
My CEO and his brother Mobster

Luz was a well-known stripper in town, but after meeting Leon and saving him from an attack, she becomes the chosen one of this CEO who offers her a deal, a marriage contract so that he can protect his inheritance from the hatawhay family who tries to kill while awaiting the return of his mafioso brother who everyone thinks is dead. But his return was soon after his marriage, and upon finding the light Alessandra, whose one falls in love, a love disguised in a chase and attacks the girl who tries to endure the difficult genius of the man who over time is yielding to the charms of the light that ends up conquering the two men even unintentionally, but only one can win his heart.

CristinaCristey · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs


"Don't do that, you crazy woman!" He yelled holding her from behind with his arms around her waist.

"Let me go, let me go!" She struggles in his arms as he almost suffocated her.

"Think carefully about what you want to do..." He murmured, pulling her tighter.

"What a damn strong woman... Calm down!" he vociferates, but she becomes exhausted and gives up the fight succumbing to his arms in tears, she stayed like that for a few seconds until she finally stands up.

"Ok... I've thought about it, you can let go of me." he announces standing motionless with crossed arms and bored countenance.

"That depends... Are you going to kill yourself?" he asks close to her ear.

"No! Those scoundrels aren't worth my life, I'll get over it.

"Okay, then look at me." He asked almost ordering her.

"Okay..." As soon as she turned around, he pressed his face close to hers staring at her as if analyzing her, he slid his finger over her face wiping away the moisture.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused with him squeezing her face so tightly that he compressed her lips into a fishy peck.

"I ask you, what are you doing? An exceptionally beautiful woman and such a wretch, there must have been something very frustrating going on to want to die, did you by any chance break your nail?" His serious and ironic look left her in disbelief at the same time as bewilderment, now that she could notice the man who had saved her.

"Sure... I had to be a joke today, who kills themselves over a fingernail?" she sighed resignedly, ignoring him" Ah! Thank you!" I said snidely, turning my back on him and heading for You&Me.

"Beautiful and no sense of humor." she sighs with a corner smile.

"So he's already in town." communicated Scooby after all that tension, they both sighed in relief, for a moment the life of light had passed through the boys' eyes.

"Find out what she came here to do." Ordered Leon still tense..." How interesting, it seems that automatically the fates come together like this in this very spot, where she saved me.

"I noticed you guys fought, was it because she started mistreating you harshly for no reason?" Scooby asked suddenly.

"I don't want to create an affectionate relationship with her, she will just be an object to keep everything I have conquered safe, I don't want the hatawhay to touch anything after they took my father's life" Leon explained coolly.

"That seems so wrong, she doesn't need to suffer for you to achieve your goal.

"Are you moved?" he asks wryly.

"I just don't like to see pretty girls cry, besides, your object almost died before you.

"As usual Levi arrived at just the right moment, even though I had no idea, this was just confirmation that I made the right choice.

"She is going to the nightclub, will she ever dance in that place again?

"I don't believe it, as far as I know she was anxious to get out of that life.

"But just in case, I'm going there to make sure," Scooby hints, getting out of the car.

"No need to go, we'll call the manager later and ask if she danced again.

Luz followed the service entrance in slow steps through the empty hallway, in the middle of the morning this place was not the busiest, nothing but a few men who end up dawdling on the tables while loud music plays, it was the kind of place that made no difference whether it was day or night, it was still dark which confused many who were unaware of the time.

"The light of my life is here! Wow you look even more amazing dressed decently." Commented Marconi in front of his office door.

"The fat miserable guy who ruins lives" thought Luz annoyed.

At the sight of him, there rose an anger and urge to attack him and tear out the few remaining strands of hair amidst his shiny bald head.

"Where is this so-called contract?" He asked without delay, avoiding approaching him when he noticed his evil stare.

"It's in my office." He turned and walked into the room, but stopped when he realized she wasn't moving.

"Bring it to me, I don't want to go in there. He ordered without moving from the room out of fear.

"There is another person who wants to make a deal with you, he has a proposal for you regarding the contract.

"Who?" she asked confused.

"You will only know if you enter, dear Luz, it is the same one who has control of all the other girls' contracts." Even though she was afraid she followed with him curious to know who this man would be, as soon as she entered she spotted on her chair a man sitting facing Marcone's desk, his back to her.

"Hello, Luz Alessandra." She heard the voice that she soon recognized.

He reached out his hand to the table and dragged the paper to his side letting her see it, she feared to approach so kept a safe distance.

"Have a seat." He pointed to the armchair next to her.

"I don't want to sit down, I just want that paper." She tried to take it, but he held her arm firmly, staring at her with a mischievous smile.

"You're too aggressive, it doesn't match your angel face," he grumbles, holding her arm firmly, making her bend down and get closer to his face.

"Don't touch me!" He asseverated pulling his arm aggressively, getting a superficial cut from one of the pointed rings on the man's finger.

"By being aggressive you could end up hurting yourself a lot more than just a superficial cut." He warned as she reaches for a handkerchief to clean the wound.

"I just want to read the contract." she stammered getting shaky.

It was evident that fear was growing, she coldly regretted entering the room, even more so with the man who tried to kidnap her a short time ago.

"You may read it." she consents handing him the sheets signed by her." I believe you have already realized that this contract lasts for 20 years, right?

"I don't remember signing that," she announces confused.

"But you did sign it, now that you've seen it, sit down so we can negotiate, after all I believe you no longer want You&Me.

"I don't, I already have another job.

"Even with this new job it's not possible for you to leave the nightclub aside." he says getting up and following with her to the red leather couch.

"What do you want from me?

"You know very well." He stares at her lewdly sliding his hand up her thigh and discreetly lifting her dress making her hold her breath in disgust at his touch.

Lucio is still a young man, but his elegant clothes left him with a relaxed aspect, even with a good physical shape, he looked like one of those men who spent nights drinking and forgot to shave, full of rings on his fingers, military haircut, hard face and mean look.

 Luz already knew that he would not be an easy person to deal with, he is a known member of a mafia organization, and he looked after the nightclubs of the entire Alt city for a mysterious man that nobody knew.

"Stay with me just for tonight and I'll cancel the contract." She pushed his hand away from her body aggressively and tried to stand up.

"I am disgusted with men like you, I will fix it even if it has to be judicially. I didn't sign that contract and I will prove that I was cheated." She brayed trying to escape, but the same man grabbed her.

"There is proof. Do you want a court fight? Don't you know me? It would be useless to you, I can take anything I want." He pulled her abruptly throwing her over the tiny couch standing over her body bringing his hands up to her neck willing her to strangle him.

"It's only one night, I promise it will be an unforgettable fuck" He whispered squeezing her neck aggressively, while she tries to push him away, managing to knee him in the stomach, but when she tried to run he caught her from behind and threw her on the couch again.

Marconi was already outside waiting for all the service done without any mercy when he spotted someone.

"Who are you?" Marcone asked the tall man with an analytical look.

"Lucius is there, I want to talk to him now." orders coldly analyzed Marconi who was looking arrogant.

"He's busy now!

"I'm listening." He referred to the cries for help.

"Go away and come back tomorrow." He stopped him from opening the door, but was pushed easily on the floor.

"Get out of my way, you ridiculous fat man." He bellowed, losing his temper.

 Marcone didn't even have the courage to react when he saw the man show him the gun in his waistband.