

Hi my name is Revery luana lodge and im 20 years old.

Right now, my boyfriend and I are outside. By the way, his name is John Rover Costudio,Jr for short. It's our monthsary, and we decided to have a meal out. After we finished eating, he suggested that we go thrift shopping, and I agreed because it's something we often do.

While we were thrift shopping, a red uv stopped in front of the thrift shop we were in. Two big men wearing facemasks came out of the car. I thought they were just going to do some thrift shopping too, but they approached Jr and started talking to him.

After a while, they invited Jr to step outside because they said they needed directions. We went out, and as soon as we did, one of them suddenly covered Jr's mouth with a handkerchief when im about to scream for help the other guy covering my nose with the cloth, causing me to lose consciousness.


Kidnaper:Boss, we have captured him along with his girlfriend, where should we take them?

:To our hideout, because that's where I am right now.

Kidnaper:Copy boss…then End Call.

Jr and Revery's pov:

"Where am I?" Jr angrily and curiously asked,he is about to stand up to come towards me and leave, but his hands and feet were tied. Suddenly, a burly man entered the room, his face initially hidden from us. As he approached, we gradually began to see his face—a middle-aged man with a sharp nose, red lips, and gleaming eyes. I wondered if he looked familiar, and then it clicked in my mind that he somewhat resembled Jr.

As he came closer, I couldn't contain my anger any longer and spoke out, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap us? What do you want from us?!" I confronted him, seething with anger.

"I am Lucas, a mafia boss. I have no need for you, but your boyfriend has a lot to answer for,"

"What?!" I interrupted, surprised by his statement as he looked at Jr.

"You have many things you're not aware of," he calmly responded.

"What? What did we do to you to kidnapped us?!" I angrily exclaimed.

"You may not have anything to do with me, but your boyfriend has a lot to pay for," he said, as if he wanted to cause harm. Then he abruptly left

"What was he saying? I couldn't understand. What is really happening?" I asked Jr, bombarding him with questions, but I didn't realize that i had lose consiousness.

Several hours later, I woke up to find ourselves in a different location. It was extremely dark, but the moonlight shining through the window reflected off a mirror, allowing me to see who was inside with us. I noticed Lucas, the man who came to us earlier, standing beside us, seemingly preoccupied but still keeping an eye on Jr.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door..