
My CEO and his brother Mobster

Luz was a well-known stripper in town, but after meeting Leon and saving him from an attack, she becomes the chosen one of this CEO who offers her a deal, a marriage contract so that he can protect his inheritance from the hatawhay family who tries to kill while awaiting the return of his mafioso brother who everyone thinks is dead. But his return was soon after his marriage, and upon finding the light Alessandra, whose one falls in love, a love disguised in a chase and attacks the girl who tries to endure the difficult genius of the man who over time is yielding to the charms of the light that ends up conquering the two men even unintentionally, but only one can win his heart.

CristinaCristey · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs



As soon as Leon awoke, the first thing his eyes beheld was an angelic face beside him.

 That woman lying next to him made his heart race early on. She was dressed in a thin woven sweater, making her curves accentuate even more. She was lying facing him that he could stare at forever if he could.

His warm fingers slid across her face to the nape of her neck and he saw her skin shiver easily waking her up, their eyes met and for a moment Luz was serious until a gentle smile emerged.

"Good morning Leon!" She greeted laying herself on his chest deliberately.

"What are you doing in my room?" he asks surrendering to her gesture, just smiling.

"We are married.

"But the clauses in the contract are clear, you don't need to fulfill your role as a wife, you just need to be in the house, you don't need to repeat that dozens of times." He was interrupted by his cell phone vibrating on the dresser.


/Hello Leon! It's Diana.

/what do you want?" she asks coolly.

/It's been a while since we've seen each other, I know what I did wasn't right, but I'd really like to talk to you today, I'll wait for you at Insury.


Leon's expression hardened, Luz noticed his sudden change of mood until she saw his eyes staring at her as if he was planning something for her.

"Well, dear wife, get as elegant as you can and let's go to the company." He warned sitting down.

"Okay!" She agreed excitedly, unsuspecting, jumped out of bed and made her way to her room.

"Well, now let's see how useful you can be." He murmured leaning against the headboard of the bed with a relaxed expression, but his will was to have thrown the cell phone against the wall with such anger just by hearing that sweet, cynical voice.

After they got ready, Scooby took them to the company. Luz was the most attractive lady of all, as soon as she entered the main door the receptionist almost choked when she recognized her, who even swallowed her pride and disguised it with a satisfied smile.

"Justice done dear, yesterday in the mud, today in the gold," thought Luz debauched with her fake smile.

Leon as always was the center of attention, Luz noticed every glance of the girls towards him, but didn't notice the men furtively looking at her until they got into the elevator and headed to the presidential office.

"Well? What am I going to do here?" She asked as they entered the room.

"Have a seat on my side." He said pointing to the padded chair behind the president's desk.

"What an honor, sitting next to the president makes me think I'm important.

"And you are, more than you think, dear Luz, especially today." she murmurs with an air of mystery, little did she know that Leon was setting her up.

After half an hour a new woman entered the Insury attracting all eyes, she looked really beautiful, ruby necklace, red lipstick on her plump lips, black hair with accentuated curls falling over one shoulder, black dress with white polka dots, medium heeled shoes.

"Madam, Diana!" Spoke the receptionist almost bowing.

"Leon is already at the company?

"Yes and...

"Thank you!" He didn't let her warn him, following arrogantly to the elevator.

As soon as he got in, he walked past the secretary's desk without even saying good morning, going straight to the presidential office.

"Miss Diana..." She called to the secretary, but it was late, as soon as she opened she found herself facing the couple, Luz concentrating on some papers with a black-framed glasses that even Leon didn't know where she found.

"Leon..." His voice came out slurred, the surprise was loud, there was a woman at his side.

"Ah! Miss Slovenia, you may enter." She invites her with a somber tone, resting her chin on her fingers showing reassurance, but that was far from the truth.

Luz, who was standing next to him, watched him discreetly swallow dryly when she entered, it had been ten years since he had seen or heard from her.

"Leon, it's been so long since I've seen you." She began to speak insecurely, going towards him, circled the table opposite Luz, going up to Leon and gave him a kiss on the cheek then returning to position herself in front of Leon's table.

"Ten years to be precise.

"I wanted... I really wanted..." She tried to speak, sitting down on the chair in front of Leon's desk, but was bothered by the half-green eyes staring at him with those serious glasses.

