
Ophelia’s Backstory Part 1

The pitch black turned into a scenery right before Yami's eyes.

"Mother, do I have do put the stone into the fire?" A bored voice rang from a small, damp room that consisted of two beds; one pure white, one dark black. "MOTHER!" The voice rung closer as a girl with pure white hair and even whiter eyes walked in, obviously the one who had been complaining. Since the anger of the girl was intense, the mother strode in. She had light brown hair, green eyes, and a short and stubby height. Even at age twelve, the girl was taller than her own mother.

"Ophelia, since you are the daughter of the goddess of dark, Tsubasa, you have to inherit the name of a demigoddess! You will become an evil one, as I have predicted. It very much fits your personality. Now, get dressed, the ceremony is almost going to begin. You're lucky it's close…and don't forget to wake up your wonderful little sister, Rosa!" When her 'mother' said 'Rosa', she squealed with delight.

Rosa was the family favorite. She was obedient, kind, respectful, and thoughtful. All personality trains combined created the perfect daughter. They all treated her like some princess, but Ophelia never was treated the same way. Well, she was a bit moody, and she felt the urge to be like her true mother, Tsubasa Saito, ultimate goddess of Dark. Rosa's true mother was Utukushi, but the two girls still defined themselves as sisters, after they departed from their godly mothers. They were both sent together in this dreadful place, with a gruffly mother and an uncaring father, who had died years before. The two sisters' differences caused never ending arguments and disagreements. However, they pulled it together and tried to get along.

"Ugh, fine!" Ophelia rolled her eyes and quickly walked over to her room, but just as she opened the door, she slipped and hit her chin. "Ugh! This silly dress! This is why I absolutely HATE them!" She stood up and ripped off the bottom of her fancy dress, which took her mother days to weave and sew. However, this careless girl didn't even think a thought about it as she slammed open the door and yelled loudly. "YOU DUMMY! WAKE UP! THE DUMB CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!" She yelled loudly, as if trying to break the poor, sensitive eardrums of her sister.

Luckily for her own sake, Rosa woke up, so Ophelia didn't have to yell again. She rubbed her eyes innocently and hopped out of bed. "Please don't do that, sister," She mumbled, and looked down at the ripped dress. Rosa gasped in terror. "Why would you rip that lovely dress mother made for you? It was especially made for today!" She quipped, and Ophelia rolled her eyes annoyed. She didn't care a single thing about that word 'fashion.'

"I don't care, we have to go. Now. Mother requested it!" Ophelia huffed as Rosa sighed, staring at the ground. She turned her back and walked out of the room, annoyed and tired. "Good riddance," She mumbled and ran over to the front door, which was cracking tremendously. It had a huge hole on the bottom, as if mice had an entryway into their house. The floor was moist and smelly, and Ophelia could even spot a cockroach laying on the musty barf-green couch that sat in the largest room in the small house. Ophelia felt only happy that she could escape this ugly demeanor; it was getting annoying.

In a few minutes, Rosa was walking out, her shiny black hair freshly washed, placed in a high elegant bun. She had on her deep-maroon velvet gown, that had stars entwined into each and every crevice of the dress. She had on lipstick, despite being barely twelve. She looked up at her sister who was nearly one foot taller than her, although they were the same exact age and almost shared the same exact birthdate.

"I believe mother is waiting for us there," Rosa stated, and for once, Ophelia, admittedly, nodded. The two sisters tried to walk as fast as possible, it being easier for Ophelia, since her dress was…rather, ripped. "I see the crowd…and oh, Marge is there too! Oh, I'm so excited…" She gushed, her eyes pouring into the crowd that seemed to be watching intently. With no utter care, Ophelia pulled Rosa's arm and they ran forward together. Laughing together. Smiling together. For once.

They stopped near their mother, who seemed to be waiting for them. "Ophelia, Rosa…Marge is going now!" She whispered, trying to conceal their chat, since the crowd needed the quiet. Unable to keep quiet, Rosa squealed and jumped, too excited. Their mother placed a finger on her mouth, signaling for them to keep quiet, or else.

Rosa and Ophelia plopped right down next to each other, looking intently at Marge, Rosa's best friend. She wore an emerald green dress that matched her eyes and was long and silky. It was embroidered with many fake jewels and crystals, despite this, it was still stunning. Marge's blonde hair flowed down her back, and her freckles shown brighter in the sun. She spotted Rosa and smiled uncomfortably, nervous as everyone was. She held the stone that would be thrown into the fire to either signalize a skull or a flower. Either one, everyone would be relieved.

