
A Feast

นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yang Cailan replied with an "oh", then took out two delicious fruits from her pocket and gave them to Liu Dahua and Liu Dabao. She asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Liu Dahua and Liu Dabao immediately nodded. The fruits looked juicy and delicious. The ones they picked themselves were not so delightful.

Yang Cailan did not tease them. She stuffed one fruit into each of their mouths, then took out another fruit and started eating it. When one heard the sound and saw the juice, one would believe that it was delicious.

Liu Dahu watched as the three of them ate to their hearts' content. After waiting for a while, he could not help but ask, "What about mine?"

Yang Cailan tilted her head and said, "You were so happy scolding me just now. Why should I give it to you? Is there something wrong with my head?"

Liu Dahu felt like he was going to suffocate to death. He had never felt so aggrieved in his life.

Yang Cailan continued to feed the two children. Fruits were easy to get, and she could even find the most delicious ones.

Liu Dahu, who was completely ignored, went straight to Liu Baishan, who had already gone to the wheat field, to complain.

Liu Baishan was sun-drying the wheat. After hearing Liu Dahu's words, he did not even look at him and said, "You seemed to be very free? Then let's get to work."

Liu Dahu said furiously, "Uncle Shan, you're biased! You're not fair! Ever since you got a wife, I'm no longer your favorite nephew!"

Liu Baishan said, "You have never been my favorite!"

Liu Dahu only felt tired and destroyed.

Liu Baihe handed Liu Dahu a bowl of water and said, "Didn't you see that your Uncle Shan has become much easier to talk to ever since he got a wife? Why did you provoke him?"

Liu Dahu was very depressed. He said, "Auntie Lan is completely unreasonable. She went against me. I scolded her, but she still angered me!" 

Liu Dahu felt that even the cold water that his father brought to him could not extinguish his anger.

Liu Baihe said helplessly, "No matter what, your Auntie Lan didn't do anything wrong. You, on the other hand, don't know how to respect your elders at all. Is that right?"

Liu Dahu became even more depressed and went to think about life.

Bai Feng's heart ached for her son, but she had no right to speak. She could only watch helplessly.

On the other hand, Liu Dahua was only ten years old. She asked directly, "Auntie Lan, where did you get these fruits? It's so delicious! Why haven't I seen them before?"

Yang Cailan did not know how to reply. She could not possibly reply that she could communicate with the plants. So Yang Cailan said, "I found them on the mountain. Is it delicious? Maybe I was lucky."

Liu Dahua nodded, "This is the first time I've eaten such delicious fruit! In the past, the fruits I encountered on the mountain were all very astringent and sour."

Then, Yang Cailan and Liu Dahua chatted for a while. Liu Dahua looked up at the sun and said to Yang Cailan, "Auntie Lan, it's time for lunch. What are we going to make today?"

"Do you want me to cook?" Yang Cailan was stunned.

"Auntie Lan, you've never cooked before?" Liu Dahua asked curiously.

"No!" Yang Cailan nodded. However, after she finished speaking, she realized that there was a problem with what she said. She had never done it before, but the original Yang Cailan had done it. Yang Cailan quickly added, "I only know how to cook the food to be edible…"

Liu Dahua laughed and said, "Let me do it then."

Hearing that, Yang Cailan could not help but sigh. The children of poor families were really young. They were only ten years old, but they could already cook.

The three of them went to the kitchen. There was only wild boar meat and no vegetables. Yang Cailan took a look and could not find anything to cook. She said, "Wait for me for a while. I'll go find some food!"

After saying that, Yang Cailan ran out, not giving the two children any time to react.

Yang Cailan went to a large patch of grass. She first communicated with the grass for a while, then walked in a direction. She first saw a nest of pheasants' eggs and two pheasants whose feet were entangled in the grass. Yang Cailan accepted it without hesitation. Of course, there were other rewards as well.

When Yang Cailan reached home, she shouted, "Dahua, Dabao, come out quickly!"

The two kids ran out and saw what Yang Cailan had gotten. They could not believe their eyes. Those were peerless treasures after all. Not only would they be able to eat pork today, but they would also be able to eat pheasants. Yang Cailan was simply a good aunt to them.

"Hold it down. I'll kill the pheasant first. If someone sees it, they'll definitely come and freeload!" Liu Dahua stepped forward and pressed down on the pheasant's neck, instructing Liu Dabao to work. Nowadays, many were all living in poverty. Some families could barely eat their fill, let alone eat meat.

At this point, Yang Cailan did not know what to do. After all, she was a plant and had never killed a living thing. She could only watch the two children busy themselves.

When Liu Baishan and the others came back, they saw a table full of dishes. There were pheasant, eggs, and pork. They were completely stunned.

"Whose house did you steal it from? How much do you have to compensate me for this…" Bai Feng subconsciously closed the door and asked seriously.