
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

A Deal

"With all due respect, Mr. Bailey. Your presence at the crime scene, whether you saw anything or not. Makes you a important witness for our case.", the officer said, looking at Nix as they both took a seat at a table, Nix looked around the room they we're in, he felt like more of a suspect here than a witness to a crime. they had him handcuffed and he was sitting in a chair, the room had grey walls and no windows, just one giant Mirror that he couldn't see out off, it had to of been a Two-way mirror. on the other side of the mirror stood the detective, Alexandra Gebroski, Officer Higgins Lunwik, and the special forces officer Vero Spazer, the officer that sat across from Nix's name was Alex.

Alex had a clipboard in his hand and a pen, he looked at Nix expecting him to say something, but when he didn't respond Alex decided to continue, " Mr. Bailey, i have a few questions to ask you now.". he cleared his throat and looked down at the clipboard in his hands, "the first question is, where exactly we're you at the time of the crime?". Nix looked down at the clipboard in Alex's hands and then looked at Alex with a face of indifference, he was quite calm given the situation, "i was finishing up my shift, and once i finished my shift i helped two of my co-workers finish packing there things, i didn't stay long so like i said earlier, i didn't see anything.". Alex nodded and wrote down on his clipboard, then he looked up at Nix again, " alright, well my next question for you is-", before he could finish talking, the door to the room had swung open and two men walked in and stepped to both sides of the door and in walked Vero after the two men, behind him walked in a woman who looked to be in her twenty's. "i apologize for barging in on the conversation, but we have someone here from VOID's facility, she wants to speak with this person, and she has said that Void themselves also have some information that can help us with the case here.", Vero explained as he moved out of the way to let the woman into the room.

Nix, for the first time since he had come to the facility's expression had changed at the mention of 'VOID', he knew now that he had to be cautious, he didn't know what plan Void had up there sleeves now, and he had to be careful what he said. "i see I've come in at a bad time, shall i come back later?", the woman asked with a raised eyebrow, she had on her 'Void' uniform, and her name was on her name tag, 'Lidia Starfield', "it's perfectly fine Lidia, i was just questioning this man about the events that occurred last night, he seems to of not seen anything that happened.", Alex responded, his gaze shifting from Lidia to Nix momentarily.

Lidia nodded in understanding and walked over to the wall behind where Alex was sitting, and she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, "well, by all means please continue your questioning, if i have any questions myself i will let you know", Alex nodded and faced Vero, who gave a nod before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Vero walked back over to we're Alexandra and Higgins were at, and he looked through the Mirror.




Alex looked at Nix once again and cleared his throat, "now that that has been resolved, i would like to continue with the questions.", Alex said. Nix nodded in agreement, but his mind was on a bigger issue, what if the police found out about there moving history? this wasn't exactly the first time he'd been in this type of situation, sitting in an interrogation room, being asked questions, it was something he and his family couldn't run from, all because of there history. Alex pulled out some photos and spread them across the table, "do you know what exactly any of this could mean?", Nix looked at the photos, the photos showed many bodies scattered all over the construction site, blood was everywhere and some of them had scratch marks on them, but one thing they all had in common, you could only see the whites of there eyes, and they all looked pale in the face.

Nix starred long at the pictures, believe it or not, he felt sick to his stomach, but he had to stay calm, "no, i do not.", Nix responded and Alex nodded, he then proceeded to put the pictures up. and he turned to look at Lidia and nodded, Lidia walked over to the table and leaned over, placing her hands down on the table, she looked at Nix. "i feel that it's my turn to ask a few questions, is it not?", she asked Nix with a raised eyebrow, Nix looked at her and nodded, "ask away.", he responded with a nod, "very well, Void has a deal for you.", Lidia got straight to the point and Nix looked at her in suspicion, "what....deal?".




Quinton raised an eyebrow at Candice, thinking, "did i hear this right? did she really just apologize?". Candice, noticing Quinton's surprised expression rolled her eyes and sighed, "you're acting like you've never seen someone apologize before.", she crossed her arms, she was only really apologizing because whatever was going on, if the end of the world was coming, she wanted to be on good terms with as many people as possible. ", well, I've never really imagined that you'd you know-", Quinton sighed, she honestly wasn't sure if she forgave Candice, or trusted that she even meant the words she said. "I know im not exactly the nicest person you'll ever meet, but im not the meanest either.", Candice said defensively, "besides, if we're going to get this project done then we have to put are differences aside for once.", Candice added.

Quinton sighed, Candice was making some sense for once, and Quinton couldn't help but believe her apology, "fine, i guess your right... But what about Amelia?", Quinton asked. Candice sighed, "i will talk to her, don't worry about that. but we should get going now, we don't have all day to do this project, now do we?", Candice said as she stood up.

Quinton didn't argue, she stood up as well, and Quinton walked out the library, but Candice stopped and looked at the red book from earlier, she wasn't sure of herself, but she walked over and grabbed the book anyway, then she stuffed it into her bag before walking out of the library herself.

Wendy turned around as Quinton and Candice came out of the library, "finally, let's go now!", Athena said, she was not the patient type at all.

About thirty minutes later, the five of them were at Wendy's house, Wendy was the first to walk into the house, she looked around before nodding to the others letting them know they could come in. "So, are we going to do the project in your room Wendy?", Amelia asked, looking around the house, Wendy nodded and they all followed her to her room, Wendy walked into her room, everyone else following behind.

"Welcome to my humble aboad.", Wendy said dryly as she turned around to look at them all with a smile, Athena and Amelia looked at each other awkwardly and then back at Wendy, "it's nice Wendy!", Athena smiled, giving Wendy a thumbs up.

Amelia sighed and walked over to a corner, she leaned against the wall and nodded, "yeah, so what should we do now for this project? Don't we have to get like a poster or something?", Amelia asked, looking around the room.

Wendy looked at Amelia and nodded, "i have some posters i haven't used, i can get them.", Wendy volunteered. "sounds like a plan, but are we still going to make a story based off a dragon sculpture?", Athena asked. Candice blushed in embarrassment, that was probably the dumbest idea she'd ever came up with, and she had started to see how stupid the idea truly was after she came up with it, " uh, lets not do my idea.", Candice sighed, her gaze shifting to Quinton, " lets have Quinton choose what we do for the project.", Candice added.




Wendy left her room to grab a poster so they could begin the project, the others took their seats on the floor and as soon as Wendy got back with the poster, Quinton began explaining the idea she had, and for once they all listened. "i won't even lie, that's one hell of a good idea!" Candice said with a supportive smile. Quinton nodded and returned the smile, just as they we're about to begin the project, there was a knock at the door. Wendy looked confused and got up off the floor, "that's odd, my parents are at work, i wonder who could be at the door.", she walked out of her room and over to the door,  then she unlocked the door and opened it, "hello, may i help you?", she asked as she looked up, and her eyes widened. "we are looking for this person, have you seen them.", the officer asked, showing a photo of a boy, about 18 or 19 years old, with curly brown hair and freckles, to Wendy, it wasn't the photo that surprised her, she'd never seen that boy a day in her life. what surprised her was, the man at the door, was a VOID officer.