
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure!(RE:Done!)

This is a rewrite of the story by the same name I wrote earlier. Less rushing, More story! Every chapter is more than 3k+ words! Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion Rem along with her pink haired twin sister Ram , Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good trifecta of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it! Also, Hi royalroad! Add it there too yknow!

InterPlanarGod · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Chapter 16: Defiance of fate.

The desert night was cold and silent, the air cool and crisp, the stars blazing like diamonds scattered across a velvet canvas. The moon, a silver orb, hung high in the sky, casting long, ethereal shadows across the undulating dunes.We walked in silence, our footsteps a soft whisper against the sand, our enhanced senses alert for any sign of danger, any hint of life in this desolate expanse."They're close," Ram said, her voice a low murmur that barely disturbed the stillness. "Half a day's journey, maybe. I can sense their mana signatures."And their… Rukh? I projected the thought, the term, the concept, still a mystery to me, a puzzle piece I hadn't quite figured out.Faint, but distinct, Rem confirmed, her mental voice a soft echo. The blue-haired boy… he's practically radiating the stuff. Like a beacon in the desert night.We crested a dune, the sand shifting beneath our feet, and there they were. A small campfire flickered, its flames casting dancing shadows on the surrounding rocks. Two figures huddled near the fire, their forms silhouetted against the orange glow."Let's see if they're… amenable to conversation," I said, my voice a low rumble, a hint of caution lacing my words.We approached the campsite, our footsteps crunching on the gravel, our presence a sudden intrusion in the stillness of the desert night.The blonde teenager, Alibaba, scrambled to his feet, his expression a mixture of surprise and something else.A forced cheerfulness, a sycophantic eagerness that set my teeth on edge."Welcome, travelers!" he exclaimed, his voice overly loud, his smile too wide, his gaze lingering on Rem with an unsettling intensity. "What brings you to our humble camp? Please, join us! Share our fire, our meager rations. We are honored by your presence!"The blue-haired boy, Aladdin, remained seated, his gaze fixed on Rem, his expression a mixture of curiosity and… something I couldn't quite decipher. It wasn't malice, not exactly, but there was an unsettling intensity in his eyes, a focus that seemed to pierce through the veil of her clothing."He's staring at your chest, Rem," Ram stated flatly, her voice laced with a dry disapproval.Tell him to stop, I thought, my mental voice a low growl. It's not appropriate- No kid is going to look at you that way.Rem, her brow furrowing, her blue eyes hardening, stepped forward, her voice a calm, but firm, counterpoint to Alibaba's over-the-top welcome."Young man," she said, her gaze meeting Aladdin's, "it is not acceptable to stare at a woman's chest. It is disrespectful, and frankly, quite creepy. I would like to knock whoever raised you to behave this way on their- a- " She stopped abruptly, her cheeks flushing pink, her hand flying to her mouth. "I apologize for my language. It seems I've picked up some… unfortunate habits from our recent travels."Aladdin, startled by her directness, quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "Ugo is the best… I mean…" He trailed off, his eyes widening as he noticed something, a flicker of confusion, then alarm, crossing his features.His gaze fixed on Morgiana, who stood silently beside Rem, her red eyes downcast, her posture rigid, her usual stoicism amplified by the tension that crackled in the air."You… you have no Rukh anymore?" Aladdin gasped, scrambling to his feet, his voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and outrage.He raised his flute, a simple golden instrument adorned with intricate carvings, its presence radiating a faint, magical hum."To steal someone's fate," he declared, his voice shaking with anger, "is a far greater crime than allowing them to fall to depravity! You will return her Rukh, or face the consequences!"A swirling vortex of energy erupted around Aladdin as a loud, deafening sound left the flute, the air crackling, the sand swirling, the temperature dropping as a chilling wind swept across the campsite.A massive, grotesque figure, its form shifting, coalescing from the swirling Rukh, materialized beside him, its eyes burning with a cold, malevolent light.A massive blue figure, its head replaced with huge shoulder and neck muscles across where it would normally sit, coalesced.It's entire body seemed to be made of muscle.Ugo, the monstrous amalgamation of muscle and rage, surged forward, his headless form a blur of motion to normal eyes. Even without a head, even without a mind to guide its actions, the Djinn radiated a palpable hatred, a primal fury directed at