
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Lost Demon

A week had pass as I roam the forest of demons. I've gotten used to seeing the blood of the monsters as I slay them one by one and learned that because of my max stats, I almost razed a part of the forest from a simple fire magic.

Based on the system's information provided, the land that I'm currently standing on top of now is known as the Caria continent, one of the religious continents having different gods worshipped on sight. Inside the continent are five kingdoms and the kingdom closest to the demonic forest that where I am right now would be the Luminos kingdom that worships the god Luminos.

There also existed different races such as orcs, ogres, elves, dwarves, demons, angels and much more. In Martial Road, there existed humans, demons, immortals, beasts, and celestials only. On my journey to where I am now, I had to fight all them, and some of them submitted to me and became my sect's elders and the beasts became the holy guardians that guards the sect.

As I walked through the forest, the cry for help in the voice of a young male child could be heard. As soon as I heard it once again, I immediately activated 'chi manipulation' to find his location.

"Help!", cry of the boy.

I jumped out of the bush and used one of the sword arts I learned from the demonic cult back in the game.

'Blood Moon Sword Style: Crescent Rend', a sword technique where you swing your sword in a crescent shape form. The demon was cut into half and fell to the ground.

The child was wounded and yet there was something odd about him. He was emitting a blood red energy similar to the demons back in the game, as if he was a demon but that couldn't be possible. 

I tried to treat the kid's wounds with a syringe containing yang energy in a liquid form but as soon I got the syringe close to him, he looked at the syringe with fear and cried "I won't do it again, I won't disobey!". As soon as I heard those words, hatred gathered in my chest, the thought of what they have done to a mere child gave me the thought of murder but I soon calmed myself and quickly tended to him.

"Don't worry, this will only prick a little but I won't hurt you after."

My words managed to calm him enough to accept the injection shot. I saw in his right arm of what seems to be a insignia that resembles demon's head. I asked him about the insignia but it had seemed that he wanted to rest, so I laid his head on my lap and with my ability, I went inside his memory to see.

The child's name was Ray. Ray was the child of a family living in a village, when the moon had risen, his village was suddenly attacked by a group of cultists that wanted to take the children and women. He was taken to an altar and behind it was a pool of blood where they soaked the children, they were using it as a baptism to reborn the children into demonic children that could be used as a vessel for a certain entity. As soon as he reborn into a demon, the insignia appeared at the top of his hand. Thanks to the body of a demon, he was able to ran away but was wounded by the guards that were guarding the entrance. He ran and ran and then ended up here in this forest, chased by beasts day and night.

Once again, I was filled rage and the thought of ending that cult became my first priority. Night has come, and Ray had woken up. I was able to make a camp fire with sticks and fire magic, I prepared a demonic meat skewer seasoned with the herbs around the forests. After we ate, Ray asked a question.

"Mister, are you god?", he asks in a curious tone

I was confused as to why he had asked the question. 

"What made you think that?", I ask

"My mother said that we have eyes that can discern a person's ability by reading the aura of the person but you mister, you are releasing a black and white aura! Mother said that black aura is death and white aura is life, they who controls both life and death are gods only!", he loudly says.

So humans have the ability to see the power of a person by reading their aura. In <Martial Road>, auras are just cosmetics, I'm currently wearing the yin and yang aura so that's probably what he saw. 

"Your correct, I am a god."

"Then, what god are you? There are different such as the god of death, goddess of the moon, god of the sun, and so much more but I haven't seen a god's statue that looks like you, what god are you mister!?", he curiously asks.

"Just as what you have seen about me, I can control both life and death and much more. I am the god who fell from the heavens, the Martial God.