


I woke up still in mommy's arms, she was cuddling me this morning, I looked to daddy but he wasn't here, he's probably still charging since I didn't give him a chance to do so in the last few days with how fussy I've been.

I started kissing her neck, she did promise me some fun time, now that I'm over everything that happened I want my fun time, when she didn't answer, I went to biting, that got her full attention. She slapped my bum lightly in answer to my biting, but I didn't stop, my biting went down toward her chest.

/"Roman behave/" she says slapping my bum one more time.

/"No/" I reply happily before leaving another bite on her neck, if she was human I'd be leaving my mark all over her, but since she's not, my bites left nothing.

/"Really Romy?/" she asks calling me a new nickname, I love all the different nickname and pet names I get around here.