
My College Life As Hanada is uneventful

Title: My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful Synopsis: Hanada Takumi, an extremely handsome college student, harbors a deep-seated trauma from his past. Bullied mercilessly throughout middle and high school, the scars of those years have left him with an acute inferiority complex and an overwhelming shyness, especially around girls. Despite his outward charm, Hanada struggles to overcome his past demons and interact with the opposite gender. Unbeknownst to him, Hanada's reserved demeanor only serves to heighten his mystique among the female students, who admire him from afar but are too intimidated to approach him. Meanwhile, Hanada remains oblivious to the attention he receives, lost in his own world of self-doubt and loneliness. As Hanada navigates through college life, he finds himself increasingly isolated, unable to bridge the gap between himself and others. Despite longing for meaningful connections, his fear of rejection and past trauma hold him back from reaching out. However, fate has other plans in store for Hanada when he crosses paths with Akari, a spirited and outgoing girl who refuses to be deterred by his aloofness. Determined to break through his walls, Akari embarks on a mission to befriend Hanada, unaware of the emotional journey that lies ahead for both of them. As Hanada and Akari's unlikely friendship blossoms, Hanada begins to confront his inner demons and slowly learns to let go of his past. With Akari's unwavering support, Hanada discovers the courage to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the friendships and opportunities that await him. "My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful" is a heartwarming tale of healing, friendship, and self-discovery, proving that even the quietest voices have the power to shine bright in the darkness.

Dani_8348 · สมัยใหม่
37 Chs

Hanada’s College Festival Experience

**The Haunted House**

The campus was buzzing with excitement as the annual college festival approached. Banners and posters adorned every available surface, advertising the myriad of events, food stalls, and performances that would take place over the weekend. Hanada, despite his busy schedule, couldn't help but get caught up in the infectious energy.

"Hey, Hanada-kun!" Yui called out, waving him over as he walked across the quad. "Have you decided what you're going to do for the festival?"

Hanada smiled as he joined her. "I was thinking of just enjoying the food and watching the performances. What about you?"

Yui's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm helping out with the haunted house this year! You should totally come by and check it out. We've got some amazing scares planned."

"A haunted house, huh?" Hanada mused. "That sounds like fun. Maybe I'll stop by."

"You better," Yui said, giving him a playful punch on the arm. "It's going to be awesome."


The day of the festival arrived, and Hanada could feel the excitement in the air. The campus had been transformed into a bustling fairground, with colorful tents and stalls lining the pathways. The scent of grilled meat, sweet crepes, and other festival treats wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and music.

Hanada wandered through the stalls, sampling various foods and playing games. He ran into several friends and classmates, each of them enjoying the festivities in their own way. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the campus, he made his way towards the haunted house.

The haunted house was set up in an old, unused building on the edge of the campus. Its exterior was draped in dark curtains and eerie decorations, with fake cobwebs and flickering lanterns adding to the spooky atmosphere. A line of eager students waited outside, some laughing nervously while others looked genuinely scared.

Hanada spotted Yui near the entrance, dressed as a creepy doll with pale makeup and wide, staring eyes. She waved enthusiastically when she saw him.

"You made it!" she said, her voice sounding unnaturally high-pitched and eerie. "Are you ready to be scared out of your mind?"

Hanada chuckled. "Bring it on."

Yui grinned wickedly. "Alright, head on in. And watch your step."

Hanada took a deep breath and entered the haunted house. The interior was dark, with only dim, flickering lights guiding the way. Eerie sounds echoed through the hallways—creaking doors, distant whispers, and sudden, blood-curdling screams. As he navigated the winding path, he could feel his heart rate quicken.

The first room he entered was filled with life-sized mannequins dressed in tattered clothing. Their blank, lifeless eyes seemed to follow him as he moved. Hanada cautiously walked past them, his senses on high alert. Suddenly, one of the mannequins lunged at him with a loud hiss, and he jumped back, his pulse racing.

"Nice one," he muttered to himself, his nerves tingling with adrenaline.

As he continued through the haunted house, the scares became more elaborate. In one room, ghostly figures floated through the air, their translucent forms illuminated by blacklights. In another, he had to navigate a narrow corridor lined with hanging chains that rattled ominously as he brushed past them.

Hanada was genuinely impressed by the effort and creativity that had gone into the haunted house. Each room offered a new and unexpected fright, keeping him on edge and thoroughly entertained.

