

It's been two months now. Laurene and Jihye just got home from the doctor's appointment. Jihye was grinning from ear to ear when she was looking at the ultrasound. They are at the back seat of the car since William was driving for today. Lauren looked at her wife who's grinning and she chuckled. She couldn't forget the time when she was having her ultrasound.


Lauren was currently lying on the bedside ultrasound. She was listening to the doctor's advice while Jihye is gripping her hands.

She was beyond nervous every time her wife will have her check-up, the reason is that maybe the baby is not healthy, the baby is not doing alright but Lauren is telling her that everything will be alright.

When the doctor started the ultrasound, Laurene and Jihye were looking at the screen.

"Awww, your little bean is so healthy." Lauren looked at Jihye and she sigh in relief. She was certainly shielding her wife now that Lauren's tummy is getting much bigger. She will help her with everything and sometimes do the chores in the house.

"I told you" Lauren muttered. Her wife just kissed her cheek "Can we already know the gender?" Jihye asked looking at the screen.

"Of course. Well, I see that you're having a baby boy" The doctor said looking at the couple Lauren was so happy. While Jihye was looking straight at the screen "There is your son. He's getting big" The doctor pointed

"Honey, that's our baby. Your son" Lauren said kissing Jihye's hands.

"I'm having a son. A son" Jihye mumbled to herself.

"Can get over baby?" Lauren asks resting her head on her wife's shoulder while looking at the picture. Jihye smiled and kissed her wife's forehead.

"I just can't believe we're having a son. Dad will be so happy and Junwa" Jihye said intertwining their hands while Lauren smiled

"I can't wait to tell it to them" Jennie hummed as Lauren settled in Jihye's shoulder while her wife rub her back. They are planning to stay for the night at Jihye's parent's house since they stayed in Lauren's home last week.

Jihye has been so busy in the past few weeks because of their comeback show while Lauren was already mentoring and starting the survival show. She needed to stop three months before her delivery it was the doctor's advice. But, the married couple planned if Lauren's cousin Kristine come to Korea she will be the one managing the survival show while Lauren will just evaluate them online. Since they are planning to stay in Los Angeles for three months and finally go to Paris wherein Laurene will deliver the baby in that place.

They finally arrived, Chahee and Beom Suk immediately welcomed them with a warm hug. Chaerin was so happy because Lauren's tummy was getting bigger. They went inside the house and Junwa instantly welcomed them.

"Hi Buddy," Jihye said carrying him and tickling his side "How are you doing?"

"Oh, he misses you both" Kai said while coming down from the stairs giving Lauren a hug and Jihye a fist bomb "Wow, you're tummy is getting bigger" Lauren chuckled

"Yeah, the baby is getting bigger" Kai shook his head while Junwa decided to be in Lauren's arms. "Hi there buddy," Lauren said carrying him

"Babe, I'll just help Kai and Dad to put down our bags. I'll be back" Lauren hummed and pecked her wife's cheek and she left. Chahee went inside

"Come on Honey. You have to sit down. You must be so tired" Chahee said while holding the bags "Junwa, mind helping me carry these bags?" Chahee asks looking at Junwa in Lauren's arms while he nodded and gesture to Lauren to put her down while the CEO did.

Chahee and Leslie have been giving Lauren some advice and the food that was good for the baby and also telling the dos and don'ts. They have been throwing Lauren some texts and Lauren was very happy doing their advice.

Lauren sat on the comfortable but luxurious couch and lean herself. It was hard when her bump is getting much bigger, she's getting tired easily and procrastinating a lot but Jihye understands her.

Chaerin and Lauren talked about some random things at the moment. Since, Beom Suk, Jihye, and Kai are still outside taking the bags out. After a good ten minutes, they finally came inside and Jihye took a seat beside her wife snaking her hands in Lauren's shoulder. Chahee took out some snacks since Jihye told them that they already had lunch on the way to the house.

"As far as I remember this is the time where you just had your ultrasound and your fourteen weeks already right?" Chahee asks while looking at the married couple. Junwa was sitting in Jihye's lap.

"Yeah, we also know the gender already" Chahee and Beom Suk got confused

"Really? That was early. Most people get to know the baby's gender at around eighteen to twenty-one weeks" Kai said since Krystal is a doctor.

