
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure!(RE:Done!)

This is a rewrite of the story by the same name I wrote earlier. Less rushing, More story! Every chapter is more than 3k+ words! Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion Rem along with her pink haired twin sister Ram , Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good trifecta of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it! Also, Hi royalroad! Add it there too yknow!

InterPlanarGod · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

dress to impress- and rule

The city of Qishan, a sprawling oasis of whitewashed buildings and bustling marketplaces, shimmered in the afternoon sun, its towering walls a stark reminder of the power and wealth that resided within.We stood at the edge of the desert, our journey from the Amon dungeon a blur of motion, our bodies buzzing with the barely contained energy of our enhanced abilities."Hold on a second," Ram said, her voice a sharp interruption to our shared excitement. She placed a hand on my arm, her red eyes narrowed, her expression a mix of disapproval and amusement. "Look at us. We're about to waltz into the capital city, announce our grand return, and take over the palace, and we look like we just crawled out of a sand dune."She gestured towards our travel-worn clothes, her gaze lingering on my admittedly dusty and slightly singed leather armor."You," she said, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at me, "are the emperor of this fine kingdom. And Rem and I," she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "are your esteemed consorts. We need to look the part. Think of the image, the impression we'll make."Morgiana interjected, her brow furrowing, her arms crossed over her chest, her lower lip jutting out in a subtle pout. "Do I have to dress up too?""Of course, little sister," Rem said, her voice soothing, her hand gently resting on Morgiana's shoulder. "You're part of the family now. A royal family needs to look presentable!"Morgiana, her pout deepening, mumbled something about not wanting to be treated like a doll. Rem, with a patient smile, whispered reassurances, her words too low for me to hear.I chuckled, shaking my head at their banter. "Alright, alright," I conceded, raising my hands in mock surrender. "You've made your point. We need a wardrobe upgrade. But how? We don't exactly have time to go shopping.""And who said anything about shopping?" Ram countered, her smirk widening. "I'm a master tailor, remember? I just need materials I already have."She paused, her gaze meeting mine, her eyebrow arched in a silent challenge."Unless you've forgotten about my soul storage," she added, her voice laced with a knowing amusement."Forgotten?" I scoffed, feigning a casual indifference. "Of course not. I just completely blanked on the fact that you went on a massive fabric shopping spree back in Night City. Also that whole magic engraving thing you did after totally slipped my mind."Ram's eyes narrowed, her gaze lingering on me for a moment, a flicker of suspicion in their depths. Then, with a dismissive snort, she turned away, her hands disappearing into the shimmering air above her, a ripple of displaced reality marking the access point to her soul storage.Bolts of fabric, a dazzling array of colors and textures, materialized before us, cascading onto the sand like a waterfall of silk and velvet."White and pink for me, naturally," Ram announced, her voice a playful purr. "Black and teal for Rem. And for you, my dear emperor," she added, her gaze meeting mine, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "pitch black and gold. Fit for a ruler."Rem, who had been watching the proceedings with a quiet smile, suddenly frowned. "Ram," she chided, her voice gentle but firm, "you forgot Morgiana."Ram's cheeks flushed pink, a rare display of embarrassment that made my heart skip a beat. "Oh, right," she mumbled, her gaze shifting to Morgiana, who was watching the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of apprehension."Don't worry, little sister," Ram said, her voice softening. "I won't forget about you anymore, I promise. What colors do you like? We've got a whole rainbow to choose from."She rummaged through the piles of fabric, pulling out a few bolts, their colors a vibrant counterpoint to the muted tones of the desert."How about this deep burgundy?" she suggested, holding up a length of velvet that shimmered in the sunlight. "Or this rich forest green? Or maybe this warm, golden brown?"The colors, I realized, weren't exact matches for Morgiana's hair and eyes, but they complimented them perfectly, highlighting the fiery red of her hair and the deep hazel of her eyes.Morgiana, her gaze lingering