us, the intruders who had dared to defy fate.I felt it, a wave of raw emotion washing over me, a primal scream of outrage that bypassed words, that transcended thought, that struck at the very core of my being.What the hell is that thing? Ram's thought, a mix of shock and disgust, echoed in our shared mindscape.A Djinn, Rem replied, her mental voice laced with a wary curiosity. But… I've never sensed such raw hatred from a spirit before- even with Puck's rampage. It's as if… it's reacting to our very existence, to the fact that we- defy fate maybe?"Fate is stupid," I told Aladdin, my voice a low growl, my gaze fixed on the approaching Djinn, my body already coiled, ready to unleash the full force of my enhanced abilities. "And Rukh, if they represent fate, are even stupider. They shouldn't matter to those who make their own destiny."My words, amplified by my chi, resonated through the desert night, a challenge, a declaration of defiance against the forces that sought to control us.Aladdin, his blue eyes blazing with a righteous fury, shook his head, his voice trembling with indignation. "You don't understand!" he shouted, his words echoing across the dunes. "Without Rukh, without fate, people are lost! They become… empty shells, drifting through life without purpose, without meaning!"His words, though laced with conviction, were meaningless to us. We had faced death, defied destiny, rewritten the rules of time and death itself. We were the architects of our own fates, the masters of our own destinies.I didn't bother arguing.With a casual flex of my will, I froze them in place. Aladdin, his face contorted with rage, his body locked in mid-stride.Alibaba, his mouth agape, his eyes wide with terror, his hand frozen halfway towards his knife.Finally Ugo, the monstrous Djinn, his fist raised, his muscles coiled, his charge halted as if he'd run into an invisible wall.I walked past them, my gaze cold, my voice low and menacing."The hold will release at dawn," I stated, my words a finality that brooked no argument. "And don't bother with the dungeon. I can't allow those who would challenge my authority, my vision for this world, to gain more power. Find another path, Aladdin. One that doesn't involve interfering with my plans."We continued our journey, the silence of the desert night broken only by the soft whisper of the wind and the crunch of our footsteps on the sand. Hours later, the first rays of dawn painted the eastern sky in hues of pink and orange, illuminating the towering silhouette of the Amon dungeon in the distance.—"Ready?" I asked, my gaze meeting Rem and Ram's, a mischievous glint in my eyes.They nodded, their expressions mirroring my own anticipation.We reached the dungeon's entrance, its massive golden doors a beacon in the morning light. With a wave of my hand, I erected a telekinetic barrier, a shimmering wall of invisible force that sealed the entrance, allowing only us to pass."Let's see what treasures this dungeon holds," I murmured, pushing open the doors, a sense of excitement, of anticipation, surging through me.A swirling vortex of golden light, a portal beckoning us into the unknown, awaited us on the other side.—The portal spat us out, a disorienting lurch that sent us tumbling into a pool of murky liquid. The stench of oil, thick and acrid, filled my nostrils, a jarring contrast to the fresh desert air.I surfaced, sputtering, wiping the grime from my eyes, my enhanced senses already scanning the surroundings.A vast cavern, its walls carved from rough-hewn stone, stretched before us, illuminated by flickering torches that cast long, dancing shadows. The air was thick with humidity, the silence broken only by the drip of water and the distant echo of our own breathing.But my attention was focused on Morgiana.She lay limp in the oily water, her red hair fanned out around her head like a crimson halo, her face pale, her breathing shallow. Unconscious.She's alright, isn't she? Rem's thought, a wave of panic, a motherly concern, flooded our shared mindscape.She's breathing, Ram reassured her, her mental voice calmer, more pragmatic. Probably just knocked out by the… unpleasant landing.I wasn't convinced.Something was wrong.Then, I saw it.A flicker of movement in the shadows, a wave of heat that rippled across the cavern floor. Fire. Rushing towards the pool, a wall of orange and yellow flames advancing with a speed that defied logic, that would have engulfed us in an instant if we'd lingered for even a heartbeat longer.Even with her Fanalis strength and speed, even with the enhancements I'd given her, Morgiana wouldn't have stood a chance. She'd be trapped, incinerated before she could even react.I didn't hesitate.With a surge of adrenaline, I channeled my chi, my body a blur of motion as I scooped Morgiana from the oily water, my enhanced strength making her weight feel like less than a feather.I reached the cavern's edge, setting her gently on the dry stone floor, my heart pounding against my ribs, my breath ragged.Rem and