He entered the final room, which was designed to look like a decrepit, abandoned nursery. The walls were covered in peeling wallpaper, and broken toys littered the floor. A music box played a haunting lullaby in the corner, its melody both soothing and unsettling. As Hanada walked towards the exit, he noticed a large, antique mirror on the wall.

Curious, he approached the mirror and peered into it. At first, he saw only his own reflection, but then the image began to distort. The reflection of the room behind him twisted and shifted, and suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared, reaching out towards him. Hanada felt a chill run down his spine as he watched the figure move closer.

Just as the ghost was about to touch him, the lights flickered and went out. The room was plunged into darkness, and Hanada felt a wave of panic. He took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest.

Then, just as suddenly, the lights came back on, and the ghostly figure was gone. The mirror now reflected only the empty room. Hanada let out a shaky breath, a mix of relief and exhilaration washing over him.

"That was incredible," he said to himself, grinning.

He made his way to the exit and stepped outside, where he was greeted by a cheering Yui.

"You survived!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "What did you think?"

Hanada laughed, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "That was amazing. You guys did an incredible job."

"Thanks!" Yui said, beaming with pride. "We worked really hard on it. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Hanada spent the rest of the evening enjoying the festival with his friends. They watched a series of performances, including a mesmerizing dance routine and a hilarious improv comedy show. The night ended with a spectacular fireworks display, lighting up the sky with brilliant colors.


As the festival came to a close, Hanada found himself sitting on a grassy hill overlooking the campus, reflecting on the day's events. The haunted house had been a highlight, but it was the overall sense of camaraderie and joy that had made the day so special.

He thought back to the previous year, when Akari had left and he had felt so lost and uncertain. It had been a difficult time, but he had grown and learned so much since then. He had found new friends, new passions, and a new sense of purpose.

Just as he was lost in thought, his phone buzzed with a message. He pulled it out and saw that it was from Akari.

*Hey Hanada-kun, how's the festival?*

Hanada smiled and quickly typed a response.

*It's been amazing. I wish you were here to see it.*

A moment later, his phone buzzed again.

*I wish I was there too. Maybe next year?*

Hanada's heart lifted at the thought. *Definitely. We'll make it the best one yet.*

As he put his phone away and gazed up at the stars, Hanada felt a sense of contentment and anticipation for the future. The first volume of his college life had been full of challenges and growth, but he knew that the second volume would be even more exciting and rewarding.

With a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of hope, Hanada was ready to face whatever came next.


The next day, Hanada returned to his routine of classes and work, but the memories of the festival lingered, bringing a smile to his face whenever he thought about it. His experience at the haunted house had been particularly memorable, and he found himself talking about it with anyone who would listen.

One afternoon, as he was taking a break at Brew Haven, Mika approached him with a mischievous smile.

"I heard you had quite the scare at the haunted house," she said, handing him a cup of coffee.

Hanada chuckled. "Yeah, it was pretty intense. They did an amazing job."

Mika nodded. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You know, we're thinking of hosting some themed events here at the café. Maybe you could help us come up with some ideas."

"That sounds like fun," Hanada said, intrigued. "I'd love to help."

As they brainstormed ideas for future events, Hanada felt a sense of excitement and possibility. He realized that his experiences at the college festival and the haunted house had reignited a creative spark within him. He was eager to explore new opportunities and make the most of his time at Brew Haven.


That weekend, Hanada decided to take a trip to a nearby town for a change of scenery. He had heard about a quaint bookshop that sold rare and unique books, and he was eager to check it out. As he wandered through the town's charming streets, he felt a sense of adventure and curiosity.

The bookshop, "Whispering Pages," was tucked away in a quiet alley, its entrance adorned with ivy and fairy lights. Inside, the air was filled with the comforting scent of old books and polished wood. Hanada browsed the shelves, marveling at the eclectic collection of titles.

As he was perusing a section on Japanese folklore, he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Excuse me, are you looking for something specific?"

Hanada turned to see a young woman with glasses and a friendly smile. She had an air of quiet intelligence and warmth.

"I'm just browsing," Hanada said. "But I'm interested in folklore and mythology."

The woman's eyes lit up. "That's one of my favorite topics. We have some really fascinating books on Japanese folklore. Let me show you."

She led him to a section filled with beautifully illustrated volumes, each one telling tales of spirits, demons, and ancient gods. Hanada felt a thrill of excitement as he examined the books, feeling like he had discovered a treasure trove.

As they chatted, Hanada learned that the woman's name was Aiko, and she was a student at a nearby university, studying literature and history. They bonded over their shared love of stories and mythology, and before long, they were discussing their favorite legends and tales.

"Have you ever been to the Yure"?