook.

That was her most prized possession, the old leather-bound notebook filled to the brim with information about all the places her grandfather had visited on his many travels. Many of them she recognized from stories he used to tell her when she was little. "Wow… Will you take me there, Gramps?" she used to say. "Maybe someday…" he always answered, patting her on the head.

Now he was gone and they ended up never really getting around to it. That's why she had an idea: she was going to take over the travel agency and discover for herself all the wonders of this magical world beyond the walls!

The door chime rang followed by a voice: "Liora, you're here early," the voice came from the entrance together with the clanking of heavy armor. Ravi Emberheart emerged, stumpy build, short blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was twenty, the same age as Liora. He took the helm from under his arm and set it down on the table "Nervous about tomorrow?"

"A little," Liora admitted, giving a nervous smile and smoothing down her dress. "But mostly excited!"

Ravi chuckled. "Relax, relax… It's gonna be fine. Just remember to let other people speak, you know how you can get lost talking about magical places…"

Liora nodded "Thank you for helping with the restorations here, I know adventurers are very busy people…"

"Former adventurer" He gestured dismissively with his hand "And don't mind it about the renovations, afterall, if this place flops it's my ass on the line too."

"It won't!" She grabbed a broom and began sweeping the floor. "This place has too much history, too much…" She spun like a ballerina "magic to fail."

Ravi watched her for a moment, a small smile curling the corners of his mouth. "I believe you, I believe you…"

By late afternoon, the place was spotless. Liora stepped back to admire their work. "It's perfect." They were both quiet for a while, standing side by side. Liora broke the silence with a full-body push that tumbled Ravi "You go home and rest! Who knows, maybe I'll require your services as soon as tomorrow!"

He chuckled. "Let's maybe not be that optimistic… Where's Solde by the way?"

"Who really knows with her…" Solde was a dark elf who worked as a tour guide under her grandfather, always mysterious and elegant, she was a specialist of foreign cultures and always assured respectful interactions with the magical communities they met on their travels. "I can only hope she'll show up when needed"

"I'm sure she will." He grabbed his helm and started pacing towards the door "Well, see you around!" 


The door closed behind him. She took another minute to look around and make sure everything looked good before going upstairs, where she had installed herself. It was a simple, humble, single bedroom, composed of a bed, a closet and a study. All the decorations were in green. She threw herself onto the bed and let out a big sigh.