
My Beloved Bodyguard

Shamia Gyllette Sandler. Filipino-American. A famous Entrepreneur who owns the biggest magazine company, Shamia's Magazine located in London, the agency also has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, and here in the Philippines. And as for the moment she's giving her full attention to the SM located in the Philippines. Their other businesses such as Chains of Hotel and Restaurant are handled by her parents and her older brother. In her status in life, she badly needed a skilled and trusted bodyguard that can protect and defend her in anything that may happen to her. She also wants the kind of bodyguard that she can bring anywhere around the world because she has many appointments and meetings around Philippine premises and abroad. That's why he seems to have a hard time finding that kind of bodyguard because he can't just entrust her life especially in the state of Shamia's life. She talked to many agencies because of her family's suggestion but she hasn't met the right one for her. Until her friend, Krystaleen, mentioned an agency. And because she was curious about her friend's aforementioned security agency, she immediately communicated with it. The good thing about the said agency is that she can choose whoever she wants to entrust her life. And when she was ready to choose, the agency presented to her all the staff and bodyguards that the agency have, Shamia's attention got by a man. A man named Kaiser Pineda. She feels safe in his arms and when he is next to her. So she did what she thought was right. He took the man to entrust everything to his life. But was her decision right? What if she fell in love with her bodyguard? Will the he catch her? But what if he loves someone else? Will she fight for her heart or tolerate and release the man she loves, for his happiness?

sixpiem · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter Eight

Shamia almost fell off the chair and was blown away by what she was eating because of what the man had done.

She quickly reached for the water and drank. What went through his mind and sparked more? I guess it's too much and easy in dealing with the girl?

Shamia quickly finished the meal and said goodbye and went back to her room to resume her rest.

"You ate very little, Shamia."

"I'm okay Manang, I'll just go out of my room when I'm hungry."

Manang nodded in agreement. Maybe she thought that she could not be restrained by what she wanted. Shamia continued to go out of the kitchen but even before she could get away she heard the thrust of the chair on the floor indicating that someone stands then she heard the voice of her bodyguard.

"I'm done too, Manang."

She was about to go upstairs when she heard footsteps behind her. She did not look at it anymore because she knew whose footsteps it was.

Shamia went straight to the veranda of her room and looked at the city light. They come in different colors like stars scattered on the ground and not in space.

She took a deep breath to inhale the cold air that immediately filled her lungs.

"So deep!"

Shamia jumped because the voice spoke behind her. She immediately turned to the speaker and found Kaiser leaning against the railings on the veranda. His arms are folded that's why the muscles in it are well defined.

"The fuck you're doing here ...?"

"I'm ahead of you here." Huh? The speed ah!

"What I mean is what are you doing here on the veranda of my room? You have your own!" she pointed at the veranda at his room just next to him.

Kaiser just shrugged as if to say 'your room is just beside mine, so maybe I crossed'.

She just turned to the city light again and savored the beauty of the night scene. She also inhaled the cold air again and closed her eyes.

Her mind was at peace when she felt the warm arms curl up and cover her body. She couldn't move because she knew whose arm it was.

On the other hand, she also deliberately didn't act to stop the man from doing so.

Just this time, she just wants to savor the moment of his arms surrounding her whole body and soul. The strength of the beating of her chest, not in the nervousness but excitement she felt, especially when Kaiser buried his face in her nape inhaling her scent. And after a while, he kissed the top of her head again and again.

Until nightfall, they were in that position. She couldn't feel the tired and cold breeze of the night because he's hugging her from behind.

All she knew at those times was the delicious feeling of his arms wrapped around her and the occasional kiss on the top of his head.

And that night was the most memorable night for Shamia. There was no conversation between the two of them but that was the way they became close to each other. That even the people around them notice the event.

It was already a week since that night happened. And there is still no discussion going on with them, even at least agreeing on what happened. They are just happy to be together. And there are also times that Kaiser was sleeping in her room and Manang Leny knows about it and also the others.

They say nothing and she's thankful about that because if they will ask she'll have nothing to say because she has nothing to say about their relationship.

"GOOD morning Mam."

The employees of SM Company greeted Shamia as she walked into the lobby. She just gave them a nod and continued walking until she reached the exclusive elevator. The elevator was exclusively for her. She does not want to be crowded with employees.

