
Chapter Sixty-One

Sarah POV

When we approached the hall to join the others on entering the hall I noticed our team are kind of arguing. My boss who is beside me also noticed what is going on, we quietly approach them when they noticed our presence they quiet down.

What is going on here he asked, everyone was quiet nobody want to talk few seconds later it's become clear that nobody want to talk. Rose was the one that speak up, Boss we are arguing about going out to celebrate our victory Rose said. So is that why you guys are trying to create a scene here Boss asked with raised eye brow.

Actually some are in support of the idea while others are afraid of incurring your wrath for three years now you always shut down the idea of celebration Rose said but I can detect mockery in her tone while Max have that mischievous look in his eyes, it's more like silently telling Rose thank you for pointing that out to him.

Boss turned towards the team,do you guys want to go out and celebrate? He asked. Yes! They chorused. Okay then let's go out and celebrate Boss said with smiles on his face. Everybody was shocked to hear him say that, they are immobile nobody is moving.

Are you guys not going again he asked them. Before I forget Max and Ella you guys are coming with us though you are not part of the team but you are here to cheer us up you should also come and celebrate with us.

Well Bro you don't need to invite me to come with you guys cause I am coming whether invited or not Max said and patted Boss shoulder. Everybody laughed at what he said. Thank you Mr Vincent for invitation Ella said, you are welcome Ella and thank you for coming to cheer us up Boss responded with that killer smile.

I can swear I saw Ella blushed, I nudged her side when she looked at me I was wiggling my eyes, she glared at me and went and stood beside Rose.

Bro this is not fair we are two that came to cheer you up but you only thanked the lady and leave the gentleman Max whined while pouting his lips. Oh my God he is so adorable when he pouts I just feel like pulling his cheeks. And who is the gentleman if I may ask Boss said with serious look on his face but I know he is just playing around.

What do you mean by who is the gentleman, who else could it be if not me Max said proudly. Sorry but I can't see any gentleman here Boss said why while looking around like he is looking for something. Max is about to say something when Boss cut him off.

Where are we going for the celebration he asked, another round of argument ensued immediately a lot of suggestions here and there. Luckily Max was able to stop this round of argument easily when he suggested Hamilton's Tavern, everyone agreed immediately.

We arrived at the bar and I must confessed the place is beautiful, it is so amazing the perfect place for this kind of celebration. There they have a seamless combination of a perfect dive bar and a haven for beer nerds.

We seated around a table, the waitress approached us to take our orders. I ordered my usual white wine since they are serving both wine and beer and the others placed their orders as well, am seated in the middle of my boss and Ella.

My boss nudged my side I turned towards him cause I was discussing with Ella, I looked up to know what he want he brought his face closer  to my ear and whispered. Why white wine all the time he asked.

Mmmm because its my favorite I answered, why don't you try something else it might turn out to be your favorite or maybe like it he suggested. Okay if you say so I will try another wine even beer I assured him. Okay I will look forward to that he said while smiling genuinely. My heart is beating so fast could it be true that he like me too.