"Well yeah, my friend Gia told me that it's also normal to know the gender when your fourteen weeks it was very rare for that to happen. I just texted my Mom and she told me that she's also like that when she was pregnant with me" Chahee smiled so is Beom Suk.

"So, can we know the gender?" Beom Suk instantly asked with a bright smile

"Well.." Jihye looked at her wife while taking out the ultrasound picture "We're having a son" Chahee and Beom Suk smiled.

"Finally we're having another boy in our family. I was expecting you're having a girl since you get much more beautiful and glooming all the time but I was wrong" Lauren chuckled at Chahee's words.

"Well, I think Ben wanted to have a grandson," Beom Suk said while looking at the married couple being snuggly together

"So, what are your plans now?" Kai asked

"Well, still the old ones. Our comeback anytime soon and dace will be posted soon. I just need to finish all the promotions and all while we also wait for Lauren's cousin named Kristine since she will be the one managing the company in here and the survival show. We're planning to stay in Los Angeles for three months so I can also visit Daddy's grave and after three months we will be going to Paris to finally stay there for a year" Jihye said

"I see but you're planning to call us when Lauren's delivery will be near right?" Chahee asked with a hopeful voice

"You know we won't forget that. We will gladly need you both and so are my parents" Lauren said hugging Junwa's back since his ears were in Lauren's tummy.

The married couple smiled, they clearly can't get over the fact that Lauren was pregnant and the two were so in love with each other. It was very surprising that Lauren just fell in love with Jihye quickly and they are gonna have a cute son soon. They can already imagine what he would look like especially Lauren's face was damn hell gorgeous her face is symmetrical while Jihye is also beautiful,

The afternoon continued and Krystal came and was surprised to see the married pair instantly asking how was Jihye's wife doing and about the baby. When she knew that Lauren is gonna have a baby son she instantly went excited and since Junwa will have a playmate soon.

Jihye's parents let Lauren rest since she was already tired. Chaerin and Krystal started making dinner while Jihye was having a beer with her Dad and Kai. It was already around seven in the evening and Lauren finally wake up due to her ringtone. She looked at the caller and it was Jieun. She got confused but answered it due to her curiosity.

"Hello?" Lauren said a bit normal since she doesn't want to sound so groggy.

"Hey, Did I disturb you or something?" Jieun asked

"No, you didn't. What's up?" Lauren asked ever since Ara and Jieun got married she also became her friend, she also got close to Lauren's group of friends. Jieun was always calling Lauren telling her about her marriage with Ara. Surprisingly, it was going well and they managed to talk all about it and start all over again. Telling themselves to just forget about the past and focus on the present.

"Where are you?" Jieun inquired

"I'm not at home, I'm with Jihye at her parent's house. What's up?" Lauren rubbed her eyes

"Well, I was so supposed to visit you and talk about some things" Lauren hummed "Well, do you remember the night wherein Ara and I talk about how are we gonna cope up again?"

"Yeah? What about it?" The CEO implored standing up to look at herself in the mirror

"Well, we did that 'thing' and I kinda want to ask what are your symptoms before you know that you're pregnant?" Jieun said her voice is nervous while Lauren could feel that Jieun was gripping something or either way using the stress ball that she bought.

"Dizziness, cravings, vomiting, restlessness, getting annoyed easily"

"What are your cravings?" The Korean instantly asked. Her desperate voice was evident. Lauren is smirking, she knew something was wrong. Ever since they become close they liked teasing and bickering with each other.

"Well sweets, uh fruits, soups, meats but I'm always craving for unripped mangoes. Where Jihye was already having a hard time finding it almost every day" Lauren said sitting in Jihye's swirling chair looking at her pictures

"Okay..this isn't normal anymore" Jieun muttered

"Does Ara knows about this?"

"Well, technically no. She's in the company right now and I'm alone in the house. I've been feeling those things and craving some mangoes"

"Why don't you just go to the doctor and have a check-up? I mean, maybe it's just stress and you know you're feeling lonely" Just then, Jihye came in the room smiling from ear to ear when she saw her wife standing giving her a peck

"Who's that?" She asked whispering

"It's just Jieun. You're gonna take a bath?" Lauren asked her wife whispering since Jieun was just talking. Jihye hummed and kissed her wife's neck pulling the hug and taking her towel.

