
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Darkness Inside the Wall

The training of the students has been going well so I left them with a few scriptures that are easy to comprehend with their knowledge to help them in their cultivation.

I continued to wonder around the whole academy and found the wall that was a entrance to a place. I found out from a rumor that there were dark-magic users who hid themselves inside a magic space constructed by mana. Dark-magic has a bad reputation for being similar to demonic magic and curse magic which caused it to be banned in many countries including the Luminos Kingdom.

"To think that there really is a space behind this wall.", I say while touch the wall. 

As I entered through the wall, I saw a room with 12 kids practicing dark-attributed magic. Being able to control the dead, spirits and inflict pain and fear onto enemies in just a sing incantation, a dangerous, destructive and unpredictable type of magic. 

"[Shadow Binding]!", the kid shouts.

"Heh, you guys are giving an unexpected greeting to your teacher.", I provocatively say.

"Don't underestimate us just because we're kids! [Dawn of the Moon]!", the kid shouts.

Two circled restraint type spell [Shadow Binding] and a three circled beam projectile magic [Dawn of the Moon], they really plan to rough me up huh... I'm proud as a yin type martial arts lover but a bit disappointed for the lack of power. I'll have to educate them as a teacher and teach them something better.

"I'm amazed but I'll have to scold you all now.", I say sympathetically.

As the beam of dark mana was about to hit me, I calmly stared at it and the beam of dark mana vanished.

"W-what happened? Why did [Dawn of the Moon] suddenly gets cancelled!?", he says worriedly.

Just what I'm teaching my students now, the ability to silently chant by manipulating mana in the atmosphere through one's own will and mental power. Magic techniques are still mana shaped into anything you shape it as. I'll just simply disperse those mana particles back into the atmosphere and the magic technique is cancelled.

If my students are able to master this, they'll able to reach higher than the current highest magician. But for this dark-magic students, I'll need them to be under me, I will teach them the correct and powerful dark arts!

"What, are you planning to dissolve our club because we use dark magic!", he says in anger.

"I won't, since I'm also someone that uses dark magic as well.", I empathically say.

"What? But I thought that teachers who teach dark magic are prohibited here in this academy?", she says in confusion.

"Don't worry, come to my club and I'll show you all what real dark magic is!", I passionately say.

They agreed and decided to leave the room, just hearing the word dark was enough to convince them onto my side. With this, the building of my new sect in this world has begun.