Ram, their reactions as swift as mine, followed close behind, their faces pale, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief.We watched as the flames engulfed the pool, the oil igniting with a roar, the heat intense, the air thick with smoke."That was… too close," Ram muttered, her voice shaking slightly.What the hell was that? Rem thought, her mental voice laced with a lingering fear. Some kind of trap?I stared at the inferno, my gaze hardening, my anger simmering. This wasn't just a random event, a natural hazard. This was deliberate. A message. A warning.I channeled my chi again, my voice booming through the cavern, echoing through the tunnels, reaching the unseen entity that lurked within the depths of this dungeon."Nice try, Amon," I growled, my words dripping with a cold fury. "But we're not so easily disposed of."I glanced at Morgiana, still unconscious, her chest rising and falling with each shallow breath, her face pale, her red hair a stark contrast to the gray stone beneath her.Then, with a mischievous grin, I raised my middle finger towards the unseen ceiling, a gesture that, thankfully, Morgiana was too out of it to witness."We'll be coming for you," I promised, my voice a low, menacing rumble. "And when we find you, you'll regret ever underestimating us."I turned to Rem and Ram, my grin widening."Looks like our little mascot needs an upgrade," I said, my voice laced with a newfound determination. "Time to give her the full package. She deserves a fighting chance in this world. Trial period is over, she gets the time loop."Morgiana stirred, her eyelids fluttering, her brow furrowing as she emerged from the depths of unconsciousness. A groan escaped her lips, a soft sound of discomfort that tugged at my heartstrings.I reached out, gently brushing a stray strand of her crimson hair from her forehead, a gesture both comforting and… practical. I needed a hair for the potion.Her eyes snapped open, a flash of red meeting my gaze, her expression a mixture of confusion and a wary suspicion."What are you doing?" she asked, her voice raspy, laced with a hint of accusation.I ignored her question, my focus already on the task at hand. I plucked a single strand of her hair, its fiery red hue a stark contrast to the pale skin of my palm. It felt… different. Thicker, coarser, pulsing with a faint, primal energy.Morgiana, her eyes narrowing, her arms crossing over her chest, gave me a look that clearly conveyed her disapproval.Seriously? Her thought, a silent but potent glare, echoed in our shared mindscape.I ignored her, my attention already consumed by the delicate process of potion crafting. The ingredients, carefully selected from my soul storage, materialized on the cavern floor, a shimmering array of herbs, crystals, and a vial of my own blood- a necessary component to link her to my unique ability.The potion, as it took shape, pulsed with a faint, ethereal light, its color shifting from a deep crimson to a vibrant gold, a visual representation of the power it held, the potential it unlocked."Drink this," I said, handing her the vial, my voice gentle, encouraging. "It'll allow you to join us Fully. It's important, Morgiana. For your safety. For our future."She hesitated, her gaze flickering between the potion and me, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and a stubborn defiance that tugged at my heartstrings.Damn it. Why did she have to be so goddamn adorable, even when she was giving me the "are you serious?" look?I let out a sigh, my shoulders slumping, my face contorting into an expression of exaggerated sadness, a silent plea for her to trust me. It was a cheap tactic, a manipulative play on her emotions, but I was desperate. I'd seen the darkness in this world, the dangers that lurked around every corner, and I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Not if I could help it.Rem, sensing the tension, stepped forward, her hand gently resting on Morgiana's shoulder, her voice a soothing balm. "It's alright, little sister," she said, her blue eyes filled with a warmth that could melt glaciers. "It's for your own good. This potion… it will protect you. It will make you stronger. It will allow you to be a part of our… family."Morgiana, her gaze softening, her defiance fading, finally uncorked the vial and drank the potion, her expression a mix of resignation and a hesitant trust.I nodded, a wave of relief washing over me.But even as the tension eased, a new determination, a reckless spark, ignited within me."Screw this," I muttered, my gaze sweeping over the cavern, my enhanced senses probing its depths, searching for a shortcut, a way to bypass the trials, the traps, the carefully crafted challenges that awaited us."What are you doing, Tereda?" Ram asked, her voice laced with a hint of concern. "We should proceed cautiously. We don't know what dangers lurk within this dungeon.""I do what I want," I replied, my grin widening, my voice echoing through the cavern. "Always have. Always will."I focused my