"Well, if you're feeling that way that's different already. If you don't want to be checked by a doctor for now. You can buy a pregnancy test" Lauren said taking out some clothes in the luggage getting it ready for her wife.

She likes doing this thing for her wife. She also loves preparing everything for her now that Jihye has a comeback.

"Uh, this may sound weird but how would you know if you're pregnant while using that thing and where can you buy it?" Lauren scoffed, sometimes Jieun is silly. She wanted to slap arms sometimes since she wasn't using her common sense.

"Jieun, you all know we can buy that in the grocery store in the drugstore. When it comes to the way how you use it if you saw one line it means you're not pregnant when you saw two lines it means you're eating for two. There's an instruction you should also read so you have an idea of how well you use it" Lauren sitting at the edge of the bed

"Okay, I will buy some tomorrow. I will just text you about the result. Oh and tell Jihye I say Hi" Lauren chuckled

"Alright then. I'll see you soon" Jieun hummed and ended the call while Lauren is just chuckling lowly since she's already had a clue that maybe Jieun is pregnant. She will not be surprised yesterday if ever Jieun tells it. She just hopes that Ara will not be surprised or mad about it since they talked about some things.

Lauren just sighed and wait for Jihye to come out from the bathroom while she's rubbing her tummy. She can't wait for this baby to come out and finally hold him. She has been wanting to have a child and it's finally happening. She just feels so sad that her Dad wasn't here to finally see his grandson but she is very much thankful since Dowon was there for her.

He has been visiting the penthouse with Leslie and he also spend his time with Lauren he even took her to lunch after walking at the park since Jihye was in the studio. He also taught her about photography since he was a famous photographer and show all his works to Lauren. He was clearly showing Lauren that he's willing to stand up to be his stepfather which Lauren was slowly loving since he has a man who stands up for her.

After a few more minutes, Jihye came out from the bathroom just wearing a sports bra and safe shorts. While Lauren smiled and dried her hair.

"Why did Jieun call?" Jihye asked looking at her wife

"Well, she explained to me that she was feeling some pregnancy symptoms and she has a lot of cravings" Lauren handed Jihye her sweats and shirt while Jihye was confused

"That's quick, Jeez. Lisa already told me about it. They said they were drunk at that time and they got shocked since they were both naked under the covers" Lauren shook her head "But you know, she was happy about it. You know how Ara also wants to start a family"

Lauren hugged Jihye from behind and sigh contentedly, Jihye smiled since she knew what's the reason why Lauren did this. Her reason was that they miss her and missed her warmth. This always happens whenever Jihye is not beside Lauren since the CEO was used to Jihye being the big spoon. Jihye found it adorable she was already imagining when their baby comes out and when she got home after work all she was welcomed by hugs and kisses by her two favorite people.

"I missed you, We missed you. You're not beside me when I was asleep" Lauren mumbled to her neck

"I was with my Dad baby. Don't worry I'm already here. After we have dinner we'll cuddle okay?" Lauren hummed while Jihye was the one who hugged her from behind and looks at the mirror in them. Jihye raised the shirt of Lauren and put both her arms on the baby bump "Our baby is growing" Jihye said kissing Lauren's shoulder "and someday soon when this tummy grew bigger I'm gonna be having a hard time hugging you as this tummy gets bigger" Lauren smiled

"I know you had a lot of ways how will things get work especially for me...right?" Lauren asked as Jihye grinned and peck her cheeks

"I will do anything for you and my little one" Jihye went in front of Lauren and kneeled as she rest her hand on her wife's tummy

"Jayden" Jihye mumbled while Lauren's heart melt "Be good inside alright? We don't want Mommy to be moody again and throw tantrums at me" Lauren chuckled and shook her head "But, buddy. I can't wait to finally meet you and see the world. Mommy and I will be waiting for you alright? I love you so much" Jihye kissed her tummy and Lauren sigh wondering how in the world she got so lucky having Jennie in her life.

For sure, if she didn't agree on marrying her she will surely curse herself and her life will be more gloomy since she has no one but a workload. She just wants to thank God, her Mom, and her Dad for bringing Jihye into her life. There's no way she will lose this girl or hurt her.

