
My Cute Little Werewolf

She was a famous Student Union President in Sky High Academy. Had a father, but there was no father protecting her... Had a mother, but... no mother to console her. "No Father's Love? No worries, I have my little fans to love me! " "No Mother to console? Hehe... I have a little werewolf here... of course not to console, but...to make me laugh!!!" She was Him! She was the prince Charming! What will our little fans do, when they realise that their Prince Charming whom they loved so much, was actually a GIRL!!??? A GIRL!!! What will our little werewolf do, if he gets to know, that the one for whom he became a gay for was actually a girl!? Will he do her, or will he do her??? Come let's read together this sweet love story of a mischievous girl DARRY acting as a boy and our little werewolf DANEIL...

BaKaWaChu · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

First Meeting

"Sky High Academy, A famous school for rich geniuses.

Why rich, you say? Because this school is same as it's name, Sky High! It's fees for a single month is more than 1 million! That too Mess, Library, Hobby, Tution and hostel charges excluded!

Hostel? Because in this school, it's compulsory for students to live in school itself!

'Can't live? Pack your bag and, that's the door. Get out! '

In this school there are many subjects! But it's your choice which one to choose, no one can change your choice, even your parents can't change your choice! Why? Because this school wants their students to decide their future themselves! No one can influence them!"

Darry who was listening to his friend's speech on their school, could take it no more and slapped his head with her book. "This school is also famous for throwing out students because of their stupidity!! Have you thrown your brain off in dustbin? It's a speech you have to speak in front of everyone!! And! Here is your speech!! Is this a speech?? Or are you trying to tell the parents, 'Please don't send your ward in this school, or your ward's future is a goner'???"

"Then what should I say? That this is a school full of beautiful young masters and misses? Full of beautiful teachers? Oh right, our young strict handsome principal spends his time flirting with our handsome male teachers in mess? Our Student Union President loves beating his friends on head? Ahhh! President! Dear Ancestor, making this speech is your work! Why the he*l are you making your friends make the speech? If you want someone to make speech, you should call someone who is expert in making it! Why should it be us? Wuwuwu!" said John while rubbing his aching head.

"Cough! Cough! I don't know who can do it... Sigh! You are the one who should do this... President's work is to check if you're are doing it properly or not... That's why I became the president, Now here you are, shoving down your work on this poor president... Well, go bring this year's English topper here, let him make the essay... So many duffers! All in Student Union..." Said the thick-skinned Darry.

"Ok! I'll call him right away." saying so John instructed Rose to check and call the topper.

. . .

"Knock Knock! Knock Knock!"

Outside Student Union President's office stood a man with almost 195 cm height.

He had a straight nose, soft eyebrows and very deep brown eyes, no one could tell what was in those eyes, but if one looked at them once, then it was impossible to forgot them... The hand which was at this time knocking on the door was thin but didn't look boney at all, it was a perfect candy of eye, His left year was a pierced, there was a black earing on his ear, a famous piece which was half and was auctioned only a month ago at a shocking high price of 100 billion, 'Dark love', it's other half was also auctioned at that time but it was taken by a rich young girl...

His eyelashes were downcast, making a shadow which intensified his beauty... BEAUTY?

It had been few minutes since he was knocking the door, but there was no reply from inside, he remembered what Rose said to him, "Don't be formal and behave like you were talking to a normal classmate, don't be nervous... If there is no reply from inside, then just enter, he doesn't care anyway..."

He frowned and lightly pushed the door open, and entered inside, closing the door behind.


What he saw inside stunned him. He stared and stared! Stared for a long time, stared at the youth who had his head dropped on table not at all elegantly, the youth was totally different from the rumors, which said that he was very gentle and elegant, very handsome, very manly! Here he was totally different! With his head resting on the table, he was mumbling about food, his voice was not at all manly but like a little girl in her lovers embrace saying sweet nothing, his nose was round, his eyes were closed, his lips were cast upwards, making him look very cute, maybe because of sunlight or because he was sleeping, there was a small blush on his face, making him even more lovelier.

Daniel gulped hard, but couldn't control himself at all! He knew that this was a man, but, what but? he liked this man, he liked those hairs on the youth's forehead, he liked the youth's soft voice, he liked that small blush on the youth's face, he liked the youth's little lips... He! He liked this little human!

He walked in front of the youth and caressed his cheeks then poked the youth's lips... The youth frowned and opened his eyes drowsily.

Upon seeing the youth open his eyes, Daniel didn't stop poking but said softly, "Hello, I am Daniel. This year's English Topper. Your smile is very cute and your skin is very soft." saying so he smiled gently.

. . .

In this world, humans, vampires and werewolfs were living with each other not just peacefully but very happily! They ate together, played together, studied together, worked together, and lived together! If a vampire made mistakes, he was punished. If a werewolf made mistakes, it was punished equally and if a human made mistake, he was also punished equally!

Vampire can marry human, human can marry werewolf, and a werewolf can marry vampire! male can marry male, male can marry female, female can marry female! This was an independent world! Here everything was possible!

It was in the nature of a werewolf, if it liked someone, it will mark it right there and then! Although this was now controlled, but it was controlled for werewolfs above 20! Not below! It was nearly impossible for a werewolf to fall in love before 20, but if a werewolf were to fall in love below 20, then it can only be a destined love, a love which can only happen once in thousands of years!


Our female lead, became a boy to enter Sky High Academy, because she wanted to fulfill her dream of being a boy...


Our male lead, is a werewolf, not of a Royal family, or so... but from a well known family, he is a second generation young master, who is a wolf in a sheep's skin. In front of Darry, he is a cute little werewolf.

. . .

What will Darry do after listening to Daniel's "your skin is very soft" comment?

Will she beat him, or beat him?

. . .

Guess! Readers!

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