
Same old you

5 years later

Waking up to the sunrise, I found myself lying on the bed, the warm rays of the morning sun streaming through the curtains, casting a golden glow over the room. As I blinked away the remnants of sleep, I realized that I had no work, I've packed everything I needed for tomorrow and nothing was planned today so it was a free day for me. A day to sleep, eat, read, and do it over again.

Stretching lazily, I relished the luxury of having no obligations for the day. With a contented sigh, I decided to start my day with a leisurely breakfast. As I made my way to the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, tantalizing my senses. I brewed a cup and savored its rich flavor as I pondered how to spend the rest of my free day.

After finishing my breakfast, I decided to indulge in some reading. I picked up a novel that had been sitting on my bedside table for weeks, longing to be explored. With each page turned, I found myself immersed in a captivating world of adventure and imagination. Time seemed to slip away as I delved deeper into the story, losing myself in its enchanting narrative.


Jin's pov:

As I stepped onto the familiar ground, memories of the past flooded back, each one more unpleasant than the last. The thought of facing those I had once fled from filled me with a mix of apprehension and disdain. Nonetheless, duty called, and I knew I had to endure this family gathering, no matter how insufferable it might be.

Suppressing a sigh, I made my way through the bustling airport, the cacophony of voices and sounds a stark contrast to the solitude I had grown accustomed to in Poland. With each step, I mentally prepared myself for the inevitable encounters and polite conversations that awaited me at the gathering.

As I approached the venue, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, mingled with a tinge of resentment. However, I pushed aside these emotions, focusing instead on the task at hand. I plastered on a polite smile, steeling myself for whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to get through this gathering as swiftly as possible before taking the next plane back home.


Tea's pov

Later that evening as I searched for something to eat I couldn't find anything and there were no groceries for me to cook anything, "This means I got to go and face people" I let out a sigh as I closed the fridge. I grabbed my phone and sweater and headed out to the nearest convenience store to buy some noodles and maybe a rice ball.

As I entered the convenience store, the fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a harsh glow over the aisles stocked with various snacks and necessities. With a resigned sigh, I headed towards the instant noodle section, my stomach grumbling in protest at the lack of substantial food at home.

As I reached for a pack of noodles, my hand froze mid-air as I spotted someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. It was Jin, unmistakable even after all these years. Our eyes met briefly, a fleeting moment of recognition passing between us before we both averted our gazes, continuing on our respective paths as if we were nothing more than strangers.

Feeling a mixture of surprise and discomfort, I quickly grabbed a few more items and headed to the checkout counter, eager to leave the awkward encounter behind me. As I paid for my purchases, I couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered, wondering what twist of fate had brought Jin back into my life, even if only for a fleeting moment in a convenience store aisle.


Jin's pov:

Entering the convenience store, the familiar smell of cigarettes and snacks greeted me, a stark reminder of the mundane tasks I had to endure while back in this city. With a sigh, I made my way towards the cigarette section, my fingers automatically reaching for my preferred brand.

As I reached for a pack, a sudden movement caught my eye, and I found myself locking gazes with someone I hadn't expected to see here—Tae. Despite the passing years, there was no mistaking that face, those eyes that held a mixture of surprise and discomfort upon meeting mine.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as we both processed the unexpected encounter. Memories, both bitter and sweet, flooded back, reminding me of a past I had tried to leave behind. Yet here we were, standing mere feet apart in a convenience store aisle, our paths crossing once again.

As quickly as the moment had come, it passed, and we both averted our gazes, continuing our respective missions as if the other didn't exist. With a sense of resignation, I completed my purchase and left the store, the encounter with Tae lingering in the back of my mind, a reminder of the tangled webs of the past that I could never fully escape.


Tae's pov:

As I walked through the night crowd the fresh air brushing through my face, I couldn't drift my mind away from the recent encounter. "Five years and he still hasn't changed a bit." I found myself smiling at the thought but I shouldn't be feeling this way towards him. He's just an annoying person I crossed paths with 5 years ago.

But as much as I tried to convince myself of his insignificance, I couldn't deny the undeniable pull of our shared history. Jin may have been an annoyance back then, but there was something about him that had left an indelible mark on me, something that I couldn't easily shake off.

With a shake of my head, I pushed aside the tumultuous thoughts and focused on the task at hand—finding something to eat. As I continued on my way, I resolved to put the encounter behind me and move forward, determined not to let Jin or any other ghosts from my past disrupt my peace of mind.

Tomorrow was going to be a new chapter for me, so I couldn't let our past ruin it. Leaving Korea has always been a dream, now that I'm leaving maybe I won't ever see him again.


Jin's pov:

"My decision is final, tell mother and father I'm not coming back. I'll be gone by the next flight tomorrow." I told my brother over the phone as I walked to my hotel room, "You ungrateful brat after all, we have Done for you this is how you repay us!" Dad exclaimed on the other side of the phone. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying anymore, my focus was taken away by the guy that was standing in front of my hotel room. I ended the call and walked up to him, "What are you doing here?!" I asked my voice firm and direct. "There you are, I've been waiting for a long time now." He smiled, "What do you want from me Daehyun?!" He cupped my face and giggled. "Oh my sweet little Jin, you're still the same as ever. Nothing changed about at all." He smiled, I slapped his hands off my face and gave him a warning. "I've told you countless times that I don't ever want to see your face in front of me ever again, but it seems like you're so obsessed that you can't fucking leave me alone!" "Now please leave before I call the police on you and report you for assault and stalking!"

As Daehyun's words washed over me, a surge of anger and frustration bubbled up inside me. How dare he show up uninvited, invading my space and dredging up memories I'd rather forget? I clenched my fists, struggling to keep my emotions in check as I confronted him.

"I mean it, Daehyun," I growled, my voice low and menacing. "Leave now, or I won't hesitate to take action."

But Daehyun simply chuckled, his gaze unwavering as he stepped closer, invading my personal space. "Oh, Jin, you always were such a fiery one," he murmured, his voice dripping with amusement. "But you can't deny the chemistry between us. It's as strong as ever."

I recoiled at his words, my stomach churning with disgust. How dare he speak to me like this, as if our past meant anything more than a series of regrettable mistakes? I took a step back, my resolve hardening as I prepared to make good on my threat.

"Last chance, Daehyun," I warned, my voice trembling with suppressed rage. "Leave, or I'll make sure you regret ever crossing paths with me."

For a moment, Daehyun seemed to hesitate, his gaze flickering with uncertainty. But then, with a shrug and a smirk, he turned on his heel and sauntered away, disappearing into the night without a backward glance.

I stood there, trembling with adrenaline and emotion, as the reality of what had just transpired sunk in. Despite my best efforts to move on, it seemed that the ghosts of my past were determined to haunt me, threatening to unravel the fragile peace I had worked so hard to build.

To be continued