Kaiser immediately pressed the elevator buttons for it to open and she walked in next. Behind her, he stood just like the usual bodyguard. She didn't know why he's acting like that, he's also like that this morning when they're leaving the house. But maybe that's right especially that they're in the works. Just being professionals.

When she reached the right floor she didn't see her secretary at its desk. She also didn't text her if she'll going to absent today. What happened? She went to work yesterday.

When she arrived at her office, she immediately contacted her secretary. After a few rings, someone answered.

"Hello?" The man answered.

"May I speak to Ms. Alvaro?"

"I'm sorry but she's still asleep Ms. Sandler. And I want to ask for your permission to let her have a leave even just for today."

If she woke up in a bad mood, she is sure she had been inclement to the man on the other line, who is it to ask for things that he should not be asking for and he's not even her employee. But she did not, instead...

"Who are you?" astonished, Shamia ask on the other line. Pia's not going to absent for no reason and worse she does not wake up at noon.

And another thing is, why is there a man in Pia Alvaro's condo? She has never heard of her boyfriend but why is she with him there?

"I'm her --- oh good morning sweetheart." The man on the other line did not finish his introduction because maybe Pia is now awake, especially since she could already hear the voice of her secretary on the other line.

"[Who are you talking to on my phone?] ... [Your boss I let you know that you will not come in now] ... [Mam Shamia?]" She heard the tremble in the woman's voice, do not know if in fear to her or something else because she heard the crackle on the other line. [Yes, why?] ... [The fuck! Me --- Hello Mam?].

"Thank's god! You ended up arguing! And you haven't held the line, huh!"

"Sorry, Mam ... Hmmm I'm coming in, sorry if it's late."

"It's okay. Take some rest for today. Come in tomorrow and you have some explaining to do tomorrow so be ready."

Pia thanks her then bid goodbye. She has already started reading and signing the papers she left yesterday. And she is sure to add more later on.

The papers on her table were halfway when the door of her office opened and Krysta entered.

"Hey?" she greeted her friend.

"Yow! Wow huh! Lots of paperwork e," She then said then sat in four in front of her desk.

"As usual, you have nothing to do so you are here again."

"I can't visit the two who are both in another country." The woman said irritated.

Ysabella has a business trip to Singapore and Lourine is on vacation with her family.

"So now, you are bothering me? I have a lot to do now so please spare me, I might not end up with your chatter."

"Where is your secretary?"

"On leave."

"What? Maybe she has a date with her boyfriend?"

"Maybe, I called her earlier and the man answered while he was in her condo."

She was about to release the ballpen she was holding when the woman suddenly screamed. "Oh my god! Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Don't scream, Do you have a boyfriend?"

Krysta immediately frowned upon understanding what Shamia had said. "Animal! I don't want to choke friend. Super clingy, eh!"

She stared at the front. "Duh! Isn't that what you want, the way you feel his love?"

"It simply came to our notice then. So? What's up with your hottie bodyguard? Where is he?"

Shamia just shrugged at her friend in response. She tried to pull her hair from the stretch on the table but she quickly escaped.

"You're weird! What is it? Tell me a story! Mommy drowned me in her office for almost a week so that I missed you so much." She said.

Their business is a fashion designing company because it belongs to her family and maybe her mommy makes her work nonstop again.

"You'll get used to it."

"I don't want to get used to it! It's very difficult! It would have been nice if there was a hot dad there but there's none. You are still good here, hmm! " Shamia was surprised when she suddenly reached out and grabbed the ballpen she was using to sign and then played with it. "So you guys? --- wait! Answer later, I will just get something to eat here in your mini-kitchen to make out chit-chat better."

She immediately stood up and searched for something to eat in the pantry. Exactly when the office door opened again and Kaiser entered with a paper bag that looked like food.

The man immediately approached the side of her desk and stood behind her, reaching for her lips and kissing her from behind. "Snack first."

She was about to reach for the paper bag that the man was handing out when she heard something falls. When she looked for where it came from she saw Krysta gaping as she looked at her and the man who was still behind her. She dropped the cup of noodles she had only found in the mini-kitchen.

"For real?"

Now her eyes widened as she approached them slowly. The fallen food has been left behind.

She just shrugged again in response to her question then turned to the man again and took the snack he was carrying.