
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure!(RE:Done!)

This is a rewrite of the story by the same name I wrote earlier. Less rushing, More story! Every chapter is more than 3k+ words! Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion Rem along with her pink haired twin sister Ram , Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good trifecta of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it! Also, Hi royalroad! Add it there too yknow!

InterPlanarGod · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Excess mana = Capture = fight

5:00 AM. The familiar street. The pre-dawn light filtering through the gaps between buildings, painting the cobblestones in shades of gray and purple. This time, I wasn't alone.Rem stood beside me, her blue eyes wide with a mix of wonder and apprehension. Ram, however, was a whirlwind of barely contained chaos. Her pink hair seemed to crackle with energy, her eyes narrowed, her lips drawn into a thin, suspicious line."Explain yourself," she demanded, her voice sharp enough to cut through steel. "What sorcery is this? Where are we? What have you done to us?"I braced myself for the onslaught, for accusations, for threats, for the kind of fury only a protective older sister could unleash. I was prepared to defend my actions, to explain the time loop, to plead for their trust.But what happened next was unexpected.Ram stumbled forward, her hand flying to her forehead, a gasp escaping her lips. Her body trembled, a wave of energy rippling outwards, so potent it made the air crackle. Mana, raw and untamed, poured from her in a torrent, swirling around her like a storm.For a fleeting moment, a horn, a magnificent structure of iridescent rainbow colors, sprouted from her forehead, its beauty both mesmerizing and terrifying. As quickly as it appeared, it vanished, dissipating into motes of light that swirled around her before fading into the surroundings. The excess mana receded, leaving Ram breathless, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and disbelief."My Horn-" she whispered, her voice trembling. "How is this possible?"She whirled on me, her gaze piercing, demanding answers. "You healed it? That's impossible! An Oni who loses their Horn has their Horn lost forever!"My mind reeled. Oni? Horn? What the hell was she talking about?The urge to ask a million questions was almost overwhelming, but I held it back. Now wasn't the time."The time loop ability I gave you," I said, choosing my words carefully. "It returns you to your best possible state. Lost limbs, injuries, even-" I hesitated, unsure of the right terminology, "even missing appendages are restored."Ram stared at me, her expression unreadable."Best possible state," she echoed, her voice barely a whisper. "Even the Horns of an Oni?"I nodded, my own confusion growing. "Even the Horns of an Oni," I confirmed, hoping I wasn't digging myself deeper into a hole I didn't understand.I wasn't going to question the capitalization of the word Horn or whatever being an Oni entailed just yet, but it was fine, right?—


The world shifted as I died, freezing pain assaulting me, a dizzying lurch that sent a jolt of disorientation through me.But it wasn't the familiar disorientation of returning from a dream. This was different.I blinked, taking in the street near that shady tavern Ram told me to avoid, the pre-dawn light painting the cobblestones in shades of blue and purple.I looked around in shock, not noticing Ram talking.Until something changed.Beside me stood Tereda, his expression full of apprehension as massive amounts of mana flooded the street around us.It was Ram who held my attention, my gaze drawn to her like a moth to a flame.She stumbled, her hand flying to her forehead, a gasp escaping her lips.A wave of energy, so potent it made the air crackle, erupted from her.Mana, raw and untamed, swirled around her, a storm of power that both terrified and exhilarated me.My breath caught in my throat as a magnificent Horn, shimmering with iridescent rainbow colors, sprouted from Ram's forehead.It was beautiful, breathtaking, and utterly impossible."My Horn-" Ram exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief.My heart pounded against my ribs, a frantic rhythm against the backdrop of the receding mana storm.Ram's Horn.The Horn she'd lost, the Horn I'd blamed myself for losing all those years ago, the Horn that had haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of my failure, of our vulnerability.It was back.A weight I hadn't realized I'd been carrying for so long lifted from my shoulders, a wave of relief so profound it brought tears to my eyes.For a fleeting moment, a thought, wild and impossible, flitted through my mind. My own horn. The one I'd never had, the one that had marked me as different, as incomplete.Could it be?I focused my will, reaching deep within myself, summoning the power that had always simmered beneath the surface.A surge of energy, even more potent than Ram's, coursed through my veins.My vision blurred, my body trembled, a sense of overwhelming force