When Jennie stood up she gave her wife a long kiss on the lips "What should Jayden call you when he grows up? Mommy? Mama? Daddy? Dada?" Lauren has to ask that of course knowing her wife is intersex she doesn't know what her son should call her.

"Well...hmm. Our son will be calling you Mommy and Mama is very common. How about..." Jihye smirked and lean closer to

Lauren's ear "You call me Daddy when we exercise in bed. I prefer Dada when Jayden grows up" Lauren smack her arms while Jihye was laughing nonstop. For sure, Lauren is already blushing hard and she just rolled her eyes at her wife while pouting. Jihye kissed her lips and chuckled "I'm just kidding, come on let's have some dinner." Lauren's eyes lit up and nodded quickly

"Well let's go then. Our baby is hungry" Lauren instantly pulled Jihye outside the compartment. The Korean just shakes her head since her wife gets so excited whenever food is up. Lauren was getting bigger because of her pregnancy but Jihye still found her beautiful.

The dinner already started and they were having a lot of meals. Lauren was unfamiliar with it but Jihye and Chahee so are Krystal is telling her that this was their comfort food and most Korean eat in this kind of weather. It was her first time eating Samgyetang. She was hesitant to eat it at first but when she tasted it she instantly asked Jihye to get her some more which the idol instantly gave to her not wanting to annoy her.

This was always the drill. If Lauren is craving something she needs to give it because she will surely throw tantrums and not talk to her wife. Jihye always missed her so she needs to buy everything for her and give it. Handling a pregnant woman is hard but Jihye is just a chill person, she will never be mad at her wife when shows tantrums and gets annoyed. She has some patience and she was very understanding. She will just wait for Lauren to calm down sometimes and give her some space. At the end of the day, Lauren will just go to her and hug her from behind saying how much she missed her warmth and attention.

Jihye is a person who will do everything for the people that she loves so much, especially her other half. It might sound so hard but Jihye is willing to face some consequences if ever she needs to. She was exceptionally the person that you want to love and be with her forever. So, Lauren is lucky.

Dinner was done and as Jihye promised they will cuddle. Here they are now, Lauren resting her head on her wife's chest while Jihye was rubbing her back to soothe her. She will never get tired of cuddling Lauren right after the busy schedule she never gets the chance to spend some time with her because of the restless nights. One thing that she hates is waking up early in the morning, never getting the chance to look at her wife sleeping, she will go home so late that her wife is already asleep. All she has to do is cuddle her and tell her that she loves her so much when Lauren is sleeping deeply on the side of her bed.

She realized that when you're with the person you love you felt like you're alone even though she knows the people around her and are so close with her. She feels like her world is gradually falling and being gloomy. She was used to Lauren being with her, cuddling her from behind, and missing her soft and beautiful voice from time to time. Now that all she needs to do is promotions and other stuff she will be with her wife as long as she wants. They can do whatever they like as long as it will be good for them and the baby. She will surely make more memories with her and her son, Jayden.

"What are you thinking?" Lauren asked when she realized that Jihye was zooming out. She rested her chin on her chest looking at Jihye's beautiful eyes

"I'm thinking our future together with our baby." Lauren smiled and kissed her chest "I want Jayden to grow up like you" she muttered

"Why is that?" Lauren asked drawing circles on Jihye's tummy since she was just wearing some sports bra.

"You're a successful Woman, you finished your school and have a degree. You have a lot of business and other things that were going on in your companies. I want them to be like you because you're a hard worker and a very smart girl"

"Babe, Aren't you successful too?" Lauren asked curiously

"Well, you already know my life. I'm a dancer and CEO but I didn't get to finish my education though I know a lot of business and manage a company" Jihye said rubbing her wife's cheek

"But you're a hardworking woman and a success for me baby" Lauren muttered snuggling closer to Jihye feeling her scent and warmth. She always smells so good and she always feels so warm.

Jihye smiled and kissed her wife's head "I know I am and I'm successful but it's different when you finished school, you can do anything that you like. More importantly, how you manage your time wisely. I'm a hard worker, yes but my life is hard when I was in my teenage years because I was a trainee. I will never want them to feel that. I know our part of the family is a celebrity but I want them to be like you because you're such a smart woman"

"So, you're telling me that you don't want them to become an idol like you?" Lauren asked. She wasn't mad about it she knew already what a trainee looks like because she had the chance to watch it live and she could see it personally. The diet is certainly hard that you will just pass out when you're dancing, the choreographers are so strict that if you do something wrong they will say harsh words towards the trainees.

