


I was so excited, but my excitement about getting someone new who's having a softer hand, well long story short, I messed up. I talked back to Damien, disrespected him, ran away, refused to put my toys, stole candy, well I was out of control.

That was landed me in Damien's lap for a spanking, I tried to push him away, to run and hide but he got me pinned in his lap, pulled my pants down! He's not gonna do this bare! Please god, don't let him do this. Smack. The first slap landed on my bum, I went limp, this hurt!

/"Daddy please/" I plead with him, I did some search before about how to get out of punishment, the best happened to be playing on their emotion.

Smack. Wrong choice, the robot would not let me go until he's sure I've learned my lesson, the whole emotional play won't work unless my program worked and the bot now has some human emotion, but it's not sympathy I'm looking for, it's love, my program is all about love.