
games on

The next day on a hot afternoon as Jin played with Fluffy in the backyard he got a call, he pulled his phone out and it was a person saved as a lying Bastard. "Gosh, what now!" He groaned as he answered the call, "I thought I told you never to contact me again!" He said, "Come pipe down a little, I heard you're back home why don't we meet up for a while." The person stated, "There's no reason for me to see you or meet up with you, so please don't ever call me again." Jin told but as he was about to end the call the guy said something that caught Jin's attention, "You know I don't think your parents will be pleased to see naked pictures of their son all over town." He threatened him, Jin chuckled as he shook his head, "For a grown man you really are clueless and dumb but, if you know what's best for you I'd advise you to pick a wise choice. Because I don't think you would want to play around like that when it comes to me." "But if that's all run along and go find somebody else to fuck around with." He added as he ended the call.

He placed his phone back into his pocket as he picked up Fluffy and headed back inside, he headed to his room and called Smith to see if he had finally found something. Usually, it never took long for him to find information about someone so he wondered why it was taking so long to report back.

The phone rang for a while until Smith picked up, "Did you find anything?" He asked, "Well it was very hard finding things about him but I found a few," he replied, "Okay so what are the few things you found?" Jin asked, "Well his full name is Kang Tae, he was born on Jenju Island, and at the age of five his parents died but I couldn't find the cause of death, so his basically an orphan, and I couldn't find any other information on his other family. But aside from that his a very smart guy and has won many academic awards, and he did competitive swimming in high but for some reason, he quit." Smith laid out everything to him.

"What a mysterious guy," Jin thought out loud, "anyways thanks Smith, I just wanted to know his background before I got myself into trouble." He added, "What kind of trouble?" Smith asked, "A fun type of trouble." Jin smiled and cackled, "But anyways thanks, Smith." "No problem any time Jin." "One last thing, send me his number." "Okay." Jin ended the call as he stared at his phone with a big smile. "This is going to be fun Fluffy!" He rejoiced as he kissed her.


It's been 4 days now and things have been going smoothly, no more nagging in my ears It was like I got my quiet life back. I guess Mr. Bathroom guy had no interest in me and thank god his nowhere to be found because I think if I actually saw him I might jump off a bridge.

But I guess I spoke too soon because once I stepped out of my last lecture ready to head home he suddenly showed up out of nowhere in front of me, "Jesus Christ!" I gasped as I looked down at him, "He Tae, missed me?" He smiled as he waved i sighed as I placed my hand over my chest and walked past him.

"Come on Tae I'm sure you missed me, I mean who wouldn't." He added as he followed behind me, thinking I escaped from this but boy was I wrong. Now all I need to do is ignore him because I can't avoid and try not to give any of my time. "Do you want a ride, I can give you one." He offered, once again I ignored him thinking that it would work but it just made my life a living hell. After blabbering nonstop in my ears he suddenly went quiet and walked quietly beside me, it was like no matter what I did this guy was so persistent to get what he wanted from me.

"Is every rich kid like this?" I thought to myself.

After what felt like hell I was finally in my apartment complex and that was the line that was not going to be crossed, once we got up to my apartment I stopped and turned to look at him. "This is it, now please leave me alone." I told him, "Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked, I shook my head no. "Oh well, you're such a bummer." "But don't worry, I'll win this game and I'll have a taste of you." He smirked, "You're delusional." I said as I opened my door and walked in closing the door in his face.

What the heck was I going to do about this dude, his just some horny freak that's looking for someone to mess around with, and out of all people he came to me.

"God just kill me PLEASE!"

I collapsed onto my couch, feeling utterly defeated. Mr. Bathroom Guy's relentless pursuit was suffocating me, invading every aspect of my life. How did I become the target of his unwanted advances?

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered after our encounter. His words echoed in my mind, taunting me with their sinister implications. "I'll win this game and I'll have a taste of you." What did he mean by that? And why was he so fixated on me?


Later in the evening, Jin stood out at a bar smoking as he eyed every guy that walked past him, he sighed as he lit off his cigarette and threw it on the floor. "There's no fun around here." He said to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"This is a surprise," Min spoke up as he popped out of nowhere, "Sluty Jin is out here alone and not in some bathroom with some hunk." He chuckled, "Look here Min, don't think just because you're my cousin you can say shit to me." Jin added, "Also if you can't find someone to fuck you don't think I can't because I'm not a worn-out slut like you." He started grabbing a random guy who was passing by them and kissing him.

"So if you can excuse us, we have a business to handle." He smirked as he dragged the guy along with him.

As they walked out of Amin's sight into an alleyway Jin pushed the guy away and brushed off his clothes, "Sorry man you're not my type." He told him, he patted the guy's shoulder and walked away.

He called for a taxi and hopped in, "I must be going crazy, why am I chasing a weirdo around when I can have any guy that I want." He thought that himself chuckling following along, "I can not end my night without having someone in me." He said pulling out his phone and calling the lying bastard, "I knew you would call back," the guy said as he answered the call, "Don't get to fucking cocky," Jin added, "I'm coming to see you tonight, you know what I like." He told him, "Don't worry sweetheart I'm all ready for you, you know where I'm at." The guy replied.

Jin sighed as he ended the call

Jin hailed the taxi, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. He couldn't shake off the feeling of dissatisfaction, despite his bravado. As the taxi cruised through the city streets, he stared out of the window, the neon lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Arriving at the destination, he paid the fare and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The familiar scent of the night air mixed with the pulsating energy of the city enveloped him. He made his way to the entrance of a dimly lit building, the sign above it flickering with a promise of pleasure.

Pushing open the door, he was greeted by a wave of warmth and the muffled sounds of music. The atmosphere inside was heavy with anticipation, bodies swaying to the rhythm, lost in their own desires.

Jin scanned the room, his eyes locking onto his target. The lying bastard stood at the far end of the bar, a smirk playing on his lips as he spotted Jin approaching. Without a word, Jin closed the distance between them, the tension crackling in the air.

Their encounter was brief but intense, fueled by a mutual need for release. And as the night wore on, lost in the haze of passion and desire, Jin found himself chasing not just physical pleasure, but something deeper, something he couldn't quite name.