She felt sad for her sister Daeun knowing she similarly had that experience and now they are talking about it right now for their future kid. Just by thinking about everything she will just cry on the spot if she sees one of her children having that kind of treatment to the people who she doesn't even know.

"Honestly speaking, I never want them to become an idol like the Koreans. I don't like one of our children will get through the pain that Jieun and my idol friends went through, hear the harsh words that all the choreographers or staff that they will say. I never want that to happen to them. They can be a dancer just like Dohyun and I, they can be in the spotlight like being on youtube and become famous like you because you're a CEO and a model. I don't want to see our child suffering"

"If you say so, baby. Once Jayden grows up you will tell him about your life as an dancer and a trainee just like your friends alright? And explain everything to him why you will never let them be an idol" Jihye hummed and kissed her wife's forehead. She understood what Jihye was saying, the hard schedule, the restless nights, and the nonstop going in and out of the country.

Leslie has been telling Lauren how much she missed Daeun, they have been touring already and Lauren just gets the chance to talk to her when she has her five-minute break. If one of her children becomes an idol she will never survive this, knowing how much she loves kids especially her child for sure Jihye will also feel this kind of way.

"I love you so much, Lauren" Jihye said her eyes getting heavy

"And I love you so much more, Jihye" Lauren snuggled to Jihye more wanting to be close to her and feel her warmth again. She always enjoys talking to Jihye about their future and Jayden's life. They both went to sleep held each other.

Jihye woke up since she felt Lauren wasn't beside her anymore, she rubbed her eyes and it was already ten in the morning. She quickly sat up cursing herself since she promised Lauren that they will walk at around 8 in the morning. She went to the bathroom and freshen up and immediately came out of her room.

She got confused since Lauren wasn't around, she was calling her but no one is answering. She tried to find her in the kitchen but no one was there also. So she quickly ran back to the room to get her phone but instantly stopped when she saw her wife in the backyard with her Mom and Dad and Junwa is holding her hands.

Her heart instantly melted and she was smiling from ear to ear. They were sitting on the outdoor couch and Lauren is wearing her shirt. She looks so Gorgeous. She's just so lucky since she has her dream girl and now starting a family with her. Her family is getting closer to her and telling her some advice about her pregnancy while Lauren was really happy about it.

"Gosh, I will never get tired of looking at her. She's fucking gorgeous" Jihye mumbled to herself.

"Yeah, we know" Jihye jumped while Krystal and Kai chuckled

"You scared me," Jihye said "Why are guys here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" The girl asked while the married couple went close to her also looking at the window.

"We had our day off" Jihye hummed looking back at the window her eyes on her wife "Junwa was sad that you both are gonna leave soon," Kai said causing Jihye to sigh

"I know but I want my family to be out of the media for the moment and also me. I want to be out of the media since I'm so tired of seeing my face on the internet. I don't want our Son to be exposed at a very young age" Jihye said

"You have a point. Your strategy is good, we're really worried about Junwa when you both leave. He's getting much closer to Lauren and always spending his time with her if he ever gets the chance" Kai said snaking his arms around her wife

"Well, you know we will already explain to him why we need to leave. I know it's very hard for Lauren also to leave Dohyun behind but it was for her good" Jihye said while smiling since she could hear Junwa's giggle and Lauren's laugh

"Lauren is really sweet. I thought she was a cold person" Krystal muttered

"Well, you are very wrong my friend. My wife is not cold. She's very adorable. I adore her so much"

"I could see that. But, hey promise us you will update us when she gives birth"

"You know I will"

"But before you get married does Lauren have any lover?" Krystal asked leaning into Kai

"No, she will never have one. She's certainly a workaholic person she's more into business than love at that time she never gets the chance to love somebody but her family" Jihye muttered

"But let's declare that you are not the one who's arranged with Lauren but let's say our cousin V" Kai smirked while Krystal shook his head knowing how much Jihye will be annoyed by it.

Jihye instantly gripped the table and looked at Kai deadly "you know she will always be mine, all mine no one else's" Kai gulped and raised his hand telling her how sorry he is. He was surely scared of the Korean's deadly stare.