on the fabrics, hesitated, her usual stoicism giving way to a flicker of uncertainty."I… don't know," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper. "I've never chosen my own clothes before."Rem, her expression softening with sympathy, knelt beside her, her hand resting gently on Morgiana's shoulder. "It's alright, little sister," she said, her voice soothing. "Take your time. There's no rush. And remember, you're free now. You can choose whatever you want."The weight of the past, the shackles of slavery, were slowly fading, replaced by a newfound sense of agency, a glimmer of hope in Morgiana's eyes.The desert air, still warm from the afternoon sun, shimmered with a faint, magical hum as Ram, her brow furrowed in concentration, her fingers moving with a speed and precision that defied human perception, wove threads so fast that she seemed to be sewing reality and will into existence."This one," Morgiana said finally, her voice soft but firm, her gaze fixed on a bolt of deep royal purple velvet, its richness a stark contrast to the muted tones of the desert. "This one will do."A smile, a mix of pride and affection, touched Rem's lips. "An excellent choice, little sister," she said, her voice warm and encouraging. "It will suit you perfectly."Ram, with a nod of approval, unfurled the velvet, her hands moving over it, smoothing out wrinkles, measuring lengths, her eyes gleaming with a creative fire."A gown, then," she declared, her voice a playful purr. "Fit for a princess."With a flick of her wrist, a shimmering silver needle materialized in her hand, its tip glowing with a faint, ethereal light. She began to sew, her movements a blur, the needle dancing across the fabric, leaving behind a trail of shimmering thread, a symphony of motion that was both mesmerizing and slightly unsettling.Within moments, a magnificent gown took shape, its rich purple velvet cascading in graceful folds, its long train trailing behind like a pool of liquid shadow. Intricate patterns, woven from threads of gold and silver, adorned the bodice and sleeves, each stitch imbued with a subtle magical glow.But it was the runes, etched into the fabric with a precision that spoke of years of mastery, that truly captivated my gaze. Runes of protection, of regeneration, of transformation."This gown," Ram explained, her voice laced with a touch of pride, "will not only enhance your beauty, Morgiana, but also protect you from harm. It will mend itself instantly if damaged, and with a thought, you can transform it into a more practical attire for combat."She turned to Rem, her gaze softening, her hands moving over a bolt of black silk and teal velvet."For you, my dear sister," she said, her smile wide, "a gown of elegance and power. Black silk, to accentuate your grace, and teal velvet, to highlight your eyes."Another masterpiece took shape, this one a more understated elegance, its lines flowing, its fabric clinging to Rem's curves, accentuating her slender form. Runes, similar to those on Morgiana's gown, shimmered discreetly beneath the surface, a hidden layer of protection.Then, her gaze met mine, a mischievous twinkle in her red eyes."And for you, Your Majesty," she said, her voice dripping with mock formality, "a suit fit for an emperor. Pitch black, to command respect, and accents of gold, to remind them who rules this land."She summoned a bolt of black fabric, its texture a blend of silk and something else, something tougher, more resilient. Her needle danced, weaving intricate patterns, embedding runes of power and protection. A suit materialized before my eyes, its design a blend of elegance and practicality, its lines tailored to my form, its presence radiating an aura of authority."This suit," Ram explained, her grin widening, "will transform into armor with a single thought. Protective, durable, and menacingly sexy. Just like you." she winked.She then blushed brightly, seemingly just realizing what she said. She immediately moved on like she said nothing.She turned back to Morgiana, her gaze softening. "Your gown, little sister," she said, her voice gentle, "will be the most protective of all. Impenetrable. Unbreakable. It will turn into armor that would require a constant stream of nuclear weapons of maximum power to even damage slightly.""What's a nucleeer weapon?" Morgiana asked, her brow furrowing, her usual stoicism momentarily broken by curiosity."A nuke is a weapon of mass destruction, a tool of fear and annihilation," I interjected, my voice firm, my gaze hardening. "It is forbidden. I will not allow such a weapon to exist in this world. Not under my rule."