
Ophelia’s Backstory Part 2

The field by the Light Academia was full of flowers and beautiful sakura blossoms, just as it always had. The portal that had always been there, smack dab in the middle, was now golden and mixed with some bronze. Portals were rarely ever used, only in situations like actually first arriving at the Academia. The reason for this was because portals sometimes bared terrible pain, so you had to be careful with the circumstance. Just needing to use one to travel at least a few miles away would be tragic. You would end up even more hurt because the shorter the distance your destination is away, the harder the pain appears in the human body.

Ophelia's eyes focused straight on the portal, breath steady and confident. Today was her special day. The day her dreams would be fulfilled. She would become powerful. Just like her mother, Tsubasa…however, she definitely was not becoming like her. She was a good woman. Unlike her very mother.

She thrust her hand out into the portal, and already felt her fingers twisting in ways she did not agree with. Though the ceremony was going to be far away, this was nothing like the pain compared to traveling to somewhere near. Bracing for it, Ophelia stepped in, knowing all this was worth it. She was ready as ever.

As soon as her head stuck in, she had a aching headache. Despite this, she jumped in with full power and speed and floated. She was going thousands, maybe millions, of miles per hour. Her head spun and everything ached, but it was going to be fine. After at least a few minutes, she could see the dark hole which was the end of the portal. She smiled to herself and thrust her hand out, the pain faltering. She sighed and stepped out, feeling fresh and whole again.

The location she was now was just plain majestical. A tall, white building with poles all around it stood in front of her. It looked almost like the Roman Colosseum, which was long gone by now. She could hear only a few fading footsteps inside of the building, as she knew that this was a sacred location where only those with blood of the goddesses could enter. It had many rose bushes in the center of a lush meadow which sat near the right side of this beautiful place.

After what seemed like a while, a thought suddenly sprung up into Ophelia's mind. Where's Rosa? She should be here, right now. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. She's fine. Although she tried to comfort herself, she felt that perhaps a delay had caused Rosa to be so late. She continued quietly stepping towards this pristine building, while sensing nature cowering in fear of her presence. She was rather powerful, after all.

In just a few seconds, she felt a finger tap her back. Ophelia turned around, to see her sister, Rosa, standing there, giggling. She leaped back and screamed, angry. "I told you NOT to scare me like that again! You promised not to!" Ophelia scolded while her sister giggled even louder. "And by the way, be quiet! This is sacred ceremony grounds, you can't just barge in and giggle yourself to death!" This did not help the noise get quieter, unfortunately.

"Ahah! 'This is sacred ceremony grounds!' Heh, you think you're the boss of me, do you? Well, not any more, sis. Anyways, we gotta go! The ceremony must be starting soon!" Rosa giggled and stomped away, acting like a seven year old child. Ophelia rolled her eyes and walked dully behind her, all her energy wasted on her uncaring sister.

"You know, they're ought to kick you out if you keep yelling like that!" Ophelia grumbled, then started to admire the beautiful scenery inside of this building. Rose vases were everywhere, paintings of the current goddesses stood at least everywhere. There were a few workers there, and when they saw them, they rushed over as quickly as they could.

A worker with curly red hair and lots of freckles spoke first, nodding towards Ophelia. "I'll get you in your ceremonial robes, and get you to the place where you will start the process of your transformation," She stated, and Ophelia smiled faintly, feeling only a dainty bit uncomfortable. These people were very, erm…emotionless. "Alright, follow behind me please! And Mani, take the Rosa girl."

The second worker, a woman with black hair and striking maroon-colored eyes nodded forcefully. "Right. Just don't provoke anyone like you always do, alright, Shira? Unlike me!" She stuck her nose into the air proudly and strutted away, Rosa stumbling after her. Ophelia's assistant, most likely Shira, wrinkled her nose together and turned away.

"Please don't mind her, please don't. She is like that, like, all the time! So annoying, am I right? Heh, she only likes the one of her kind. The…Dark and Evil ones. Those guys, yeah. But we, we're…we're on the right side!" Shira huffed and Ophelia cocked her head, slightly disagreeing. "What, do ya think not?"

