
chapter one


Am off to work, don't forget the delivery that is coming today

She said gently walking out of Jessie's room

Mia!! Jessie called

What is it jessie, you should also not forget our outing after work today

Of course I won't, take care of yourself

'Mia left for work'

'At work'

Good morning nurse Linda

Good morning doctor Mia

Hmm have told u not to call me doctor Mia again

U can call me Mia

I prefer it that way

'they both laughed'

So any patient for me this morning 'mia asked'

Yes there is a patient that has been waiting for yo she said u have an appointment with her today

Ohh, that must be Mrs beatrice

Yes, that's what she called her name

Ok thank you, let me attend to her

Ok, bye

'on her way to her office to attend to Mrs beatrice she heard some terrible noise from ward 104 and decided to check what caused the noise'

I have told you not to inject me with that thing now stay back stay away from me if anyone comes closer I will make use of the knife in my hand, stay away ' he said furiously'

Mr Anthony pls calm down the injection isn't a bad thing pls we need to give it to you for you to get better pls ' the doctor said in a calming tone'

I said don't come near me

Stay where you are

Or else

Doctor don't force me to make us if the knife in my hand

Where is Juliana

Where is she

Call Juliana right now

Am here!! 'mia said gently as she walked towards him'

It's ok now

Am Juliana am right here

Now drop the knife gently on the table 'she said walking towards him gently' now lay down and take a little nap

Juliana ' he said'

Am here am not going anywhere close your eyes and take some rest

'He closed his eyes and calmed down imediately Mia went to him'

Doctor!! ' she whispered' u can give him the injection

' the doctor gave him the injection as Mia sat beside him till he slept off'

How did you do that? 'Daniel asked'

Well for someone that has mental issue the best way to treat them is to think like them

U need to think the way they think as at that time

He asked for Juliana then cos he knows when he has Juliana with him it will satisfy him

U just need him to think Juliana is really there. With him

Wow!! You are indeed good

Thank you sir

But you..

Am sorry I have to go I have another patient to attend to bye

'Mia left the ward room'

Doctor who is that female doctor that treated him the other time?? ' Daniel asked'

Well she is a new doctor that just joined us she was promoted from college to working here she is so gifted have not seen a young doctor like her perform well she's mostly with the kids

Ohh I see

' Few days later Mr Anthony was discharged from the hospital and continued with work on his way back he met Mia and jessy drinking'

What a mess why will yond people like dis come out by this time to drink

Wait shes the one who got you treated miss Mia

Wait that drunkard treated me?

Hmmm yes she did I don't think she did it willing maybe she was faced with some troubles

They both got down to meet them

Hey stop drinking and go back home

Huh? Who are you and how dare you talk to us like that ' jessy said'

No no jessy don't you know him hes the CEO of DIDI company hes so very arrogant I treated me and he didn't bother to thank me later who even cares, we decided to drink it's none of your business

Uhmm Mia ' Daniel called '

Ohh you are his friend right?


Hmmm I want to sing let me sing for you

Her and Jessy stood on the table and was singing few minutes Mia felt irritated in her stomach and accidentally puked on Anthony's suit

What nonsense is this ??

Anthony you see she's drunk she didn't know u were there ' Daniel said'

You see I told you he's arrogant very mean

Daniel take them home am fed up of all this rubbish

' Daniel took them home and Anthony returned home the following morning Mia and Jessy woke up surprised to meet themselves at home but didn't remember what happened Mia got prepared for work and left after having breakfast'

Hello miss Mia there is a message for you I have dropped it on your table

Thank you so much I will have a look at it

' She got to her office and opened the envelope and screamed'

What!! I didn't order any suit how come they billed me for this when I haven't even paid my house rent then I will think of buying a suit worth millions she called Jessy AMD explained to her while she was explaining Jessy remembered what happened and reminded Mia

Well am not paying for the suit, I was not in my right senses when I puked on it, I can't be well and then puke on someone clothes

So what are you going to do

Am going to clear myself from all this I don't have the money or know where to start thinking of getting 2 million,we are going to his office

What!! Why we?

We both got drunked on that day so we have to do it together

Mia do u really want me to go and see that arrogant billionaire ' she said as she groans behind her'

'At the office'

Hi, uhmm hello 'Mia greeted'

Hello ma'am what can I do for you ' the secretary replied'

I want to see your CEO

Am sorry ma'am but do you have an appointment with him

Well no but what I want to see him for is very urgent pls I had no time to book an appointment with him

Am sorry but I can't let you in without you booking an appointment with him and besides he's in a meeting

Ok thanks

You can have your seat an wait for him till he's free

'They went to have a seat. Beside the secretary office'

Jessie i can't wait

And why that?

