
My Boss Is A Lady

Staring casually into his eyes, the tears she has been holding in her eyes broke loose within the lids of bondage and rolled down her cheeks. It didn't take up to a minute before her eyes turned red. "You really didn't care, did you?" Her shaky voice nearly succeeded in bringing the young man in front of her, to his knees. "I-I di-did... This is a mis-take... Don't be li-like this..." "Like what?!" She screamed! Her hand already flying in the air towards his face... But... Someone held her hand from behind. Prepared to vent the anger on the person behind her through redirecting the slap meant for the man in front of her, she turns unsuccessfully forcing her hand out of his grip. The hot tears that were gushing down her face this whole time dripped more profusely. Her red face started calming down when she saw the man behind her. Her pink lips forming an oval shape that signified her shock. "Haoran...?" The man smiles handsomely with his eyes displaying happiness in them. "Yes... It's me" She slowly buried her head into the chest of the man and wept in pain, punching his chest lightly and murmuring. "Why didn't you go? It's an opportunity that can't be-?" "It isn't an opportunity that will make this company flourish. If it is, it won't make me leave you" Hearing his voice made her cry the more. She looks tattered, and poverty seems to be her identity. The siren of the police vehicles engulfs the air and the man who attempts to run away got handcuffed before he even realized he needs to move. The eyes of Haoran scan Haozi dreadfully as the woman cried on his chest. "Where are the others?" ******* Experience the journey of Haoran and Ai Mi as they work hard to retain the biggest company of Japan, and discover so many missing people in their lives. Standing for each other is their virtue.

novel_lights · สมัยใหม่
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62 Chs

Thank You?

Haoran's bright expression begins to fade gradually. What is in his question that made her form a fist? What...? She want to hit him? Or probably go hit Ai Mi?

"I don't know... Honestly" her voice sounded like she wanted to start crying. Haoran looked at her critically, asking himself a dozen questions at once.

Her reaction is a sign that either something happened between she and Ai Mi, or Ai Mi's just a mean person.

He continues to stare as she blabbed about work and how tired and exhausted she is.

During her blabbing moments, Haoran eyes traced the long scar behind her ear. Her hair tried to cover it but, it didn't entirely.

The scar is long and a bit deep.

He also saw a scar like this on Miss Lee earlier, but just thought it was a mere injury.

Seems like he has to make a long research on GJP.

Something seems so off about the scar, but he can't put it toge-

"Haoran? Are you listening?"

Haoran blinked and a smile broke out on his lips "Yeah, I am"

Zhi Ruo continues to talk uncontrollably about her work in GJP, and Haoran sulked listening to her from within.

She makes him feel sick when she's talking like this.

"Anyways, you need rest, so as to function well on your first day!" Zhi Ruo squeaks and Haoran smiles widely. Only wise people can see through his fake smile.

"Yeah" Haoran whispers

"I think this is it" Zhi Ruo stops walking and turned to face Haoran the same time he turned to face her.

"I'll leave our new guy to have a rest" Haoran smiles at her cute and small voice.

"Have a nice night and sleep well. Bye" Zhi Ruo waves at Haoran and he did the same. She walks away in the street up ahead and Haoran turns back to walk to his house which isn't too far from the coffee stand.

As he walks back to the house, the image of Ai Mi kept flashing in his mind and Zhi Ruo's loosed fist when he mentioned something about her.

What could be their type of relationship that makes her feel so bad?

He couldn't help but wonder.


Ai Mi is seen with a mug of hot tea and a blue and glittery bathrobe outside. In front of her house, beside the amusement park a few steps away from her apartment.

Munchen and Zhi Ruo. The thought of those two makes her cringe in fury. Her grip on the mug tightens as those thoughts flashes across her mind.

How dare she! Zhi Ruo... Take information in and out of the company like a rat?!

The phone call in her office after the interview flashes the mind of Ai Mi.

"Yes sir. I will let Miss Ai Mi know... She won't take chances, don't worry"

But she said it was her father, Mr Bao. Wait...

What if her dad, Munchen and Zhi Ruo has ganged up against her?!

Thinking about all this made her sick. She has been through a lot in her life and this people want to make things hard for her once more.

Well, that ain't happening. Cause she will make things much harder for them!

Ai Mi was so engrossed in her thoughts, that she didn't notice Haoran coming upto her from her right.

Haoran stops at a very close distance staring at her.

She looks so beautiful. Being the first time he has seen her hair down, her beautiful, fair and delicate legs and feet, he felt moved for some reason.

But that beautiful face seems sad and angry. And that made Haoran sad too.

Staring at her for too long made Ai Mi frown. Who the heck is staring at her like a spy.

Ai Mi then turns angrily to the person beside her just to find Haoran staring at her softly.

Her heart sank looking into his eyes. Her expression softens and she immediately felt a pang of cold from the evening breeze hit her.

She was to engrossed in the stare, that she forgot a mug of hot tea was in her hands.

The mug slipped from her fingers unconsciously and broke into innumerable pieces. The tea splattered on her beautiful blue bathroom and she took several falling steps towards the staircase.

Ai Mi closed her eyes, preparing for the hard fall on the edges of the stairs, but she didn't feel anything.

Her banging heart begins to calm down when she realized there was no pain anywhere in her body.

Slowly, her eyelashes fluttered with furrowed eyebrows as she opened her eyes.

She was caught!!!

She abruptly turns her head to her outstretched hand being held by Haoran beside her.

He pulls her up with a little strength in him and helps her to maintain stamina before he left her wrist and waist.

She also pulled her arms sway from his neck.

Haoran's eyes did not leave her even when she wanted to avoid his gaze. Yeah, he felt the ignorance, but he still stared at her anyway.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Is that some way to say thank you?" His irrational and her rude behavior got the dust standing on its ends.

"Thank you?" Ai Mi tried very hard to ask.

Who is he that expects a thank you from I, Ai Mi Bao?!

"Why would I say that?" She asks again, clearly wanting to make him annoyed

Haoran bit the side of his mouth in search for words. If it was another girl that spoke to him that way, he would have sworn and cursed at her and become really annoyed.

But Ai Mi is... She's different.

He thought that the reason for the control of his tongue was because of the job which he really wants to keep in front of the boss, but no.

His heart kept failing and skipping beats the more they stared at each other.

"Trying to remember you caused this so, no. You should apologize instead"

"What?" Haoran kept his eyes on this feminine creature.

Apologize? He hate that word!

He chuckles, making what she said look like lost words. Ai Mi tried to get angry, but couldn't!

She wonders why!

"I'm not doing that"

"Then I'm not saying thank you" she huffs and turns away to look at another place. Her hands folded, and her mouth pouting.

Making her look more cute and adorable than the tough woman she claims to be.

Haoran felt the joke she tried to pull but actually failed some moments ago.

"Is this your house?" Ai Mi turns to Haoran who's staring at her like some lost puppy.

His face makes the harsh words at the tip of her tongue to melt away as she hums a little "Hmm"

He turns to the apartment, not tearing his eyes away from her until he turned to the building fully.

Looks like she loves designer things. The lights outside are one of a kind. The door is of a royal pattern and the railings are so... So neat and flawless. He felt shocked that a woman have so many things while some men are still trying to get there.

He wonders who her boyfriend might be.

He Feels So Jealous Now!

Ai Mi tried to suppress the words that are trying to slip off her tongue without warning, but it seems like she can't.

Finally, she blurted out "Where are you coming from?"