Ophelia inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. "Well, you see, I don't think there is a Dark or a Light. We're all equal, just different. Because of our type either being good of evil, it pushes us to be like that. To live like that. But I don't think it should be that way! We're all people, and…there's no type. Do you get what I mean?" She finished explaining, and Shira widened her eyes, either impressed or disgusted.

"I…that is actually very true! I..I mean, I've never thought about it like that before! Coming out of your mouth, it's very right…very true…huh," Shira exhaled and the two continued to the location they needed to visit without speaking for the rest of the way. While they did this, Ophelia realized how much of a character change Shira was developing. First off, she was so unemotional, now she was lively and full of youth.

In just a few minutes, the two girls entered a room that was actually quite beautiful. It held a large, graceful bed created from pristine marble, and a large window with a grand curtain that was the color of deep rose. There was a large closet that was taller than Ophelia, and much, much wider than anyone could ever get. Out of curiosity, she stepped towards it and opened it up gently, and her gaze widened as it revealed many dresses of many colors.

She turned around to make sure Shira was okay with this. "Oh yeah, take one you like most for the ceremony! They're all fit for what's gonna happen. All entwined with special moon twine! Very special indeed. Plus, at the bottom, they're tights, heels, and more extra accessories. Which you will not be needing. Only a dress, alright?"

"Alright," Ophelia's last moment of full concentration faltered. She was very lost in all of the beautiful dresses she was looking at; there were many. Aqua, maroon, red, pink, white, green, burgundy. Ah yes, many. All of them had intricate designs woven into each of them, and all their fabrics were very soft and silky. They were all very Greek-styled, and only a few weren't. The one that truly caught her eye was the one that was black. It was beautiful, with handmade roses etched into the top and bottom of all of the hems and slivers of the dress. She admired it for a few long minutes before she turned around to Shira.

"Is this one alright?" She asked, and Shira looked hesitant, probably thinking in her mind again about those stereotypes…light colors for the good. Dark colors for the evil. "Well?"

Shira sighed and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm breakin' the rules, but use it. It's s nice one, anyways. Alright get changed in the bathroom!" She smirked, and Ophelia's heart lifted up. Stereotypes were gone between these two. She ran into the bathroom and got dressed with great trouble. Everything was so confusing…straps and zippers and everything in between…agh…too much to handle, if you're being honest.

Finally, though, she had it on. She scurried out to see Shira there, tapping her heel on the ground. "Took ya long enough! Well, finally we can go there…wait…do you want any…makeup on or anything?" Shira retorted. Ophelia felt like she was shrinking to a size that no one could see. Did she look ugly without makeup? Was Shira disgusted? Should she? Did she need to?! Was there a purpose?! Was she being insulted?!?!

"W-what?! Do I look ugly or something?!" Ophelia cried, running over to the mirror that stood close to the bathroom door. She stared at herself, overreacting. "Oh…I am so ugly…" She turned away from the mirror, only to find Shira placing her hands on her shoulders, glaring.

"If you say you're ugly, you're wrong. You're the opposite of that: beautiful. Never. Say. That. Again! Promise me?" Shira glared, and Ophelia nodded solemnly. "Hey, when I asked if you wanted makeup, I wasn't trying to day you were ugly in any way. You're the exact opposite! Now, we gotta go or we'll be late!" She exclaimed, and Ophelia's features brightened up. The two held hands as they ran out of the room, laughing. It felt like when Ophelia was younger with Rosa…running towards their very fate that resulted them in being in different academias…

In at least ten minutes, they had finally made it out of that maze of a house. They stood in an open field, with two marble columns likely as strong as the mountains themselves standing side by side. One of the marble columns were black, supposedly for Rosa, and the other white, most likely for Ophelia. The black one held a chain, the white one held a strong feather. As Ophelia was inspecting the wonderful scenery, she spotted Rosa in her view.

She was wearing a dark maroon dress, slit at the side. It was a tight dress, but it would probably work for the time being. Her hair was up in a long ponytail, working out her features very well. When she spotted Ophelia, she waved, somewhat cackling.

Then, a voice rung. "The two sisters with blood of the goddesses, come over to the columns. Your ceremony begins now,"

And with that, it was about to begin.