
weird guy

This week was stressful so once I got to my room I took off everything hopped in the shower and after I laid in the comfort of my bed, with no classes and no work this is why I loved Fridays. This was also the time I realized that being alone is not so bad, with nobody to stress me and also nobody to pull me out of my bed saying "Let's go to so and so party." Life Is great without people in my ears.

As I tried to take a little nap my phone suddenly started ringing, who could be calling me on my off day? I grabbed my phone under my pillow and it was my manager calling, "Why is she calling me?" I groaned as I answered the call. "Hello?" I said, "Look Tae I know today is your off day but Yuni called in sick today, so I'll need you to cover the evening shift for her." She stated, she couldn't be serious; it's not like I'm the only worker that works there. It's also not like they are going to pay me extra for the shift I'm covering, but there's no way I could say no if I did I would just get fewer and fewer work hours which would downgrade my pay.

"Sure I'll be there," I replied already feeling tired from the thought of getting out of my room on a Friday.



Later that afternoon

"Here we go, working on an off day!" I threw on my glass and hoodie as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the comfort of my room.

Once I got to the café as expected it was full, people were coming in and out. I regret my decision, I rather take the less work hours than come here on a Friday when it's always packed full of people. As I walked into the worker's locker room Miss. Lee came barging in looking so energized and somewhat happy for some reason, how can a person be this happy when the place is packed like this?

"Great you're here, I'm going to need you to hurry up and change then head the the counter and take orders Jun is about to leave." She stated but her words came out fast that I only heard the first part of the sentence, so I just nodded my head in agreement.

I took my time changing into my uniform but when I was done, I felt beat up without even walking into the mess that was outside this door. I opened the door with a sigh and the whole unraveled in front of me, workers going up and down, customers walking in and out every was such a mess and I wished I was in my room right. "Great Tae you're here, good luck!" Jun patted my shoulders as he ran into the locker room, all I can say is that there's no good luck in this situation.


After 9 hours of hell I am left alone in this café to clean up and close it up, I mean at this point if they're going to make me work like this on my off day I better see a higher check than what I normally get.

After I finished cleaning up and changing into my clothes the door opened indicating some stupid person walked in after seeing the closed signup. I grabbed my bag out of my locker and walked out to see who it was, "I'm sorry but we're close-" Before finishing my sentence the rando suddenly fell flat onto their face. "You got to be fucking kidding me!" After dealing with shitty people all day I have to deal with a drunk head now?!

There's no way I'm standing for this, I walked up the the guy and tried to wake him up with my foot. "Wake up sir, we're closed and you can't stay in here." No matter what I did this dude was still not waking up, not letting my anger get the best of me I flipped the guy over to reveal who it was and to my surprise, it was the bathroom guy from a few days ago, "Yeah see this, it's not what I'm dealing with tonight." I walked away from him grabbed my bag and walked out of the café.

There are three decisions I could make, take him with him and kick him out the next morning, leave him in the café or, carry him and leave him outside of the café. But now that I think of it the second decision was not the best choice because Miss. Lee comes the next morning and finds him in here I would get in trouble, and also if I left him outside he would freeze to death. "Well sucks to suck, homeless people deal with it so can he." I walked back into the shop carried him out and placed him outside, there's no way I was taking a guy like him back to my place.

But as I was about to walk away this guy suddenly grabbed onto my ankle and started mumbling shit, "Jesus Christ! I don't have time for this!" I groaned as I tried to release myself from his grip, as I struggled to escape from him the guy suddenly bursted out crying. Forget the bathroom situation being uncomfortable and awkward, this is worse the that! I mean what are people going to think of me as they walked past us?

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" He cried even louder.


"Okay, shut up I'll take you with me." I finally gave in to his cry as I helped him up and dragged him along with me.


"I can't believe I'm in this kind of situation with a guy like this one." I stood next to my bed watching him sleep peacefully in my own bed after throwing up all over me. "I vow to never take anyone's shift ever again." I sighed as I took off my glasses placed them down on my study table and headed out to the living room to sleep on the couch. There's no way I was going to sleep next to this dude.

When I woke up the next morning, sunlight streaming through the window, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The guy was still asleep, snoring softly on my bed. With a resigned sigh, I got up from the couch and made him soup for his hangover. I don't know why I was cooking for him but the faster his hangover is done the faster he can leave.

20 minutes later after I was done cooking he came out of the room looking a mess, his hair was a mess drool stains all over his face and he looked like he was beaten in the head with a hammer. "What am I doing here?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes, "Answer me goddamit!" He exclaimed, "Look is not holding you against your will, you can leave if you want." I told him. "I'm not the one who told you to drink your soul away," I added.

"Ha now I get it, so you brought me back here to have sex with me." He chuckled, what a delusional person who in their mind would think that. "I would never have sex with a person like you, never in a million years." I told him, "Why?!" He asked as he got closer to me, somehow he looked offended by what I just said. "Because you're not my type." I replied, "Ha that has to be a joke, no one has ever said I'm not their type." He added with a chuckle, Well I did so suck it up.

"Wait a minute you look familiar," suddenly he got closer to my face and started examining it, Suddenly he gasped out of nowhere. "YOU'RE THAT WEIRD NERD GUY!" He shouted, "No way it can't be, a guy like that can't be you." He added liked it was life life-changing discovery. "Look, you can either take your clothes and leave or leave with what you have on now," I told him.

His eyes widened in recognition, and a smirk played on his lips as if he had uncovered some grand secret. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his antics.

"Yep, that's me. The 'weird nerd guy' who just saved your sorry ass from freezing to death outside a café," I retorted, my patience wearing thin.

He seemed unfazed by my sarcasm, still grinning like he had just won a prize. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? The almighty savior of the night," he mocked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

I clenched my jaw, struggling to keep my composure. The last thing I needed was to get into a pointless argument with this guy. Taking a deep breath, I tried to diffuse the tension.

"Look, I don't care what you think of me. You can either leave now or leave, but don't expect me to play host to your drama," I said firmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

To my surprise, he seemed to sober up slightly, his expression turning serious for the first time since he woke up. "Fine, I'll leave," he muttered, as he walked over to the room grabbed his clothes, and hastily got dressed.

"Bye nerd, no thanks to you." He said as he walked out flicking me off. Never will I ever help a person AGAIN!

To be continued