
don’t hate me

After spending the whole day with Jin once I got home I decided to do a cleanup since tomorrow was a weekend, as I was throwing out the trash later that evening Min suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey Tae!" He said as he walked up to me, "Min, what are you doing here?" I asked wondering why would he be here in my apartment complex, he suddenly grabbed onto my sleeve and smiled. "I just wanted to thank you for working on the project and getting me a good grade on it." He remarked, "No problem," I told him as I looked at his hands that were still holding onto my sleeves.

"Also I've been seeing you and Jin around each other more than ever, when did you guys become close?" He questioned, why would I tell him about my relationship with Jin. "I don't think that's important for you to know," I replied. He chuckled lightly and looked up at me, "Well that doesn't mean anything," "but I have an offer for you." He stated, "What?" "I want you to sleep with me." He revealed.

Oh my gosh, what was it with these friends? It's like they live off sex and hopping from one guy to another.

"I know you like me, so this is a once-in-a-lifetime offer." He remarked it doesn't matter if I do like you; I was not going to have sex with you just because you're offering. But before I got to answer him he suddenly kissed me, this was my first kiss. I've never kissed anyone before and now my first kiss was taken by someone I thought I liked but now, I just despise him.

"Get off me!" I exclaimed as I pushed him away, I wiped my lips and looked at him with disgust. "Good night Min!" I said as I walked away holding back all the bad things I wanted to say.


In a motel room Jin lays on the bed his body naked and a guy on top of him, The guy fell down next to him with a smile on his face trying to catch his breath. "That was great!" The guy rejoiced, and Jin stayed quiet his head lost in the clouds. The guy turned to Jin with a smile and started running his fingers through Jin's body, "You know I didn't think you would call again after our first night together, what made you change your mind?" The guy asked, Jin looked at the guy and sighed.

He got up from the bed picked up his clothes and threw them on, "you're leaving already?" The guy asked, Jin grabbed his phone and walked out.

As he stepped outside of the motel he looked up at the night sky and breathed in the fresh air, he ran his fingers threw his hair and chuckled. "I must be going crazy." He said to himself.

Jin walked down the dimly lit street, his mind filled with a mix of conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that always seemed to follow these encounters. The physical gratification never lasted long enough to fill the void inside him.

He paused at a street corner, the neon lights from nearby shops casting an eerie glow. As he walked further, Jin couldn't help but wonder if there was more to life than these fleeting moments of pleasure. He longed for something deeper, something real and meaningful. But for now, he buried those desires deep within himself, drowning them in the distractions of the night.

Lost in his thoughts, Jin continued to wander aimlessly, searching for solace in the darkness of the city. But deep down, he knew that true fulfillment would only come when he confronted the demons that haunted him and found the courage to pursue the happiness he truly deserved.


A week had passed now and Jin was nowhere to be seen, usually, I would never go a day without seeing him or without him nagging in my ears. But I guess he has given up on his little game and gone back to his old life, though I was glad to get my normal routine back something inside me didn't feel right. I felt a void that I had never felt before and I found myself thinking of Jin in everything I did, at some point, I started getting worried about him.

But when did I start to care for him, I should be glad that his not around bothering me anymore.


After classes, I headed straight to the cafe since I had a full shift tonight, working overtime was not my thing but the pay was worth it.

The day went on normally and smoothly, it finally seemed like I was getting my normal life back but my dreams were cut short. As I was closing up the café drunk Jin suddenly walked into the cafe, this gave me major déjà vu and I was not ready to repeat this event over again.

I looked at him as he walked up to me struggling to keep his balance and once he got close to me he fell into my arms, there's no way this was happening again.

I tried to wake him up to get his home address but he was not budging, I was definitely not taking him back to my place so I searched for his phone and asked if I could find his address somehow. After struggling for several minutes I finally found it, I closed up the cafe got a taxi and took him to him.

Once we got into the parking lot of his apartment complex I was taken back, the place was so fancy and gated with security. It was a place meant for rich people like him, but after I struggled to take him up to his apartment I faced another problem once I got there. The apartment was locked with a passcode, "You gotta be kidding me!"

"Wake up Jin, you what is the passcode to your door?" I asked, he looked up at me and smiled. "It's fluffies birthday," he mumbled "And when is fluffies birthday?" I asked, "April 9" he replied, "Is it 0409?" He smiled and nodded.

Once I opened the door and entered the house I was shocked, this apartment was the size of a whole single house. It even had stairs! Rich people have it the best. Also to my surprise, his place was surprisingly clean, I wonder if he brings any guys in here?

As I laid Jin down on his bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite the luxurious surroundings, there was an emptiness lingering in the air, a stark contrast to the opulence of his apartment.

I glanced around, noticing the absence of personal touches or warmth that one would expect in a home. It was as if Jin was hiding behind the facade of wealth, using it to mask the turmoil within.

After making sure Jin was comfortable, I hesitated before leaving. Part of me wanted to stay, to make sure he was okay, but another part urged me to leave and forget about him. Yet, as I turned to go, a soft voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Please don't go," Jin murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, but the desperation in it was palpable. I turned back, meeting Jin's gaze, and for the first time, I saw a vulnerability that went beyond the confident facade he usually wore.

I hesitated, torn between my own uncertainties and the desire to offer him some semblance of comfort. Taking a deep breath, I approached the bed once again, sitting down beside him.

"What's wrong, Jin?" I asked softly, my voice laced with concern. Jin averted his eyes, his usual bravado replaced by a raw honesty that took me by surprise.

"Please stay with me tonight, don't go." He said as he hugged my arm.

I felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me as Jin's words hung in the air. Part of me wanted to resist, to maintain my distance and guard my heart against the inevitable complications that would arise from getting too close to him. But another part of me, a part that I couldn't ignore, yearned to offer him the comfort and support he so desperately needed.

Without a word, I gently extricated myself from Jin's embrace and slid under the covers beside him. His warmth enveloped me, a tangible reminder of our shared humanity amidst the cold uncertainty of the night.

We lay there in silence, the only sound the steady rhythm of our breathing mingling in the air. Despite the chaos and confusion that surrounded us, there was a sense of peace at this moment, a fleeting respite from the storms that raged within.

As I drifted into sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for Jin and me. But for now, in the quiet sanctuary of his apartment, all that mattered was the simple act of being present for each other, of offering solace and companionship in a world fraught with loneliness and longing.