
Chapter 2

Scarlet's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling happy as usual well i'm not really a sad person, I stood up, went out of the room and made my way into the kitchen passing through so many doors. I live in the packhouse with my parent since my dad is the alpha so our house is more like a castle and so many people live in it for example the servants. I got to the kitchen, I met an Omega there and when she saw me, she quickly bowed her head in respect and greeted "Good morning princess" "good morning Omega" I greeted back then she said "how may i be of help to you my princess" "don't worry, i just came down to get myself a cup of cereal" i replied as i waved her off and moved towards the fridge tland brought out the cerealbthen made myself little then sat down to drink it.

When i finished, i went back to my room, took my bath since i wasn't going anywhere i just put on a casual dress and went downstairs to the living room and surprisingly for me, ibsaw my dad and mom in there already talking and i went over to them "hi dad, hey mom, whatcha discussing" i greeted then asked while sitting on the couch close to them "hi honey, your dad and i were just discussing about something" dad rolled his eyes then said "how're you sweetie" "i'm fine dad" i replied then he said "Scarlet I and your mom are planning on changing your school to boarding and it's not gonna be here in AB Country" my jaw dropped instantly "i'm gonna leave AB country? " i asked not sure i heard well "yes my dear" he said and i jumped on him and hugged him tightly "i love you dad" i whispered "i love you too pumpkin" he said and we heard a throat cleared behind us, we both turn to look at my mom she then said "who's gonna love me" and i said "i love you mom" and dad said "i love you my sweet mate" and we all laughed then i asked "so when am i going" "tomorrow" dad replied "tomorrow? " i looked shocked he just nodded his head then i said "i think i have to start packing my things" i stood up started running to my room and mom said "hey Scarlet slow down, you might trip and fall" i ignored as i made my way to my room in an extraordinary speed, snow has started to fall, well that's what happens when i get overexcited. I opened my wardrobe and started arranging some clothes casual clothes 'cause most of my clothes are royal dresses in a big travelling bag and every other thing i'll need whoops, i almost forgot, i need to carry lots of cereal because i can't do without taking a day so i rang a little bell in my room and a maid appeared instantly then i told her to get enough of cereal ready before the next day, she nodded then left.

I spranged up from the bed as i rembered that the day is my last day at the pack, i rushed out of my room out of the pack house and began strolling all by myself with no guards or maids. I saw a little boy eating popcorn but after it finished, he began crying so i made him another, he looked happy like a man who just proposed to his crush, I continued, i got to the training ground and met people training some wolf form, half-shifted and others in human form I walked over to tge gamma Lance "hey Lance" he turned his head to look at me saud "hey princess not coming for training today? " he asked i shook my head then said "gotta look around the pack" "hmmn" he hummed and i looked at him suspiciously "bye" i waved then walked away.

I got to the orphanage and entered i met one of tge nannies as soon as she saw me, sge looked surprised then said "princess what brings you here" " nothing really, just felt like visiting" i said "awwn that's so nice of you" she said i smiled and looked around then said "gotta leave now" she smiled at me and i made my way out. I walked to the garden that's just right behind the orphanage, I looked at the beautiful flowers, an idea popped into my head i raised my hands a little and closed my eyes then began to think of my beautiful memories, by the time i'll open my eyes, i had grown so many beautiful flowers that i can't name and the otger flowers were brighter in color, i felt proud of myself being the only one born with magic in the entire pack.


I strode over to the into the woods, pulled off my clothes and shifted into my black big wolf with purple eyes many get scared when they see me in wolf form but i'm just a harmless big wolf. i looked around as my senses sharpened then took off in a crazy speed as if i was being chased, i ran for about an hour till i got to a lake i jumped inside and shifted back to my normal self. I sudden ly heard my name "where have you been " my mom asked "took a tour round the pack" i replied ans she said "better come now for dinner" "on my way" i replied as i got out of the lake and shifted back to my wolf (candy)