threatened to consume me.Then, two Horns, both shimmering with iridescent rainbow colors, erupted from my forehead.The power. It was overwhelming, intoxicating, a symphony of strength and control that resonated through my very being. The raw energy that had always threatened to overwhelm me, to consume me in a maelstrom of emotions, was now tamed, channeled, focused.I had both Horns. The Horn of Power, the one I was born with. And the Horn of Control, the one that had always eluded me.Ram, her own eyes wide with shock, gasped. "Rem," she whispered, her voice laced with awe. "Two Horns?"She reached for her forehead, her gaze fixed on mine, a flicker of understanding passing between us. She summoned her own power, the air around her crackling with renewed energy. Another surge of mana, and a second Horn, also shimmering with iridescent rainbow colors, materialized beside her existing Horn.The street, bathed in the soft glow of pre-dawn light, suddenly felt too small, too confining for the power that now pulsed between us.The air shimmered, the ground trembled, the very fabric of reality seemed to bend under the weight of our combined mana.It was then that they arrived.Knights, clad in gleaming armor, their swords drawn, materialized from seemingly thin air, their expressions a mixture of awe and apprehension. They surrounded us, their gazes fixed on our Horns, their voices a chorus of demands and accusations."What is your purpose for flooding the street with this much mana?""Who are you?""Surrender yourselves!"My instincts screamed at me to fight, to unleash the power surging through my veins, to protect Ram and Tereda.But Ram, her voice calm despite the chaos, placed a restraining hand on my arm."There is no need for violence, Rem," she said, her gaze steady, her voice unwavering. "We will go with them. For now."Tereda, his face a scowl but his eyes showed acceptance.He nodded in agreement.The knights, their apprehension giving way to cautious respect, escorted us through the silent streets.As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning.The world had shifted, irrevocably, and we were now caught in its current, swept towards events we could barely comprehend.—The cell was cold, damp, and smelled faintly of mildew. Not exactly the ideal setting for a romantic rendezvous, even by my rather limited standards.Still, it could have been worse.I sat beside Ram on the rough-hewn bench, my back against the cold stone wall, watching Tereda pace restlessly across the cramped space.He'd been relatively calm during our arrest, even managing a reassuring smile as the knights marched us through the city streets.But now, hours later, the tension radiating from him was palpable.He muttered under his breath, his gaze darting around the cell as if searching for an escape route. His fingers drummed against the worn leather cover of a book- one of the many he'd somehow managed to bring with him even while in custody.Then, with a sigh of frustration, he tossed the book aside."This is ridiculous," he muttered, his voice laced with barely suppressed anger. "We're sitting here like ducks in a barrel, while that thing is out there, just waiting to freeze the entire city."Ram, who had been meticulously braiding her now-restored twintails, raised an eyebrow. "Patience, Tereda," she said, her voice calm despite the tension in the air. "There's no point in fretting. We'll be out of here soon enough.""Soon enough?" Tereda scoffed. "By the time they figure out we're not some kind of demonic threat, the city will be an ice sculpture. we'll have frozen statues inside it."He reached into his seemingly bottomless storage space and retrieved a familiar leather-bound kit. His potion making kit.My eyes widened in alarm. "Tereda, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. "Surely this isn't the time or place for-"He ignored me, his focus already consumed by the task at hand.With practiced efficiency, he arranged vials, beakers, and a small cauldron on the stone floor, the air quickly filling with the pungent aroma of herbs and strange, otherworldly ingredients.Two potions began to take shape, both a swirling emerald green that pulsed with an inner light. As they neared completion, the green shifted, deepening into a vibrant crimson that seemed to radiate heat.The cell door clanged open, interrupting Tereda's meticulous process.A knight, his armor gleaming in the dim light of the cell, strode towards us, his expression a mask of righteous indignation."What in blazes is going on here?" