
My Christmas Wish (Justin Bieber Love Story)

Hi I'm Lucy Morgan I'm nineteen soon to be twenty and I'm the daughter of actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan I'm also the older sister of Augustus Dean Morgan. I'm not like most girls I love motorcycles dirt bikes ATV's and fast cars I also love animals I have a horse named Apollo and a husky puppy named Chase. I have a boyfriend his name is Justin Bieber he's the love of my life and I wouldn't know what to do without him when we first got together people said that we wouldn't last and that Justin would cheat on me the first chance he got but that was nearly three years ago well three years on my twentieth birthday. He's been away recently on a world wide music tour I miss him like crazy yeah we talk text and facetime everyday but it's not the same as talking face to face with him. So what happens when it's Christmas eve and I get my Christmas wish when Justin surprises me by returning home then that night he asks me to marry him I of course say yes because I love him to the ends of the earth.

Lucy_Evans_Morgan · สมจริง
2 Chs

Chapter One_ Your Home

So today was christmas eve

I really didn't want to celebrate it because the one person that I wanted to celebrate it with Isn't here don't get me wrong I wanted to celebrate it with my family but the person I love isn't here.

I woke up to see the sun shining through my bedroom curtains I stretched then I sat up in bed I grabbed my iPhone off my bedside table I checked my social media accounts to see if there was anything new there wasn't I then saw that I had a message from Justin to say good morning that he misses me and he wished me a merry christmas I messaged him back that I miss him too and I wished him a merry christmas as well.

I then placed my iPhone back on the bedside table I then got out of bed and I went into my ensuite bathroom where I had a quick shower when I was done in the shower I got dried I brushed my hair and teeth I then put my bathrobe on I walked out the bathroom back into my bedroom and I went into my walk in wardrobe where I got dressed into a Disney christmas inspired outfit when I was done getting changed I walked back into my bedroom I grabbed my iPhone off charge I also grabbed my earphones I then walked out my bedroom I went downstairs and into the kitchen my parents and brother wasn't up yet so I decided that I would make breakfast for them today I decided to make some chocolate chip pancakes.

Ten minutes later

The pancakes was almost done when my mom dad and brother walked into the kitchen they was surprised to see me up already.

Lucy Morgan: Morning mom morning dad morning Gus I've made us some breakfast I've made pancakes.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: You didn't have to do that princess.

Lucy Morgan: I wanted to you do it for me every morning and I wanted to show you how much I appreciated you and everything you've done for me.

They sat down at the breakfast island I plated the pancakes for each of them and I placed them in front of them.

Three hours later

I was now in my music room I was just uploading my christmas video for youtube I must have gone into my own little world.


Justin's POV

I pulled into the driveway of Lucy's fathers property I parked my car I got out of it I locked it up and I walked over to the front door I knocked it her father then answered the door.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Hey Justin.

Justin Bieber: Hey Jeffrey is Lucy in.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Yeah she's in her music room come in.

Justin Bieber: She has no idea I'm here does she.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: No she has won idea like I said come in.

He moved out the way I walked into the house we walked into the kitchen.

Hilarie Burton: Hey Justin what are you doing here.

Justin Bieber: I'm here to surprise Lucy for christmas.

Hilarie Burton: JD do you want me to go and get her.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Yeah honey you go and get her.

Hilarie Burton: Ok.

I watched as Lucy's mom walked out the kitchen and to the music room.


Lucy's POV

I had my earphones out my macbook I was listening to my christmas love songs playlist I then heard a knock on my music room door.

Lucy Morgan: Come in.

The door opened and my mom walked in.

Lucy Morgan: Hey mom what's wrong.

Hilarie Burton: There's nothing wrong me and your dad have a early christmas present for you in the kitchen come and see it.

Lucy Morgan: Ok I'm done here anyway.

I stood up and we walked out the music room and we walked into the kitchen.

Lucy Morgan: Where's my surprise.

Justin Bieber: I'm right here.

I looked to my left to see Justin standing there I ran and I jumped into his arms I kissed him.

Five minutes later

I pulled away from the kiss.

Lucy Morgan: God I've missed you JB.

Justin Bieber: Not as much as I've missed you babe.

He kissed me.

Justin Bieber: I can't wait for tonight how about we spend the night round the fire pit.

Lucy Morgan; Yeah ok I'd like that just you and me.

Justin Bieber: Yeah.

Lucy Morgan: I love you JB.

Justin Bieber: I love you too Lucy more than anything in the world.

Lucy Morgan: Come on let's go and play with Gus hes outside playing in the snow.

Justin Bieber: Yeah ok I'd like that.

Lucy Morgan: Mom dad is it alright if me and Justin go and play outside with Gus.

Hilarie Burton: Yeah that's ok Lucy go have fun.

Lucy Morgan: Ok oh dad can I talk to you for a minute please.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Yeah ok we can talk in the living room.

Me and my dad walked into the living room.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: What did you want to talk about.

Lucy Morgan: So are you asking mom to marry you tomorrow morning.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Yeah did you place the ring where I asked you to put it.

Lucy Morgan: Yeah it's on the fireplace.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan; Thanks.

Lucy Morgan: No problem dad.

We walked back into the kitchen I walked out the back to see Justin playing snowballs with Gus I couldn't help but smile he's perfect I can't wait till he gets the chance to be a father I know how much he does.

Lucy Morgan: Hey J.

They looked at me Gus lobbed a snowball at me it hit me.

Lucy Morgan: Oh it's on like donkey kong.

I threw snowballs as fast as I could make them they all missed of course but there's was still hitting me but I enjoyed it.

Eight hours later

It was dark outside me and Justin was outside by the fire pit we was out there alone thank god because we wouldn't be disturbed by anyone I could tell that there was something on Justin's mind but I couldn't tell what.

Lucy Morgan: JB is everything ok.

Justin Bieber: Yeah everything is fine actually there is something that I wanted to ask you.

Lucy Morgan: Ok what is it.

He stood up then he turned round to me.

Justin Bieber: Lucy from the moment that we met I knew that you was the girl for me it was like you was the only girl in the room I never thought that you would say yes when I asked you on a date but you did and look at us I can't imagine my life without you We've been through so much together through the happiness and the loss we've had each other.

He got down on one knee he then pulled out a beautiful diamond engagement ring out his pocket.

Justin Bieber: Lucy will you marry me.

Lucy Morgan: Yeah of course I'll marry you JB.

He placed the ring on my finger then he stood up and he kissed me.

Justin Bieber: I love you so much Lucy.

Lucy Morgan: And I love you too Justin more than anything.

One hour later

Me and Justin was curled up in bed we was wearing our matching christmas pyjamas we fell asleep in each others arms not long after that.