In just a few seconds, the stone in Marge's hand dropped, and the girl squeezed her eyes shut. Rosa, while watching, wished the best for Marge. She hoped she would become in the Light Academia, just like she probably was going to be to. In just a few seconds, the crowd gasped as sparkles in the air formed a light and dainty flower, beautiful and large. Marge opened her eyes and gasped, every feature of her face in shock.

"I…I made it!" She squealed, and the crowd cheered. Her parents went over and hugged her, greeting her and also even saying their goodbyes. This was because everyone who had been chosen would have to leave just a few hours later. "I'm in the Light Academia!" She smiled and Rosa clapped with excitement. She was so excited to see her best friend became a Light, and probably her own self as well.

Soon the crowd had cleared out, making their way back to the bleachers. Marge ran over to where the two sisters were sitting and sat beside them in a hurry. "Rosa! Most of the other children have gone, and I believe you two are the only remaining!" She exclaimed, and Ophelia rolled her eyes while Rosa jumped up and down as if she was a child.

"Yeah, we know that," Ophelia rolled her eyes once again and squinted at the administrator who would soon announce the person who would go next. She seriously hoped that she went last, since she greatly did not want to find out.

The administrator coughed. "Next up, Rosa?" He said, for some reason, in a question-like statement. Rosa's ears perked up as she practically jumped off the bleachers, enthusiastic and ready to be admitted into her dream school. She picked up the special rock and threw it into the fire softly, excited and overwhelmed with happiness. The crowd, including Ophelia, leaned in as they expected amazing results from the perfect child, Rosa.

Rosa bounced up and down as she saw the sparkles form, but instead of a flower, it formed a deadly skull with jagged teeth. The whole crowd gasped as all the happiness in Rosa's eyes disappeared. Marge clasped a hand around her mouth, and both Ophelia and their mother shook with terrible surprisement. Was this a mistake? The administrator looked rather puzzled as Rosa sobbed, falling to the ground with sadness. Ophelia ran over to her sobbing sister, accidentally knocking a new, regenerated rock into the fire. Ophelia didn't see much of it as she comforted her sister; however, sparkles that formed in the air captured her attention. They formed into a beautiful flower much like Marge's.

"Is that for…me?" Ophelia gasped while comforting her sister. The crowd watched in awe as the roles switched: Rosa in the Dark and Ophelia in the Light? It made no sense at all! "N-no! This is all a mistake!" She quavered as she held her sobbing sister. The administrator literally shrugged it off as the two sisters both cried, the crowd confused.

"That terrible girl in the Light? I can't imagine that!" Someone whispered loudly in the crowd. Hearing this made Ophelia cry even harder, feeling immense pain for her sister. This was the time where she realized true sympathy. She felt for her sister, she was there for her. Right then, her heart changed. Her mind changed perspectives. She felt…different. Not that complaining girl she used to be.

Just then, the SOA (Secret Operative Agency) came in dressed in black suits. They wore rather scary face masks and held sticks for hitting. They picked up Rosa as if it was nothing, and then headed off. Ophelia's heart filled with anger, consumed with fury. She yelled and yelled and yelled.

"BRING MY SISTER BACK! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE HER LIKE THAT! LET HER GO!" She yelled hopelessly. Despite her shouts, the SOA paid no attention to this and continued carrying the sobbing Rosa. The sisters stared at each other in each others eyes and slowly smiled, sad at the same time. They were still sisters after all. Their bond would never be broken. However, the semi-happiness was broken when one of the SOA hit Rosa with their sticks, causing her to wince in pain.

"I HATE THIS ALL!" Rosa screeched, surprising everyone. The once goody-two-shoes was now screaming in agony, begging for another life with fury. "OPHELIA NEVER EVER DESERVES TO BE IN THE LIGHT ACADEMIA! IT WAS ME DESTINED FOR THAT! I'M THE ONE THAT—" Before the angry sister could speak, another one of the SOA clasped a hand around her mouth to silence her. Ophelia's eyes watered as she felt guilty inside. It was true. She had no right to be admitted into the Light. Just from looking at her sister, she could tell she was both sad and angry at the same time. The once-found lightness of heart was broken and replaced with a hard, darkened one.