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the stone chamber. "Cease this illicit potioneering at once! Such practices are strictly forbidden within the confines of this prison."Tereda, his gaze fixed on the bubbling potions, didn't even look up. "Touch anything in front of me," he said, his voice low and dangerous, "and I'll break you in half over my knee."The knight, his face flushing with anger, scoffed. "Insolent cur! You dare threaten a knight of the realm? I'll have you know-"He reached for Tereda's cauldron, his hand outstretched, his fingers closing around the warm metal.In a flash, Tereda was on his feet.He moved with a speed that I could track easily, but clearly blurred the vision of the knight, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat.He grabbed the knight by the chestplate, lifted him bodily, and with a sickening crunch, slammed the man's back across his knee.Metal shrieked, bones snapped, a scream of agony filled the air, cut short by a gurgle as the knight's own blood filled his throat.The cell fell silent, the only sound the dripping of blood onto the stone floor.Tereda, his face a mask of cold fury, returned to his potions as if nothing had happened.Moments later, he handed each of us a vial filled with a shimmering golden liquid, along with others."Drink," he commanded, his voice still taut with barely suppressed rage. "These will help."I stared at the potion, my mind reeling. These colors and such potent mana, yet calm? Impossible!Terda began to point each color of potion. "Body enhancement, cold resistance, regeneration, mind enhancement, telekinetic potential, speed reading."I murmured, my voice barely a whisper. "This is- this is impossible. Even in theory."Yet, even as I spoke, I uncorked the vial and drank the potion. The taste was surprisingly pleasant, a sweet, floral flavor that lingered on my tongue."Impossible is a word we've discarded, sister," Ram said, her voice calm as she downed her own potion. "Time travel, restored horns, impossible potions it seems reality has decided to take a holiday."The cell door swung open, revealing a hallway filled with stunned knights, their faces a mixture of shock and disbelief. The stench of blood hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of Tereda's ruthlessness.Tereda didn't hesitate. He strode forward, his hand blurring as he drew his sword from the spatial storage within his armor. The blade gleamed in the dim torchlight, a whisper of deadly intent.Beside him, Ram and I moved in unison. My Morningstar, its chain humming with barely contained power, materialized from my mana gate, a comforting weight in my hand. Ram's twin knives, gleaming silver, spun into existence beside her, a blur of motion that spoke of years of honed reflexes and deadly precision.Ram was a whirlwind of fury as we exited the cell, her knives flashing, a dance of death that left a trail of crimson and crumpled bodies in her wake. I moved with a more focused intensity, my Morningstar a blur of silver and spikes, each strike precise, controlled, fueled by years of training and the newfound clarity granted by the potion coursing through my veins.Tereda, while deadly efficient with his sword, seemed almost distracted. I caught him stuffing pouches into his spatial storage as we fought our way through the prison corridors. Pouches that, upon closer inspection, seemed to belong to the fallen knights.One pouch, overflowing with coins of a strange, gleaming white metal, caught my eye."What are these?" Tereda asked, holding up a handful of the coins, his brow furrowed in curiosity."Holy Dragon Coins," I replied, my voice barely audible above the clash of steel and the groans of the wounded. "They are made of platinum, blessed by the Divine Dragon Volcanica himself. They are the most valuable currency in the world."A slow grin spread across Tereda's face. "Good to know," he murmured, tucking the pouch into his storage. "Always good to have some spending money, especially after a reset."He tossed us each a vial filled with a swirling, opalescent liquid. "Drink this," he instructed, his gaze flicking towards the end of the hallway, where shadows danced and the air crackled with a barely perceptible energy. "It will help.""What is it?" Ram asked, her voice sharp with suspicion."Pain nullifier," Tereda replied, downing his own potion in a single gulp. "Allows you to turn it off, but you can switch it back on if you need it. Trust me, it'll be useful."I exchanged a wary glance with Ram, then uncorked the vial and drank the potion. The liquid was cool and surprisingly sweet, spreading a tingling sensation through my limbs.As we reached the end of the hallway, the shadows coalesced, forming a figure that radiated power and an almost tangible aura of danger.He stood there, unarmored, his purple hair gleaming in the flickering torchlight, a sword strapped to his hip- a sign of true strength, for only the most skilled knights forwent the protection of armor.My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic rhythm against the backdrop of the sudden, oppressive silence.Even with the strength granted by the potions, the confidence that surged through my veins, I knew.This was Julius Juukulius.This was a fight we couldn't win. Even if we managed to defeat him, another would surely come. Then another. Until we were overwhelmed, consumed by a tide of power we could barely contest.There was no escape. Not this time. Not from this fate. But I would not go down without a fight. Not while the power of the Oni surged through my veins.I met Julius's gaze, my own expression a mask of cold