
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Blank Thinking

Quinton looked at her mom with visible confusion on her face. She truly didn't understand what was happening, why'd her mom look so serious now, why that detective asked her those weird questions. None of this made sense. And it annoyed Quinton that she couldn't make it all make sense.

Quinton's mom walked over to the family table and told Quinton to follow. For a moment Quinton hesitated, but where exactly would she be able to go if she was in trouble? Outside? No, that would obviously be suspicious enough. 

Quinton walked over to the table and sat down, across from her, was her mother. "I will ask you once again, Quinton. What did you do?". Quinton's mother asked again, this time with a more serious tone. Quinton could feel the tension, she knew her mom had a sort of ability that she could sense when someone was hiding something, but right now. Quinton had nothing to hide. She didn't know anything about last night's events, and she wasn't sure what she did that got her home. All she knew was that whatever happened, wasn't good, and it had something to do with her. But right now her mind was as blank as a blank canvas. 

"Mom, i didn't do anything, I promise. I don't even know what happened. The last thing i remember is walking through a forest and it was foggy. After that, everything went dark, and i woke up at home.", Quinton spoke truthfully and her mother eased up just a little. " Do you have anything else to tell me?", her mother asked in a curious tone. 

For a moment, Quinton couldn't think of a single thing, but then she remembered what happened in the bathroom. She did get anxiety attacks but that definitely wasn't one. "Well, i do remember one thing.", she began to speak just as a knock was heard on the door. 

"I'll get it!", Quinton's brother Ash insisted as he walked to the door and opened it. "Uh, Quinton, some girl's here looking for you. Her name is Athena.",Ash said in a bit of an uninterested way. Quinton got up. She was slightly confused, but she walked over to the door and waved at Athena. "Hey Athena, what brings you here?".

Athena smiled and waved back, "I just came to check on you. I heard the police had come here asking questions and all that!", it was strange for someone to actually come check on Quinton, so it felt surreal to her, but she felt it was a new start. Maybe she'd have a better life here after all? "That's really nice of you to come check on my sister and all, but are you going to just stand there or come inside?", Ash asked Athena. Athena was surprised by his comment, as she'd forgotten she was even standing at the door for a split second. "Oh right, my bad!", Athena said in a hurried tone as she stepped inside the house. She looked around the house at all the decorations, it looked like a house vampires would live in if she were to be honest, but it didn't look bad at all. "I love your home. It's beautiful!", Quinton smiled and laughed. "Thanks, you have better taste than my sister's!",she replied to Athena, Athena laughed a bit.

Quinton then walked back into the kitchen where her mother was. As soon as Athena stepped into the room, Quinton's mother looked at her with a slight look of confusion, "who is this?", Quinton's mom looked at her with a confused expression. Quinton looked over at Athena and then back at her mother, trying to think of a way to introduce Athena, since Quinton wasn't sure if they were friends or not. But to Quinton's surprise, Athena spoke up.

"I'm her friend. My name is Athena!", an innocent smile crossed Athena's face. And Quinton smiled to. It was the first time she'd ever had someone call her there friend. Quinton's mom gave Athena a long stare. She couldn't feel anything off about her though, so she let her go. "Very well, be on your way or whatever you kids do for fun. Also, Quinton.", she said, just as Quinton and Athena were about to leave, Athena let Quinton know she'd be in Quinton's room when they finished talking. "Your father will be back in two hours, he's running a late shift tonight, and can you put your little sisters to bed please?", Quintons mom said, Quinton smiled and nodded, "of course mom, I'll put them to bed before i go to my room.", she replied, her mother smiled and then thanked her before going back to making dinner.

Everyone took turns cooking dinner on different days, since both of Quinton's parents worked and two of her siblings worked as well. The only people in the house that don't really do much are the twins, and that's because they are the youngest. 

After the conversation with her mother, she went up stairs to her room. The moment she opened her door she saw Athena sitting on her bed looking at one of Quinton's books that we're sitting on her table. "Are you one of those people that hunt mythical creatures or something?" Athena asked curiously, since the book said 'Mythical Creatures And The Facts surrounding them.' Athena thought it was a weird book for someone like Quinton to have, but then again, she didn't know Quinton, so there was no telling what she could be hiding 

Athena looked through the book and came across a part of the book that caught her eye. The page was ripped out and she couldn't make out the words on it. "Weird, why's this page torn out?", Athena said in confusion. She got so sidetracked by the book she forgot about Quinton completely. 

Dashi ran through the forest as fast as he could. He was tired but he couldn't stop running. If V.O.I.D caught him his life would be over as he knew it. Unfortunately, he ran low on stamina and he wasn't fast enough without his werewolf form, but he was inexperienced and used up a lot of his energy. He didn't have enough to keep up his form during the run. Even so, he felt like if it came down to it. He would fight for his last breath, there was no way they would be taking him alive. 

As he ran, and ran, he turned a corner and came into a construction site, it seemed as though it was closed at this time, or in the process of closing so nobody was really there, there was no way anyone would help him though. In this society, it's every man for themselves. These people would rather sit there and watch someone get dragged away to be tested on in a science lab than put their lives on the line.

Dashi knew he was dead, because just as he turned the corner, more trucks pulled up surrounding him at all angles. Dashi put his fists up, ready to throw hands. "STAY BACK!! I SAID STAY BACK!!!" suddenly, the expressions on the faces of the people in the trucks changed from intimidating.... To intimidated as one of the men standing by a truck got the life sucked right out of him, the man that was right next to him looked horrified, and whatever caused it couldn't be seen. 

Dashi wasn't sure what was happening. He couldn't see well, he was blinded by the trucks headlights in the darkness, but he could hear screaming and truck horns going off as life was sucked out of driver after driver, Dashi ducked his head as one of the men ordered the last few men to fire at the empty air but it was useless as they couldn't see what creature was doing this, for a moment thought they thought they'd gotten the creature. "Finally! Whatever the heck that was is dead!", one man said as he began to walk over to Dashi, but before he could get even close. The man looked up and saw red-glowing eyes staring at him. The creature gave a low growl and looked hostile. The more it walked out of the shadows the taller it got. "I'm not scared of you you little sh-", the man with the gun said. He pointed the gun at the creature ready to fire, but before he could, the creature bit the man's head clean off, and right after sucked every bit of the man's soul out of him. 

Dashi, watching all of this, he was horrified. But he wasn't angry, this creature saved his life, but then again, it could possibly end it in a second if it wanted to. But, what exactly was it? 

The creature wasn't able to get the last two men as they left when they saw how big it was, but they didn't bother the creature at all. The creature then turned and looked at Dashi and walked away in disinterest. Dashi got up. He was interested in figuring out what type of creature this person was. He'd never heard of a creature that could do that before. "Hey, wait for me!", Dashi was eager for answers, but he wasn't going to get them. He quickly realized how tired he was as he passed out from exhaustion. 

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