
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Guild Test

[I have just entered the city, and it was a good thing that I had a map function, so I headed to the guild that was in the edge of the city.]

"There's a lot of people, are they all adventurers?" - Angel

"Wait, why are they all staring at me like that?" - Angel

[I completely forgot about my own appearance, I completely forgot that a halo was floating behind my head which will obviously unwanted appearance, I should turn it off.]

"Haa, nobody is looking at me anymore." - Angel says to himself

[As I entered the guild... there were more people, there were some with good equipment while some playing with magic.]

"That must be counter for here.." - Angel

[I went to the counter to see if I can register to be a adventurer.]

"Hello, is this where I can register to be an adventurer?" - Angel

"Ah, hello sir, yes, this where you can register... just enter your information here and someone will come test you if you have the minimum requirements to be a adventurer." - Guild Employee

"Oh yeah, that's right, I haven't asked for your name yet." - Angel

"Ah, me? Its um, Diana" - Diana(Guild Employee)

[As I was chatting with cute Diana, I didn't notice that the guild master was coming down at the stairs.]

[And it seems that he has noticed me.]

"Hm, that young man with the majestic look." - Guild Master

"Yes, what is it guild master?" - Guild Assistant

"Can't you feel the aura his exuding?" - Guild Master

"No, I can't feel anything from that man" - Guild Assistant

"Ah guild master! Please come here!" - Diana(Guild Employee)

"Why? What's the matter?" - Guild Master

"He came to register as an adventurer guild master." - Diana(Guild Employee)

[So he's the guild master, huh]

"My name is Angel, nice to meet you" - Angel

"I'm Edward, the guild master, and I'll also be the one who'll test you." - Edward(Guild Master)

"What's the test?" - Angel

"Its gonna be a test of your abilities." - Edward(Guild Master)

[After explaining to me about the test, we went to a large field which is in the back of the guild, and I was not the only who'll be taking the test.]

"Everybody! Eyes over here! The first test would be a magical power test, this orb here in my hands will be the one determining your score!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"The brighter it glows the higher the score but it consumes a lot of mana, that's okay because we have mana potions here so just pour all your mana into this orb!" - Angel

[It was a good thing that I maxed out my chi stat back in the game, giving me infinite chi.]

[The test started and some failed while some passed, and next is my turn.]

"Next is Angel! Come up!" - Edward(Guild Master)

[I just have to pour my qi into the orb, I want to see how bright it'll get!]

"I want to see if that abnormal aura he has is the same as his power." - Edward mutters to himself

[I poured in my infinite qi inside the orb. As I increased the output, it got brighter.]

"So bright!" - Random contestants

"Its getting even brighter!" - Random contestants

'Just how much mana reserve does he have!?' - Edward asking in his mind

[I poured too much that the orb exploded from the amount of chi I inserted.]

*pant pant "What the hell is with that amount of mana of yours!? I almost got blinded from the light!" - Edward(Guild Master)

[I smiled at him. The next test came..]

"The next test is the combat ability test! Those with the courage, come up and face me!" - Edward(Guild Master)

[A lot of them got scared at the thought of facing the guild master while some of them mustered up their strength to face the guild master.]

"Guess I'm the last one.." - Angel

"You may use a weapon against me if you want, I won't be holding back though" - Edward(Guild Master)

"My opponent will fight me bare-handed so I plan to fight him bare-handed as well." - Angel

[I'll hold myself back to the level on par with his to not easily finish the test.]

"Ready... Start!" - Guild Assistant

[We exchanged a few blows, following up with me going on the offensive.]

"You're pretty good Angel!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"Thanks!" - Angel

[It was the first time I felt exhilarated in a fight. We exchanged a few more blows until he decided to use a powerful move.]

"You're gathering mana into your right fist?" - Angel

"You're really amazing, you can even see where my mana flows. I plan to finish with this attack!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"If that is what you're planning, then I shall respond, I will also use my final move." - Angel

[I'll use one of my final martial art moves.]

"You're also gathering mana into your fist? I won't let you!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"Ultimate Destruction Fist!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"Don't! Guild master!" - Guild Assistant

"Its not fist, its a palm! [Yang Striking Devestation Palm!]" - Angel

[My palm and his fist clashed together creating a large explosion but... mine was stronger.]

"You okay?" - Angel said with a smile

"To think he could defeat the guild master, amazing." - Guild Assistant

"Hahahaha! That was the best battle I ever had and I lost! Hahaha!" - Edward(Guild Master)

"Do I get a reward?" - Angel

"Of course of course, you get to start as a C-rank adventurer as an reward for being the highest in the test." - Edward(Guild Master)

"That's a high rank to start with, most adventurers started at rank F but you're going start as rank C." - Guild Assistant

"I see, is it possible if I can sell monster materials here?" - Angel

"Well you can sell it to other shops but yes, we do buy monster materials from adventurers for a fixed price." - Guild Assistant

"Then, I would like to sell this please." - Angel

"This.. this is!" - Guild Assistant

[I showed to them the drops I got from slaying demonic beasts when I was at the demonic forest, guess I'll start rich I guess, haha.]