telekinesis, my will a laser beam, my power a sledgehammer. The cavern ceiling groaned, a spiderweb of cracks spreading across the stone, then shattered, a shower of debris raining down as a shaft of sunlight pierced the darkness."Up we go," I announced, my voice a triumphant shout. "Shortcut time!"Rem, ever the pragmatist, sighed. "You're going to get us all killed, Tereda," she muttered, her voice laced with a fond exasperation, but her eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement.She grasped Morgiana with her telekinesis, lifting her gently into the air. Ram, her expression a mixture of excitement and apprehension, followed close behind, her pink hair whipping in the wind as we ascended, leaving the oily pool and the burning flames far below.We bypassed chamber after chamber, our enhanced speed and agility turning the dungeon's carefully crafted challenges into a blur of motion. Traps triggered harmlessly behind us, monsters roared in frustration as we soared past, their claws and fangs reaching for us in vain.Finally, we emerged into a vast, cavernous space, its ceiling lost in the shadows, its floor a sprawling cityscape of ancient buildings and crumbling towers.But this city was devoid of life.Silent.Deserted.Massive, amorphous creatures, their bodies a sickly yellow, their surfaces covered in pulsating veins and jagged spikes, writhed and shifted, their forms dwarfing the surrounding buildings.Their maws, filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, opened and closed, their voices a chorus of guttural growls and chilling whispers:"Outsiders… not welcome…""Turn back… fateless…""Fate is required to pass…""You shall not gain a metal vessel…"I ignored their warnings, their threats, their attempts to intimidate us.We reached the center of the city, where a towering structure, its architecture mirroring the exterior of the dungeon, but its peak not reaching past the clouds, stood tall, its golden doors a beacon in the dim light.We entered, the air thick with a sense of ancient power, a palpable pressure that made my skin prickle.A massive figure, its form shrouded in shadow, sat upon a throne of bone and stone, its eyes burning with a cold, malevolent light. A Djinn, ancient and powerful, its presence radiating a force that made my enhanced senses sing."You dare defy fate, creature?" Amon's voice boomed, echoing through the chamber, a symphony of power and ancient rage. "You, who are but a fleeting spark in the grand tapestry of existence? You, who have no fate, no purpose, no right to exist in this world?"His eyes, two burning embers in the depths of his shadowed face, fixed on me, their intensity a physical force that pressed down on my chest, a weight that threatened to crush my very soul."I do what I want," I retorted, my voice defiant, my defiance fueled by a stubborn pride, a refusal to back down, even in the face of overwhelming power. "And right now, what I want is to see what you're made of, old man."My chi surged, a torrent of energy coursing through my veins, my muscles coiling, my body a weapon honed by countless loops, countless deaths, countless victories. I lunged forward, my fist cocked, my intention clear – to shatter this Djinn, to break his hold on this dungeon, to claim its power for my own.The world dissolved into a blinding white flash.Not a cold, icy embrace, not a shattering impact, not a searing pain. Just oblivion.---I reached for the familiar cord, the tether to time and space, the lifeline that had always pulled me back from the abyss, my mind already visualizing the familiar desert outside the dungeon tower, a safe haven, a chance to regroup, to reassess, to return when I was stronger, when I could face this Djinn on equal footing.Something grasped the cord.Something cold, ancient, powerful.It felt like primal fire- the sun's rays maximized and brutally beating down upon the world.The world twisted, the familiar sensation of rewinding time replaced by a disorienting lurch, a sense of being pulled, not back, but… sideways.---We stood before Amon, his towering form casting a long shadow across the chamber, his eyes burning with a cold fury. The air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by the faint drip of water from the cavern ceiling and the rasp of our own breaths."Leave," Amon commanded, his voice a rumble that shook the very foundations of the tower. "Leave this world. Return to the void from which you came. This is not your place. You have no right to exist here."His words were not a suggestion, not a challenge, not a test. They were a decree, a final judgment, delivered with the absolute authority of a being who had witnessed the rise and fall of empires, who had seen civilizations crumble, who had tasted the blood of kings.I met his gaze, my defiance flickering, my confidence shaken, but my will unbroken.This was a fight I couldn't win. Not yet.I scowled.I wouldn't back down.Not without a fight.A plan was formed in my mind.I needed to-A/N Enjoy this cliffhanger! Teehee!