
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 7

After finishing her delightful meal, Chloe left the restaurant feeling thoroughly satisfied. The evening air was cool and refreshing, and she decided to take a leisurely walk to soak in more of the city's enchanting atmosphere. The streets of Paris were alive with twinkling lights and the gentle hum of conversation, creating a serene and magical ambiance that made her feel like she was in a dream. 

As she wandered through the charming streets, Chloe found herself completely captivated by the beauty around her. She passed quaint cafes with patrons laughing over glasses of wine, street musicians playing soft melodies, and historic buildings bathed in the glow of the setting sun. She was so absorbed in the moment that she lost track of time.

Eventually, she glanced at her watch and realized it was getting late. With a sigh of contentment, she decided it was time to head back to her hotel. The walk back was just as pleasant, and she couldn't help but smile at how perfect the day had been.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Charles had been waiting patiently in the lounge, hoping to catch a glimpse of Chloe. As the minutes turned into hours, he started to feel tired and a bit discouraged. He finally decided to call it a night and stood up to leave. Just as he stepped outside the hotel, he looked across the road and saw Chloe walking towards him. 

For a moment, he stood there, watching her as she crossed the street. His heart skipped a beat when their eyes met. Chloe's heart began to race, and she felt a rush of emotions. She immediately became flustered but managed to compose herself as she approached him.

"Hi, Charles," she said, her voice a bit breathless.

"Hi, Chloe," Charles replied with a warm smile. 

After exchanging greetings, Charles suggested they sit down for a moment. He led her to a nearby public bench under a softly glowing streetlamp. They sat down, both feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"It's really nice to see you again," Charles said, breaking the silence. "I wanted to return your camera personally."

Chloe smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Charles. I really appreciate it."

They chatted for a while, sharing stories about their day and enjoying each other's company. The conversation flowed easily, and they both felt a growing connection. The night air was cool, but their conversation was warm and filled with laughter. 

Chloe turned to Charles with a curious look in her eyes. "So, how is your son, Christian?" she asked.

Charles's face lit up at the mention of his son. "He's doing well, thank you. I'm really sorry about the incident the other day."

Chloe smiled warmly. "It's totally fine. He's just a kid, and a very cute and good one at that."

Charles's expression softened with pride. "Thank you. He really is a great kid. It's incredible watching him grow up."

Chloe could see the pride in his eyes as he talked about Christain. "You must be a wonderful dad," she said sincerely.

Charles gave a humble smile. "I'm just trying to make up for lost time and be the best dad I can be."

"Lost time?" Chloe thought to herself, feeling a pang of curiosity. She wondered what had happened but decided not to pry. She didn't want to intrude on what might be a sensitive subject.

Charles seemed to sense her curiosity but didn't elaborate. Instead, he shifted the conversation. "What about you, Chloe? What brought you to Paris?"

Chloe's face brightened. "I just moved here on a bit of an impulse, really. But living in Paris has always been a dream of mine. Ever since I was a little girl, I've been enchanted by the idea of this city—the culture, the history, the art. It all seemed like a perfect place to start a new chapter in my life."

Charles nodded, understanding the allure of Paris. "I can see why. Paris has a way of capturing your heart and soul. Have you found it to be everything you imagined?"

"Oh, absolutely," Chloe said with enthusiasm. "Every corner of this city has something beautiful to offer. I'm still getting used to it, but I already feel so inspired just being here. It's been amazing."

Charles smiled, genuinely happy for her. "That's wonderful to hear. It sounds like you're living your dream."

They continued to chat, sharing more about their lives and dreams. Chloe found herself feeling increasingly comfortable with Charles, appreciating his genuine nature and the way he spoke so lovingly about his son. The evening air was cool, but their conversation was warm and engaging.

Charles leaned in slightly, his curiosity piqued. "I hope I'm not being too forward, but what are your plans for accommodation here in Paris?"

Chloe smiled, appreciating his interest. "No, not at all. I actually have a contact with a real estate agent, and I'm planning to reach out to them later in the week to find a place."

"That's great to hear. Good luck with that," Charles said warmly.

"Thank you," Chloe replied. "So, what do you do for work, Charles?"

Charles's expression grew thoughtful. "I inherited my father's businesses. He was a well-rounded man when it came to business. He owned malls, hotels, car dealerships, restaurants, a clothing line, and many other ventures. Now, I own and oversee all of them."

Chloe's eyes widened with admiration. "Wow, that's impressive. It must be a lot of responsibility."

"It is," Charles admitted with a nod. "But I try to manage it all as best as I can. It's a lot to live up to, but I'm determined to make it work. What about you? What do you do for work?"

"I was a content writer back home before I resigned and moved to Paris," Chloe explained. "I loved my job, but I felt like I needed a change, a new adventure. I'm actually on the lookout for a job here, but I wanted to settle down in the city first before diving into work."

Charles nodded, understanding her perspective. "I can see that. Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what you need."

Reaching into his pocket, Charles pulled out a business card and handed it to her. "When you're ready to start looking for a job, give me a call. I might know some people who could help."

Chloe took the card, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Charles. That's really kind of you."

"It's the least I can do," he said with a smile. "I'm glad we had this chance to talk."

They continued their conversation, sharing more about their backgrounds and dreams. Chloe felt a growing connection with Charles, appreciating his openness and the ease with which they communicated. The night air was crisp, but their exchange was warm and comforting.

As the evening wore on, they both realized it was time to part ways. Charles walked Chloe back to her hotel, and as they reached the entrance, they paused for a moment.

"Thank you for bringing my camera back and for the lovely conversation," Chloe said, feeling a bit reluctant to say goodbye.

"It was my pleasure," Charles replied with a smile. "I'm glad we got to talk."

They said their goodnights, and as Charles walked away, Chloe couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. There was something special about their connection, and she looked forward to seeing where it might lead.

As Chloe entered her room that night, she felt a whirlwind of emotions. The evening had been enchanting, and her conversation with Charles lingered in her mind. She changed into her pajamas, the soft fabric providing a small comfort as she slipped into bed. 

Lying there in the quiet of her room, Chloe found herself unable to stop thinking about Charles. His warm smile, his genuine interest in her life, and the easy flow of their conversation played on repeat in her head. She realized with a start that she was beginning to fall for him, a realization that both thrilled and terrified her.

Not long ago, she had endured a painful breakup, one that had left her heartbroken and wary of getting close to someone new. The wounds were still fresh, and she had promised herself that she wouldn't rush into anything again. The idea of falling for someone so soon made her feel vulnerable, and she didn't want to risk getting hurt once more.

Determined to protect herself, Chloe resolved to stay in control of her feelings. She decided she would keep things light and casual, focusing on settling into her new life in Paris before allowing herself to become emotionally involved again. She knew she needed time to heal fully and didn't want to repeat past mistakes.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Chloe pulled the covers tighter around herself. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The evening had been magical, but she needed to be cautious. Slowly, she began to drift off to sleep, her resolve firm but her dreams filled with thoughts of Charles.

As she slept, her mind wove a tapestry of what-ifs and maybes, leaving her with a sense of hope and trepidation. Despite her determination to stay in control, a small part of her couldn't help but wonder what the future might hold if she allowed herself to open up to the possibility of love again.