I have a patient coming over by three and again this is Anthony if he knows the person that puked on his suit is waiting for him what do u think he will do

Answer us!?

No he won't even answer us instead use us to sign contracts

Ohh that's true

Oh no what kind of mess did I put myself in

Wait Mia I know what to do

What are you going to do jessie

I will try and distract the secretary then you go in and talk to him

But Jessie he is in a meeting right now

Then tell him how u puked on his jacket he will embarrassed and tell them to leave the meeting trust me

Hmmm 'she looked at her stylishly and smiled', but how will you distract the secretary

Leave that to me

'Jessie went towards the secretary'

Hey, hello

Do u know that I got my ear ring from DIDI company

You mean this company?

Of course which other company has this name

Wow it's so beautiful

I know, even this necklace was bought by my boyfriend from DIDI


' while Jessie distracted the secretary Mia sneaked into Anthony office while we was having meeting'

Hello Mr anthony

You are not blind, you can see am in a meeting right now

Meeting dismissed this minute

And who are you to order my workers and just end my meeting anytime you like

Ohh really ok I think your worker would like to know why an arrogant boss wants me to buy a Suit worth 2 million form his own company

Hmmm ' he looked at her angrily' meeting dismissed we'll continue next time

But sir...'a worker said'

I said get out now

' they all left the meeting room'

Good of you Mr Anthony

So where is my 2 million

I am not paying any 2 million to you, look Mr Anthony I was drunked when I puked on your suit I wasn't in my right senses I was dizzy and not thinking straight it wasn't my fault that I puked on your suit

Wow, so you mean you were not in your senses

Yes I wasn't

But you could recognise me so easily you were not in your right senses but u could think well and say all those terrible words to me


Go on

I didn't know there was no gutter in front of me

Don't come to my office and begin to say rubbish, just bring me my 2 million for my suit you ruin with your puke

But Mr Anthony u designed the suit you are the owner of the DIDI company you can easily get another one that won't even cost anything so why can't you just overlook it

sincerely I don't know where to get 2 million, my salary is not even half the 2 million

What's my business with that, how should I care about that, I don't care where you will get the money if u like u can go and steal it just go an get me my 2 million for the suit in the next seven days

U know what?, You are a despicable man ' she said angrily and walked out of the office'

' Mia came out angry from Anthony's office and dragged Jessie out of the company'

Hey, Mia what happened?, Why are you so angry, what did he tell?, Are we still paying for the suit? 'Jessie asked'


What do you mean yes

He even said I should Goan steal the money that he doesn't care where I will get the 2 million from but I should pay up within seven days

Oh no no, this is bad, really bad, what are we going to do now



Yes we are going to do nothing I can't go and steal cos I want to pay one suit that worth 2 million, that's bribing

No Mia it's not you spoilt his suit it's obvious and you have to buy another one

Can't I just wash it for him

Mia, she looked at her sarcastically'

I know🙄, I can't

Well now what's going to happen

Nothing Jessie, nothing at all, I have a patient coming over by three I have to go I'll meet you at home


'At the hospital'

Doctor mia 'nurse Linda called' Mrs beatrice and his son are in the office waiting for you

Ohh yes, she came for a check on her son's brain get everything ready pls


'She got to her office and had the check up done some minute later the results were out'

Uhmm, Mrs beatrice the stage your son is now is level two once it gets too level it can course much such has he might start killing people because if guilt in him or start to harm people and he won't know about it

So what am I going to do to not make it get to that stage

We'll make him close to the things he loves most like I said the last time and also don't make him remember the things that cause the mental disorder,

And this pills give it to him when he his in that state it will calm him down and maybe ince in a while take him out and make him happy so that he won't even think of the trauma, also don't make him be alone when people are alone they think mostly so always Jeep him company

Thank you so much doctor

And don't forget to always bring for check up so that he will know how well he his doing Ok no problem, thank you so much I really appreciate

My pleasure

Give the nurse this prescription she will get them for you ' she stretched a piece of written paper to her'

Thanks bye

Bye ma

Mrs beatrice left Mia office and Mia start to think of how she will get 2 million'

Ohh let me call Uncle John maybe he can help me with it ' she thought, she picked her phone and dialed his number'

