
stay away from me

On a hot Wednesday afternoon after a lecture I tried to reach out to Min but it felt like he was avoiding me or something, why would he be avoiding me knowing that we have a project to work on?

I was already getting fed up so I decided to follow behind him and stopped him outside where he was with his friends, "Min hold up!" I said grabbing onto his sweater, he looked back at with an irritated look. "What is it Tae?" He asked his voice coming out harsh, I quickly let go of him and fixed myself "Umm it's about the project, I was wondering when we can meet up and work on it." I told him, "Oh about that, I'll be out of town this week and the whole of next so I won't be able to work on it with you." He revealed, "But I'm sure you got it Hmm." He smiled as he patted my shoulders as he patted my shoulder and walked away with his friends.

"Give up, Min will never view you more than a toy he just uses." A person behind me said, the guy walked in front of me and it was a bathroom guy. "Min is not nice to you because he likes you, his nice to you because he benefits from you. You're nothing but an object to him." He added as he placed back the sucker back into his mouth and walked away.

I know everything he just said is true but I turned a blind eye because I liked Min, but I guess it's time to snap back to reality.


The next day in class as I sat alone taking my notes bathroom guy suddenly appeared next to me, "That's wrong smart guy, it's supposed to be y is equal to -5." He pointed out number 3, I looked back at it and checked my math and he was correct. How does a guy like him who only knows how to hook up and drink know math like this?

"Aren't you going to thank me?" He said, I chose peace today so I'm not going to pay attention to him. "You no fun at all, why are you acting like you're not interested in me?" "No one can resist or ignore a person like me." He added.

"I'm not one of your horny guys!" I said without knowing I was projecting to the whole class, "Will you please your conversation private Mr. Kang!" The professor added everyone in class was looking at me like I was some weirdo. "I'm sorry sir." I buried my face back into my book praying to escape from this nightmare.

After the lecture was finished I quickly packed my stuff and rushed out of the room trying to avoid the guy but he kept pestering in my ears and followed me like a lost dog, "You know I'm not the type to beg for a guy's attention!" He said I was done with all of this. "THEN WHY THE HECK ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!" I exclaimed, "Leave me alone for goodness sake, I don't want you nor do I want to have sex with you. Just leave me the heck alone!" After raising my voice and saying all of this to him I expected for him to leave me alone but it got even worse.

"You're cute when you're angry," "Now I'm going to bother you just to see you get angry." He stated as he grabbed onto me with a big smile on his face. GOD WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!

Frustration boiled inside me as the guy continued to cling to me like a persistent leech. No matter how much I tried to shake him off, he seemed determined to stick around and make my life miserable.

I could feel the stares of my classmates burning into me, their whispers adding to my embarrassment. How did I end up in this situation? All I wanted was to focus on my studies and get through the day in peace, but now I was being dragged into some bizarre game by this guy.

Taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart, I pushed him away with more force this time. "I said, leave me alone!" I practically shouted, my voice echoing through the hallway.

But instead of backing off, he just laughed, as if my anger only fueled his amusement. "Come on, don't be like that," he said, his grin widening. "You're so much more fun when you're all riled up."

I felt a surge of frustration and helplessness wash over me. It was like no matter what I said or did, he refused to take me seriously. Was this his idea of a joke? To torment me for his own entertainment?

Before I could respond, he leaned in closer, his breath hot against my ear. "You know, you're not the only one who can play games," he whispered, sending a shiver down my spine.

I froze, unsure of what to do next. Every instinct screamed at me to get away from him, to find some way to escape this nightmare. But deep down, I knew that wouldn't solve anything. He'd just find some other way to worm his way back into my life.

As I stood there, grappling with my thoughts, a sudden realization dawned on me. Maybe, just maybe, the only way to beat him at his own game was to refuse to play along. To stand my ground and show him that I wouldn't be manipulated or intimidated.

With that newfound resolve, I straightened my posture and met his gaze head-on. "Fine," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "If you want to play games, then let's play. But just remember, I don't back down easily."

For a moment, there was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, as if he hadn't expected me to fight back. But then, just as quickly, it was replaced by that infuriating smirk.

"Challenge accepted," he said, his tone dripping with confidence. And with that, he sauntered away, leaving me standing there alone, wondering what I had just gotten myself into.


A few hours later Jin pulls up into the parking garage of his parent's mansion the bodyguards look at him with surprise and confusion all over their faces. "Are my parents home?" He asked, "Yes sir, they are inside." One bodyguard replied, Jin smiled as he walked towards the door and swung it open. "I'M HOME!" He announced, a small little white dog came running to him barking and wagging its tail.

"Fluffy, I missed you so much." He rejoiced as he picked up the dog and walked into the house. "Welcome back sir," a butler greeted him, "Is mother home?" Jin asked, "Yes sir, she's in the office with your father." The butler replied.

Jin continued to play with Fluffy until his mom came down, "Oh my sweet child!" His mom rejoiced as she rushed to hug him and kiss him all over his face. "I missed you too ma." Jin smiled, "so are you here to stay?" She asked, "Sorry but no." He replied, "I'm here to see if Sam can do some digging on someone for me?" He replied, "Oh Christ, please don't tell me it's one of those guys you hook up with." His mother sighed, "Not yet," he smirked, "oh gosh Jin, you're such a smart kid but you have so many bad habits." She added.

"Maybe it's because we're going east on him." His dad projected as he came out of his office, "If we had raised him with a little harshness maybe he would use his gift in a way to benefit us." He added as he walked down the stairs. "Hello to you Father," Jin smiled, "god blessed you with such smartness but you still take the bad road ahead of you." His father stated. "Maybe I had different plans than just being a smart ass." Jin added, "Watch your language, young man." His mother slightly slapped his mouth.

Jin chuckled as he petted Fluffy, "If you're done with your lecturing I'll be going up to my room to call Smith, but don't mind me I won't be staying for long." He smiled as he waved at his parents and headed upstairs.

As Jin settled into his room, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered from his parents' remarks. Despite their wealth and status, they couldn't seem to understand him or his choices.

Picking up his phone, he dialed Smith, his trusted informant who always had a way of getting information no matter how secretive it was. "Hey, Smith, I need you to do some digging for me," Jin said as soon as the call connected.

Smith, ever the professional, immediately got down to business. "Sure thing, Jin. What do you need?" he asked, his voice brimming with curiosity.

"I need you to find out everything you can about a guy named Tae," Jin replied, his tone smirky. "I'm going to need anything you can find about him, I'm about to have a little fun with him."

Smith didn't hesitate. "Consider it done," he said confidently. "I'll get back to you as soon as I have something."

With a satisfied smirk, Jin leaned back in his chair, anticipation coursing through him. He couldn't wait to see what kind of information Smith would dig up on Tae. It was all part of the game he loved to play – using his resources to unravel the secrets of others and manipulate them to his advantage.

As he waited for Smith's call, Jin's mind raced with possibilities. Tae had piqued his interest from the moment they crossed paths, and now, he was determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic figure.

"This is going to be fun"