Before Ophelia knew it, the crowd silently dragged Ophelia apart from Rosa. The once-rebellious girl slashed and tried to get out of their grasps to get her sister, but they were too strong. She cried and longed for her sister again. She looked down at her dress and remembered the words her sister had spoken.

Why would you rip that lovely dress mother made for you?

"Good answer, Ophelia!" Professor Mandala, the Goodly Basics teacher spoke. She acknowledged this wonderful student with much pride, seeing her as the most excellent one in this classroom. "Alright, that's it for today, dinner for tonight in the supper hall is mashed potatoes and pork. Oh, and dessert is cinnamon rolls with another choice of raspberry pie if you wish," The professor quipped, and the class nodded.

The last one to leave was seventeen-year-old Ophelia. It was her last year at the Academia, and she longed to see her sister again as well. She would have to become a full demi-goddess, though, in a few years. That she was not looking forward to, as she never wanted power.

"Mandala?" Ophelia inquired, and the professor lifted her head, her bright red hair puffed up in every direction. Her light purple eyes twinkled in the sunlight playfully. She tilted her head and put her papers down, ready to listen to whatever her wonderful star-student had to say.

"Yes, dear?"

"Is it possible for me to…just be normal? Not a demigoddess, nothing special at all? I just want a normal life with my sister…you know?" She asked, and Mandala laughed as if this was some silly joke. "Mandala, I'm serious!"

"I know you are. It's just…you've grown so much in these four years you've been here. Your mind has expanded, you've become smarter, your thoughts have become lighter. You've been training specially under professionally taught professors that helped you understand how to use your god-like powers. You can't just give up on your legacy. Your future. Your hope. Don't just give it all to some random student here. I know you might not be excited, but it's going to be amazing. You'll be a wonderful demi-goddess, trust me. Now out, dinner's going to be cold if you don't get it right away!" Mandala lectured, and Ophelia breathed out, inspired.

She now knew what she was going to do with her life. She was going to do it as it had always been planned out to be. Become the demigoddess her parents had hoped her to be. Except, not the Dark one her sister might have to become. The Light one, that would soon become headmistress. (If you're the Light demigoddess, you're the headmaster no matter what. Same with the Dark. Rules are only reversed)

Ophelia's white hair brushed her shoulder as she held her books and ran out of the classroom in a hurry. Instead of coming into the supper room, she went over to her own dorm to put her things away. Her breath was quick as she found her dorm and pulled out her keys hastily. Her eyes kept watch on the lock, watching to make sure it opened right. When it did, she opened the door and threw her school bag in, then closing the door. When she turned around, she was face-to-face with none other than her Dark sister Rosa!

Surprised with shock and confused emotions, Ophelia quickly came up with a response to this. "Rosa? What on Light are you doing here?" Her sister cackled as if she was joking and smirked. You see, this once-goody-girl was now much different. She wore a dark expression, her hair jagged and dyed with red. Her once delightful brown eyes now seemed near black, angry after years of torture and refinement. She wore a tight black dress, covered with a leather jacket covered with spikes. She wore tall boots and spiked jewelry all around. The times had changed, it was not as old-timey as it had been before.

"I just wanted to say hello, because, you know, we're almost done with the Academia, and…well, we're becoming demi-goddesses in a bit…aren't we?" Rosa laughed, and Ophelia's heart warmed. Her sister still had some generosity in her heart, even after all these years. "I just wish you luck. The whole schools are rooting on us for the ceremony where we become immortal!" She grinned and Ophelia smiled back, and the two hugged.

"Well, see you in the meantime. Just don't sneak up on me like that again!" Ophelia quipped, and Rosa cracked another smile.

"Yeah, yeah! Seeya!" She exclaimed, and dissipated into air. Ophelia relieved a sigh and went on with her very good day.

A few weeks later, it was the last day of the Academia. Of course, Ophelia had been at the top of every one of her classes. And of course, that next day, she would become a demigoddess. An all-powerful being. Immortal, even. It was much too much to handle, to be honest.

It was only the evening of the day, and an announcement blared loudly through whatever vintage speaker around the schools were placed. It said, "Ophelia. Come to the plain fields to get into your portal to the ceremony. Tomorrow, you will becoming all-powerful. No students come along. This is a sanctuary, only for ones related in blood to any of the goddesses. I repeat, no students come along. Thank you."

Ophelia's heart quickened as she ran out to her destiny, ready as ever.

Part 2 of Ophelia's Backstory coming soon!