
Forming Parties

Not much happened during the weekend for Thomas and his group. They spent both days after Friday talking more about their first demon excursion as a group.

"I heard some rumors going around, I think they will announce the group on Monday," Corbin said while lying in bed.

It was soon time for bed and start their third week of class this next Monday.

"Yeah… I read last year there were groups of five, and then you could reduce them later on…" Alex built on Corbin's sentence.

Thomas thought a group of five would make the most sense. In their textbooks it was mentioned two vanguards, a center shot caller and two in the back was highly optimal. Moreover ever since the demon accident with Peter, there would most likely not allow any reduction for now.

If there were five people per group, after Peter was killed or as far as the rest of the class knows it, "absent". There would be a total of 8 groups, but one would have to consist of only four students.

"Four students, huh… They would probably have to make that a stronger group then…" Thomas kept overthinking things.

"Did you say anything, Tommy?" Alex asked.

"Nah, good night guys! I am just overthinking things," Thomas replied and they laughed before saying goodnight to each other.

They had a normal morning waking up and headed for morning class together.

"Anyone else who is really tired?" Alex yawned loudly.

"A bit… maybe we should start going to bed earlier?" Corbin questioned their habits of staying up late.

"Yeah maybe… if only Alex could shut up we could squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep," Thomas laughed and Corbin joined him.

It was true that Alex kept them up and initiated most random conversations right before bed time.

"I see how it is… you two are ganging up on me! Alright I will give you two a five seconds head-start!" Five…" Alex began counting down.

"He is not really serious, is he?" Thomas turned to Corbin who was already running, "Wait… really?" Thomas began running as well.

After the timer was up, Alex chased them all the way to their class. All of them entered the classroom while panting heavily. Cassie shook her head after analyzing what she thought of as "the dumb trio".

Once everyone arrived, people were chatting and Olivia avoided eye contact this time around. She did not do her usual stare towards their group in the back. The bell rang and Cassie drew on the whiteboard.

"Well… I am sure most of you have heard the rumours going around, and it is true. The academy has issued that you will be forming parties for possible demon excursions in the future…" Cassie informed them.

People were excited, chattering away in class and what groups they would form.

"However… since Peter's absence, one group of students has already been pre-determined to balance out a missing member…" Cassie sighed with regret when writing up the names of the pre-arranged party.

[Olivia Dawn]

[Sarah Collins]

[Simon Phillips]

[Alexander Keene]

Thomas' overthinking and bad feeling last night came into fruition in how one strong party would have to be formed. Alex immediately stood up and slammed both hands into his desk.

"Why the hell am I supposed to form a party with these three?! It makes absolutely no sense!" Alex complained instantly after seeing his name up last.

Olivia and Simon immediately turned their heads.

"Do you think we want you in our group?" Olivia sneered.

"It is us who thinks it, not you!" Simon protested.

Cassie told everyone to quiet and calm down. This was already pre-arranged by the academy and had an official stamp on it. There was nothing she could do, and if they objected to it, they were free to drop-out of the academy as this was mandatory.

"The good thing is, that eventually you will be able to change parties, but for now you have to accept things as they are," Cassie tried to mention a positive outlook for them.

The rest were told to form groups and they only had until the end of tomorrow to decide. The academy wanted to rush this matter and for the parties to start practicing together.

"I will catch up with you guys later…" Alex said displeased before heading out with his new party to talk things over.

Cassie joined them to supervise in case something were to happen. Thomas turned to Corbin who was leaning back in his chair.

"So what do we do now…? Any thoughts on our other three members?" Thomas asked.

"Nah, not really… I have two in mind though, since I bet they are left in an awkward position as well," Corbin pointed forwards to the girl who usually sits next to Olivia.

Thomas remembered her from the tournament, she lost in the quarterfinals. She was quite strong with her Ice ability. Thomas chose to inspect her.

[Name: Ashley Hale]

[Appearance: Short Blonde Hair. Azure Eyes. 5'7]

[Race: Royal Human]

[Ability: Ice]

[Level: 4]

[Vitality: 20]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 20]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Stamina: 20]

While Thomas was reading her stats, Ashley noticed Thomas and Corbin staring at the back at her. She walked up with a boy.

"I take it we had the same thought! Hello, I am Ashley, nice to meet you," Ashley reached out to shake Thomas' hand first.

"Nice to meet you," Thomas shook her hand.

It was odd, she was royalty yet went to greet the lowest class first. Either she wanted to leave a good impression or had an ulterior motive of sorts. Ashley shook hands with Corbin as well then introduced a more timid boy behind her, Tim, short for Timothy.

"Relax… she is actually kind compared to Olivia or most stuck-ups who are gold-crested," Corbin whispered in Thomas' ear.

Thomas took Corbin's word for it. The four of them shared a friendly conversation and decided to form a party together, since their shared mutual interests. Once parties could be altered, Alex would switch to theirs and Ashley would join Olivia's group with Tim.

"Deal!" Corbin and Ashley shook hands again to make it official.

"Now… where do we get our fifth…?" Ashley pondered and tilted her head by putting her index finger on her cheek.

This brought to mind what Cassie mentioned about forming parties being mandatory.

"I have an idea for our fifth if you do not mind!

"Not at all," Ashley gently smiled.

"Great, then leave it to me!" Thomas got up and returned her smile with a grin and left the classroom.