
what’s is it that you want?

Tae's pov:

It's been over two weeks now since I moved to Florida and started working as a director at one of the biggest tech companies in America, everything was going well until I started to notice more and more times I started bumping into Jin often. I get it if we bumped into each other once in a while but every day was a bit suspicious I mean this is a big town so like I shouldn't be bumping into him this much.

But it's also not like I hate Jin, it's just that I feel so much better when I'm not thinking about him or seeing him. But now every time I see him it's like those feelings I try to deny always come back and hunt me, I learned the pros and cons of liking someone when it comes to someone I've vowed to myself never to make the same stupid mistake I made 5 years ago.


After a few days passed without bumping into Jin I just brushed it off and pretended that it was just a coincidence but, one night on my day off I got a call from an unknown number and when I picked it up it was Jin.

"Open up, I'm at your door." He said and quickly hung up, I looked at my phone confused, and looked back at my door. I got up and went to open and there he was standing at my door his eyes filled with guilt and longing. Suddenly he walked passed me and entered my house, I looked back at him and closed the door behind me. "What are you doing here and how did you get my number?" I asked, "Let's talk Tae, I can't keep pretending like I don't care anymore." He stated as he slowly walked up to me.

As Jin stood before me, his presence filled the room with an intensity that I couldn't ignore. His words hung in the air, heavy with emotion and longing. Despite my best efforts to maintain my composure, I couldn't help but feel my resolve crumbling in the face of his sincerity.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Jin," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "There's nothing to talk about, 5 years you were going through things I couldn't understand and I tried to help but it didn't turn out the way I thought it would." "But now I'm so happy to see you doing so much better, I also want you to know that you're words never hurt me not even once." I told him, "If I am telling the truth I'm glad I knew you 5 years ago, I'm glad I met you and got to know you so much better."

As I spoke, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, the words pouring out from a place of honesty and vulnerability. Jin listened intently, his eyes softening with each word I uttered. Despite the pain of the past, there was a sense of closure and acceptance settling over us, like the pieces of a puzzle finally falling into place.

"I'm glad too, Tae," Jin said softly, his voice tinged with emotion. "Even though things didn't turn out the way we had hoped, I'll always cherish the time we shared together. You were there for me when I needed someone the most, and for that, I'll be forever grateful."

His words filled me with a sense of warmth and reassurance, reminding me of the bond we had once shared. Despite the trials and tribulations we had faced, there was still a flicker of hope burning between us, a glimmer of possibility for a future untainted by the shadows of the past.

"I want you to know that I've changed, Tae," Jin continued, his gaze unwavering. "I've spent the last five years soul-searching and trying to become a better person. And now, standing here before you, I realize just how much I've missed you and how much I want to make things right."


"I know you do but, sometimes it's better to let some people go," Tae told him as he placed his hand on Jin's cheek and stroked it.

"But I don't want anyone but you, I only want you Tae."

As Tae's hand rested gently on Jin's cheek, he felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Jin's declaration of love sent a jolt through his heart, stirring up feelings that he had long tried to bury. Despite his best efforts to resist, Tae couldn't deny the undeniable pull of their connection, the magnetic force drawing them closer with each passing moment.

I tried to deny it but I love you Tae." He claimed, as we stared into each other's eyes time felt like it froze. But suddenly he kissed me, at the moment I froze but as he continued to kiss me holding him by the waist and kissing him back.

As Jin's lips met his own, Tae felt a surge of warmth enveloping him, melting away the barriers he had erected around his heart. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as they surrendered to the intensity of their passion, their bodies pressing together in a tender embrace.

Lost in the haze of desire, Tae allowed himself to be consumed by the depth of his feelings for Jin, his heart overflowing with love and longing. With each kiss, each caress, they wove together a tapestry of shared memories and unspoken promises, forging a bond that transcended time and space.

As they finally broke apart, their breaths mingling in the air, Tae gazed into Jin's eyes, seeing a reflection of his own desires mirrored back at him.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Jin peacefully sleeping in my arms next to me, I let out a big sigh as I looked up at the ceiling still trying to process what happened last night. "I can't believe he has tempted me into doing this!" I quietly groaned as I covered my face with my one free hand, I vowed to myself to never let this happen but it happened due to temptation and unwanted feelings.

I looked over at him still sleeping and come to think of it, I've never seen Jin this peaceful for the past 5 years I've known him. I slowly pulled my arm away from him got up and got ready for work, it's a Monday and I'm not going to let this situation ruin the day.


Jin's pov:

Once I woke up Tae was already gone and nowhere to be found, guess he left for work or something. But I also can't believe I actually did it with him, after five years of fighting against my feelings I've finally gained the courage to spill all my feelings out to him. But knowing Tae I can't expect to have a good response to my confession, I think his already made up his mind on me.

"It also won't hurt having a little hope" I got up from the bed threw on my underwear grabbed one of his shirts and placed it on, it literally looked like a dress on me.

I looked around his apartment and realized that nothing about him had changed not even one bit, he was still the same cold and harsh Tae. Even everything around this apartment just talks to him, the cleanness, the agreement, and the plain color furniture.

As I got into the kitchen I found a plate covered with a note on it, it read "You must be tired once you wake up, eat this to regain your energy." "Ha!" I scoffed "Who does he think I am, a newbie to sex? But it'll be an understatement to say that my body aches all over," "I mean I've never slept with anyone that has a big thing like that, it's like his carrying a weapon around."

I opened the tray of food and it had French toast, sunny-side-up eggs, sausage, and soup on the side. "How the heck does he have the time to cook all of this before work?" I wondered.


Tae's pov:

The day was going great but my mind couldn't drift from Jin who I left alone in my house, I mean who knows what he could be doing to my stuff right now? But regardless I can't let that distract me from my work.

Finally, once I drifted my head from Jin Suddenly Levi walked in during lunch time so cheerful and happy and I knew what was to come after that, "What to grab lunch with me?" He asked, "Not now I have to finish these papers first." I told him, "Well then I will wait!" He added as he sat down.

Levi and Jin were precisely the same person, I honestly don't know what they see in me but I just can't seem to push them away. But also pushing away Levi would be impossible since I basically work for him and as for Jin his just persistent with his decision, I mean they both are I just can't seem to take a break from either of them.

As I continued working Levi suddenly came up to me and touched my neck, I slightly jumped and shifted away from him. "Would you please mind, personal space please?" I said, "Is that a hickey mark on your neck?" He questioned as he came even closer and observed it, "Umm…I'd appreciate it if you don't touch me please." I added. "Ha so you are sexually active, do you have a lover?"

I felt a pang of discomfort as Levi's probing questions invaded my personal space. His casual demeanor only served to heighten my unease, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability under his scrutinizing gaze.

"It's none of your business, Levi," I replied tersely, my voice tinged with irritation. "And I'd appreciate it if you respected my boundaries."

Despite my attempts to deflect his prying inquiries, Levi persisted, his curiosity seemingly insatiable. I found myself growing increasingly frustrated with each passing moment, the weight of his presence bearing down on me like a suffocating blanket.

"I don't see how my personal life is relevant to our work," I retorted, my tone growing sharper. "Can we please focus on the task at hand?"

But Levi seemed undeterred by my protestations, his persistence bordering on invasive. As he continued to press for answers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment building within me, a simmering frustration at being forced to reveal more than I was comfortable with.

To be continued to