—The Qishan palace, a sprawling complex of white marble and gleaming gold, shimmered under the desert sun, its grandeur a testament to the wealth and power that had once flowed through its halls.We approached the palace gates, our newly crafted attire a stark contrast to the humble garb of the guards who stood at attention, their eyes widening, their jaws slackening, as we drew closer.Rem and Ram, their cheeks flushed with a delicate pink, their eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and anticipation, clung to my arms, their presence a comforting warmth against the chill of the gazes around us. Morgiana, clad in her deep purple gown, its richness a perfect complement to her fiery red hair, walked beside us- only to climb onto Rem's back, quickly falling asleep on her shoulders in a piggy-back position, her expression a restful slumber in moments, her gaze taking in the grandeur of the palace, her hand resting lightly on Rem's arm.The guards, snapping out of their stunned silence, fumbled with their spears, their voices a chorus of stammered greetings and hasty pronouncements."Your- Your Majesty! Welcome back to the palace!""We- we weren't expecting you so soon!""The palace is umm- yours! Of course it is! Anything you desire!"Their fear was palpable, their deference laced with a suspicion that I could sense even without resorting to telepathy. They'd served Jamil, witnessed his cruelty, his tyranny. They were waiting, watching, judging, ready to condemn me as another tyrant, another monster who would exploit their loyalty, their fear.I'll prove them wrong, I thought, my mental voice a quiet promise, a vow to build a better world, a world where fear would be replaced by trust, where obedience would be replaced by respect, where power would be used to protect, not to punish.We passed through the palace gates, the air within the walls thick with the scent of exotic spices and the lingering perfume of countless slaves and concubines, now vanished, their fates of release and future employment for jobs found by the drones, their absence showing that justice had been served here for once.Servants, their faces a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, bowed low as we passed, their movements hesitant, their gazes darting nervously between us and the hovering drones that now patrolled the halls, their metallic orbs a constant reminder of the new order.The throne room was a monstrosity of gaudy excess, its walls adorned with gold leaf, its floors covered in thick carpets woven with intricate patterns of silver and silk. A massive statue of Jamil, his face frozen in a grotesque sneer, dominated the room, its presence a lingering stain on the very air."Melt it down," I declared, my voice a low rumble of disgust. "Turn that obscene monument to vanity into something useful. Coinage for the people. Funding for hospitals. Anything but that- moronic waste of gold."I settled onto the throne, its cushions surprisingly comfortable despite their ostentatious appearance. Rem and Ram, their cheeks now flushed a vibrant crimson, their eyes showing a hint of shared possessiveness, settled gracefully on either side of me, their presence comforting the weight of responsibility I had taken on to a less crushing level."Time for my first official address," I announced, my voice echoing through the chamber, a hint of mischief lacing my words. "This time, it's not just going to be words."I reached out with my technokinesis, my mind merging with the network of drones that now spanned the kingdom, their numbers multiplied a thousandfold, their presence a silent, watchful eye in every corner of the land.The drones' data streams flowed into my mind, a torrent of information, of reports, of observations, of judgments rendered. I saw the faces of those who had broken the law, heard their pleas, their excuses, their justifications. I witnessed the drones' interventions, their calm explanations, their measured punishments.I was satisfied.I activated the drones' display function, my image, a holographic projection of myself seated on the throne, flanked by Rem and Ram, their expressions regal, their beauty undeniable, appearing in a massive display above every town, village, and city in Qishan.Morgiana, perched on Rem's back, her arms wrapped around her new sister's neck, her hazel eyes wide with a look of awe- she had clearly just taken a short power-nap- at the drone projected image- was also displayed in 4k HD 60 FPS to everyone in the Kingdom, now empire."Hello! People of the Chouju Empire. This land, no longer Qishan, shall soon go through many changes! All of you within three days will notice a series of small desks on every street matching the number of residents! Available to all citizens, these desks will allow you to learn anything you want at an accelerated pace! Knowledge will be displayed upon those–"