
The Beginning

Clare's POV

Hey!!!! Hahaha how are you guys??? By the way, i'm Charlotte Clare Villarez. I'm currently here in our house. We are still in vacation so i'm still relaxing my beauty. But next month the classes will start. By the way we are all in 4th Year high school this coming school year.. Actually i'm so excited about it!

Anyway, we aren't complete here cause Nicky and Cloe are out there somewhere.

I think Cloe is currently at the mall, shopping again. But i don't have any idea where Nicky is. She's always like that, always missing in action lol. But we have no courage to ask her, cause sometimes she's scary and looked like a monster lmao.

Abby is reading at our mini library. Chesca is here beside me, we are both watching tv. And actually we are having a debate on which tv channel will we both watch. I want to watch anime, but she don't so yeah. Meanwhile the other one which is Avah is currently inside her room reading some love story books.

"i said no! " - Chesca

"whatever! i want anime!! " - Me

"ugh! why are you like that?!! " - her

"secret hahaha" i said and stole the remote from her and put the tv on the anime channel then hide the remote under my butt.

"yuck! get that out of there! "- her

"hahaha bleee!! " - me. she pout. She stand up and got some chips.

And then i grin when something came to my mind. I put out the cockroach toy outside my pocket and then i throw that to her.

"hahahahahhahaahahahahha!!!!!!! " - i laughed!. that's so epic! her face is priceless lmao

"fvk you Clare!!" - she shouted then starts to throw pillows to me. Well that doesn't hurt that much so i just laughed.

"Ugh! You two!! you're both so noisy! I can here you from my room!" - Avah shouted while walking down the stairs. Abby is at her back with those scary look.

Chesca and i looked at each other and said "sorry! " at the same time.

Then suddenly we are all shocked when the door opened. Cloe walk inside the house with her face looked like a mad frog.

"oh what happend?" -asked Abby while drinking water. I didn't even noticed that she came from the kitchen.

"I'm really so mad! My twin brother won't buy the dress that i really want! I even begged for it but he didn't even care!" - Cloe said

-______- our faces.

What do we even expect from her? She's always like that.

Then we all walked out without saying anything. Then i look at her again, i laugh when i saw her. Who will not? Her mouth are widely opened with matching wide eyes lol.

Hmm anyway.. where is that girl??? It's 3:54 pm.. Maybe she won't come home again. Well nevermind.

I'll just stay in my room now. I'd rather talk with my phone than have a conversation with Cloe.


Chesca's POV

Hi! I'm Chesca and im here at the kitchen looking for food.

"aishh!! I don't like everything here!" i said. Well it's the truth.. Everything here is all the same cause actually i tasted them all. So i want something new.

"maybe i'll go out.'' i'll go to the park. It's near here anyway.

-at the park-

"woohhhh!!!! That's what i call fresh air.!!" i shouted while walking. I wonder what's gonna happen this school year..


Someone's POV

Hmmm i like the freshness of the air here.. I'm currently walking here at the park.. when j saw her. Whose that??

"woohhhh!!!! That's what i call fresh air.!!" - she shouted while walking.

Shit she's so beautiful...This us the first time i saw that face.


Chesca's POV

It's been a while since i started walking... My legs are getting tired.. so i decided to go home now.. until,

"hi miss... "