
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Fallen Temple

[Two days have passed since I did the application test. I took some rest before I would take some quests, and I'm going to take a quest right now.]

<Adventurer's Guild>

"Diana! Its my first time here so can you recommend me a job where I can explore the country." - Angel

"Oh, Angel, I'll try to have a look..." - Diana

"Here, its an exploration quest sent by a researcher, check the details for your self." - Diana

[A quest to explore an abandoned temple huh. Yeah, this should be good enough.]

"Diana, I'll take this quest." - Angel

"Okay, put an ink stamp on the paper and go meet the requester of the quest." - Diana

[After accepting the quest, I went to the address that was written on the paper to meet the researcher for further details about the quest.]

[I reached his house and knocked on the door.]

"Hello, I'm here for the exploration quest!" - Angel

[I repeated calling for a little because nobody was answering the door and he finally opened.]

"Sorry, sorry, I was at my chamber doing research so I couldn't hear you outside. Thank you for taking my request. My name is Cyrus, a commoner researcher." - Cyrus

"Then I'll call you Cyrus. I want to ask, why are you trying to find about what's inside of an abandoned temple?" - Angel

"Want me to share to you about my current research?" - Cyrus says with a smile

"Yes." - Angel

"What I found out is that there are other gods out there other than the gods we worship. An example of that is the rumor that a god that is not our god resided in a village, have you heard of it." - Cyrus

"Yeah, I've heard of it." - Angel

"It was taught in the Luminos church that there are no other god besides him in this country and every single temple in the Luminos kingdom are temples of the Luminos religion. When I first saw that temple, I couldn't enter due to the danger that are inside but examining the walls itself, I found out that it was older than the creation of the Luminos religion, meaning a god way older than Luminos resided in this country without us knowing."

"So you want me to enter because you couldn't get inside yourself? I accepted this quest because I wanted to learn, and I hit a jackpot." - Angel

"I've also decided to research about the rumor of the god residing in the Augustus village." - Cyrus

"I see, do you have a map where the temple is located?" - Angel

"Yes I do, and I'll be coming with since I want to see the inside my self and we must not let anybody from the Luminos religion know about the temple." - Cyrus

"Don't worry, shall we go and leave now." - Angel

"Wait, let me pack up a bit, who knows what we will encounter inside." - Cyrus

[We had left and rented a carriage, he made me drive it after. The temple was at the northern side of the country.]

"So this is the temple, its quite big." - Angel

"Yes, let us not waste any time and go in." - Cyrus

[We entered the temple and saw a painting of a goddess in the center.]

"So it was a goddess that they worshipped.." - Cyrus

"Hey Cyrus, I found a book about the goddess." - Angel

"Coming!" - Cyrus

[We read the book together and found out that her name was Maria. In a few pages, it showed that she had two children with the names of Luminos and Chandra. Luminos meaning bright and Chandra meaning moon, this two were in conflict of each other due to their worshippers fighting over which is more powerful and great causing the country to be put in great war.]

[Maria in the other hand, didn't want her two children to be fighting over power that she gave up her own power and worshippers to the two of them. After seeing their own mother die in weakness due to lack of divinity, Chandra separated herself and her worshippers to a different continent to prosper.]

[How petty of these gods.]

"To think that the story was this tragic, but if the Luminos worshippers were to see this, another conflict is bound to happen." - Cyrus

"Angel, thank you for bringing me here, I'll get your payment later." - Cyrus

"Think about the payment later, we've been surrounded." - Angel

"What?" - Cyrus

[I can feel magic power around the temple but I don't sense any life other than us.]

"Wh-what's happening!" - Cyrus

"Hey, where did you go!?" - Cyrus

[I didn't notice that I got teleported, just where the hell does this go!?]

[I reached the destination of where the teleportation was headed. The place looked like the old temple but when it was still lively, and beautiful. A woman was standing right in the center, as she turned around, she looked like the goddess Maria.]

"Who are you? And where did you take me?" - Angel

"Don't I look like her from the painting? Well, I guess you can't compare me to a painting. Its me, the goddess Maria." - Goddess Maria

"Maria? From the book, it was that she died due to the lack of divinity." - Angel

"When you read that book, a portion of divinity was given to me, bringing me back to life, does that answer your question?" - Goddess Maria

"Then, where did you take me then? I can't feel Cyrus's presence anywhere." - Angel

"This was the realm where I used to spend my time alone, and this is the kind of realm that the pantheon uses to do their meetings. Does that answer your question?" - Goddess Maria

"Last question, why take me here? Is there something you want to talk about with me or is there something you want to ask me cause only I can do it?" - Angel

"You are a god just like me, right Angel?" - Goddess Maria

"What are you on about? I'm obviously human, look at my appearance!" - Angel

[Ah wait, I don't look like a human huh.]

"You're majestic appearance, and you're infinite vast magical power I can feel from you. Angel, you cannot hide it from me, a human has limits to their own power, and yet you have not." - Goddess Maria

"Just get on straight to the point, I don't like wasting my time." - Angel

"Then, Angel, please help me return my divinity!" - Goddess Maria