"Well? To what do I owe your visit?" He asked without being able to stop watching every detail of her.

"I wanted to see you, for old times' sake, I missed you all these years." He confessed shyly directing his gaze to her hands that rested on his lap showing shyness. Luz stared at Leon in surprise, her heart seemed to want to rise up into her throat, frustration was invading her.

"I thought I wouldn't see you here so soon.

"I wish I had come, as soon as I heard you were back, I was so surprised, even though I knew that day would come." He continued to speak.

Luz's breathing became heavy, a heavy vertigo was hitting him, it was as if he was falling off his little throne that was still under construction.

"Why doesn't Leon introduce me as his wife at once? Did he ask me to come here, to humiliate me?" She wondered in frustration.

"You didn't have to bother, I didn't expect to see you so soon, especially after what happened.

"Leon... Can we talk alone?" She asked showing discomfort, while Luz no longer even stared at them trying to focus on the paper brains.


"It's a private matter, I wouldn't want your secretary to have any part of it.

"Ah! How inattentive, please Miss Luz, stand." Luz looked at him dumbfounded, was he really going to put her out?

She just stood up staring at him tensely, while Diana stretched a smile without showing her teeth. Luz considered taking a step to leave until she realized Leon held her back so she wouldn't go.

"Miss Slovenia..." He spoke as if to announce something, leaving the two confused. "This is my wife Luz Alessandra. At that moment Luz's hand shook, Diana's eyes ran down the woman from head to toe as she took off her glasses.

"N-I didn't know you were married... It's a pleasure Luz Alessandra." She stood up quickly extending her hand to Luz Alessandra, but Leon continued to hold her hand tightly indicating her not to squeeze, making Diana look embarrassed, going back to her seat.

"Nice to meet you Miss Slovenia," she greeted shyly.

"Leon I need to go to the bathroom!" Luz warned him, he just confirmed with a nod and she headed for the exit.

"Luz, the bathroom is right over there." He pointed to the door inside the room, this made her mentally curse, she wanted to run away from there.

"Your wife is very pretty.

"Yes, as much as you are.

"Yes..." She pressed her lips together in frustration.

"Why are you here?

"I miss you, I thought we could start being friends and maybe

"I don't understand, Mistress Slovenia, after all you were twenty at the time and ten years have passed, but I remember very well that when I was in my hospital bed after an attempt on my life, you coldly broke up with me with the excuse that you couldn't lead life with a handicapped person because you had too much to live for.

"Leon... I wasn't thinking, that shook me up a lot, I didn't know how to handle it, I was also very young and immature

"Well, I didn't know how to handle it either, but I was forced to, besides having to overcome the fact that I was abandoned by my wife.

"I was never prejudiced, I just wanted us to have one more chance, but now I've... I realize we can't, I didn't want to hurt you." I said with fake commotion.

"We can't, I don't feel hurt, I hope you continue to be happy and form the family you dream of so much.

"Thank you, well... I'm leaving now, thank you for having me." He stood up and gave a half bow, then turned his back to her.

Luz was still recovering from what had happened, she never thought she would go through a situation like this.

"I wonder if she is Leon's ex? She is so beautiful and elegant" she thought, paralyzed in front of the mirror, until she saw the door open.

"You can stop hiding.

"Don't you have any manners?

"Light!" He asseverated, giving her a gentle smile, extending his hand to her." Come here" She obeyed him and he pulled her onto his lap, staring into her eyes making her coy.

"I didn't tell you how beautiful you look today, you did great." He whispered in her ear, then kissed the back of her hand.

"Did you want to use me to make her jealous?

"I'm not that kind of man, I don't need to use anyone to make you jealous, I have no reason to." Those words sounded so cold to her, she knew it was because he didn't love her.

"So I had to come for that?

"No! The truth is that as of right now I want you to know that you are my wife, that might avoid some problems.

"Then I have to keep coming.

"You decide, but before you say anything, that woman from just now, I'm sure she will come here daily." He recounted indifferently.

"Mister Leon." Called, Scooby after knocking on the door, Luz got up from Leon's lap.

"Yes, Luz, can you wait for me outside for a moment?

"Yes, dear," he agrees pulling away.