
My Billionaire Husband is the Devil's Advocate

After catching her husband having a threesome with her sister and best friend on their wedding night, Bella finds herself shattered by heartbreak and betrayal. From the pieces of her devastated heart, a relentless thirst for vengeance emerges. Fate brings Bella and Jameson, a ruthless billionaire CEO, together. Jameson harbors hatred towards Bella's father and her entire family, the Vanderblibs, and sees an opportunity for revenge. Bella forms an alliance with him, determined to seek retaliation against those who used her as a pawn in the past, even if it means risking her own downfall. However, planning revenge is one thing, but executing it is another. Bella will encounter unexpected twists and turns along the way, with her husband Matt, complicating matters. Will she give in to the darkness of revenge, or will she find solace in the light of justice?

Soms_16 · สมัยใหม่
45 Chs

Forty One

Bella's POV

The air is thick with the scent of rosemary and garlic. Jameson's laugh is a low rumble against my skin, the sound sending shivers down my spine. I am flipping through recipe pages as I try to make a meal for us for the night.

"You know," he says, his voice husky, "You're a terrible cook."

I swat his arm playfully. "No, I'm not. I'm just a little bit confused about which would come first between the chills and—"

He chuckles at my explanation. "Come on, Bella. Just admit it."

"I'm the one who made the delicious meal you ate just a few minutes ago." I retort, pointing at the spread on the table.

He takes my hand, bringing it to his lips. He kisses my palm, his gaze lingering on my eyes. "Yeah, but you're a much better cuddler. How about we forget the food and devour each other instead?"