Uncle John

Mia how are you doing? ' Uncle John asked'

Am fine Uncle John

What do you need my help for Mia

Well Uncle John I need some amount from you, actually I want to borrow some amount of money from you and return them two months later

Oh no am really sorry missed but right now I just gave your grandmother the last money in my account to complete her jewellery store

Ohh ok uncle thanks ' Sha said sadly as she hanged up' and went home'

Jessie ' Mia called out'

Mia so have you found where to get 2 million

Well not yet, I called uncle John he said he gave grandmother the last money in his account and when called aunt jennie she didn't pick my call even uncle mathew and Florence with Granny Cynthia no one was picking up ' she said worringly'

I also called my relatives no one had 2 million

Am tired of this

But mia don't you find it strange

Find what strange is it the suit it's not worth 2 million right

No the calls we made it was only uncle John that picked your call and even when he picked your call you know uncle John always have 5 million on his hand for emergency but this time we didn't have it in hand and apart from him no one else picked your call

Jessie you are overreacting they might be busy and as for my uncle you heard what I said he gave the remaining money to grandmother for her jewellery store

Ok if u say so

AM going to bed am so tired

Bye good night

Bye Jessie

'At Anthony's mansion '

' Daniel came in with a news to anthony'

Have delivered the news to mia's family not to pick her calls or lend her any money

That's good

But Anthony where do you want her to get money

I don't care

You have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow by 3:00

Ok no problem

The next morning'

Mia got to work very early in the morning and was sent to take a file to Mr Andre's office but on her way going she overhead the conversation between Mr James and Mr Barnabas'

Mr Barnabas am sorry but I can't be his personal doctor anymore, he doesn't want me near him and he scares me sometimes I can't go near him how am I suppose to treat him ' Mr James complained'

hmmm i see now you are going who else will be left to be his personal doctor everyone keeps running away and he keeps ordering for more doctors

she smiled as Mr Barnabas walked out'

Ohh no why did u use that kind of escuse my eyes are sharp I don't need glasses, whatever I better get this to mr andre ' she got the file to Mr Andre's office and dropped it on his table and the left the office on her way back she met a friend'


' shocked' Simon oh my gosh it so nice to see you here

Of course, wow you look so beautiful it's been while

Thank you so much, but I have not seen you working here B4 and u are now in hospital wear

Well yes I was just emoloed two days ago

Wow, that's so nice you have grown so much since last we spoke each other

Of course you have also changed quite along

' she laughed' since college

I missed those days

' they both laughed'

Let's have lunch together

Ohh that would be nice let's go

They both went to have lunch together and some chat together'

So what are you based on now

Well a psychologist

Wow, well not surprised thought

' she laughed' why do you say that

The way you act around around in school especially to those who had mental issues your best friend then

Ohh you mean Sandra 'she said sadly' you know she was the one that inspired me to be a psychologist I really wanted to help her then to cure her mental issues but I couldn't I promised her that I would be the one to cure it for her but I couldn't I really didn't know she would leave us so soon

Am sorry I brought up the past

No no it's nothing ' she smiled, she sighted Anthony walking into the hospital then she covered her face with the bottle of drink in front of her'

Is there any problem Mia

No no it's nothing, I wanted to see the dirt on my tray

Ok lunch time is over now should go on an outing after work

Actually I can't am sorry I have some things to do immediately after work

Ok bye, see you soon

Ok bye

' 5 more days to the due time for Mia to pay Mr Anthony's money, in getting home she saw the land owner talking to guys in friend of her house'

Jessie what's going on here?

Mia ' Sha sobbingly'

What's wrong Jessie? tell me what are they doing here

We are good to evacuate this building within five days

What!? ' shocked'

Hello Mr, why are you telling us to evacuate within five days we are the owner of this house we pay rent here and we aren't even owing this month rent so why should we evacuate 'she looked at Mrs angie '

Mrs angie why are they saying that, why are we to evacuate this place

Ma'am ' the agent called' , We were ordered to do so

By who?

Me! ' Anthony said as he walked in'

What!!, How dare you do this, this is where I live Mr Anthony you can't make us leave it

Well I can I have bought this land and I need it for DIDI product

But..but why can't you look for another land that has not been used why this

Because you owe me and selling the land you live on will worth more than 2 million

I....' Jessie dragged her back'

Jessie leave me, let me deal with him how could he do this we are human beings

Mia let it go


If you want to remain here in your filthy house pay my money in five days or else forget you ever lived here

How dare you