determination. "We will not surrender," I declared, my voice ringing with newfound strength.With a flick of my will, I activated the potion's pain nullifier. The world sharpened, the ache in my muscles, the lingering chill in my bones, fading into a distant hum.Then, I unleashed my power.My two Horns blazed with iridescent light, mana flooding through me, a torrent of energy that made the air crackle and the stone floor tremble. The prison walls groaned, straining against the pressure, cracks spider-webbing across the ancient stone.Beside me, Ram mirrored my actions, her own Horns erupting in a blaze of rainbow colors, her mana intertwining with mine, creating a vortex of power that filled the cell."We fight," she snarled, her voice a feral growl, her eyes blazing with a warrior's fury.Tereda, his face grim, his eyes glowing with a strange inner light, stood beside us, his hands outstretched, a faint shimmer of energy surrounding them.The prison cell block exploded.Stone shattered, metal twisted, a shockwave of pure force ripped through the building, sending knights flying like rag dolls. We emerged from the wreckage, three figures wreathed in mana, our power a beacon amidst the chaos.The courtyard was a scene of panicked confusion. Lesser knights scrambled for cover, their faces etched with terror as they witnessed the raw power we now wielded.But Julius Juukulius, stood his ground. He raised his sword, its blade gleaming in the morning light, his expression a mixture of shock and grim determination.He wasn't prepared for what came next.I moved with a speed that defied logic, my body a blur, my Morningstar a whirlwind of silver and spikes. The chain, humming with mana, lashed out, its reach extending far beyond its normal limits, a serpent of steel striking with impossible speed and precision.Julius parried, his blade singing as it met my attacks, but his movements were strained, his eyes wide with a flicker of panic. He'd never faced an opponent like this, an opponent who moved like lightning, who struck with the unbridled fury of a cornered beast.Ram, her twin knives flashing, darted around Julius, a predator weaving a web of death. Her attacks were a blur of motion, a constant barrage of slashes and thrusts, each one aimed at exploiting the smallest opening in Julius's defenses. She drew blood, thin lines appearing on his arms and chest, a testament to her deadly precision.Tereda, meanwhile, stood back, his eyes narrowed in concentration. He wasn't a whirlwind of motion like Ram or me. His power was more subtle, more insidious.He manipulated the very content of the courtyard, using his telekinesis to trip Julius, to send loose stones flying towards his feet, to disrupt his balance, forcing him to constantly readjust, to fight not just us, but the very ground beneath his feet.For the first time, Julius Juukulius, the legendary knight, the embodiment of grace and control, was on the back foot. He was fighting for his life, his face pale, his breath ragged, his movements losing their usual fluidity, replaced by a desperate scramble for survival.The sharp hiss of Ram's knives matched my own ragged breaths. Julius, despite being pushed to his limits, fought with the tenacity of a cornered wolf, his sword a blur of silver, his movements becoming increasingly desperate.Tereda, sensing an opportunity, used his telekinesis to fling a nearby weapon rack toward Julius. Swords, axes, and maces clattered across the courtyard, a chaotic distraction that forced the knight to leap back, his eyes darting between the incoming projectiles and us.It was the opening I'd been waiting for.As Julius sailed through the air, his focus momentarily diverted, I shifted my grip on the Morningstar, channeling my mana into the chain, extending its reach with a flick of my will.The heavy, spiked head blurred, a silver comet arcing through the air, aimed at Julius's exposed side.The impact was sickening.Bone crunched, flesh yielded, a spray of crimson painted the cobblestones. Julius's head, struck with the full force of my empowered Morningstar, simply ceased to be, replaced by blood and bits of brain flying in every direction.His body, its momentum abruptly halted, twirled in the air and flopped to the ground, a lifeless puppet with its strings cut.Silence descended upon the courtyard, broken only by the faint whisper of the wind and the distant cries of fleeing civilians.For a heartbeat, a single, fleeting moment, I felt a surge of triumph, a sense of victory hard-won against impossible odds.Then, the world shattered.A voice, filled with raw, unbridled fury, echoed through the air, a sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the city."How dare you kill my friend?!"The world went white. A searing sensation of heat ripped through my body, a sensation of being torn apart from the inside out without actual pain.Then, nothing.—5 AM again, and I turned my pain back on.I was surprised that nothing hurt, I was also surprised that I didn't feel remorse.Am I really that ruthless?

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