
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs


"Where are you heading?" Lucy asked seeing the young man running off, seemingly having a place he wanted to go.

"Alex's growth is special from the other phone holders. soon he would create an ability called Universal Limitless. it's like the Limitless, but Universal Limitless is a fusion of space and time. it brings Alex's ideal concept of infinity into reality. pretty much, it makes one attacks and abilities out of range. the Almighty is broken and all, but when Alex finishes creating Universal, Alex would be too far to be seen. It is this ability he created that made him extremely broken... but i'm unsure if he has something more other than what he showed." He said softly, confusing Lucy

"You don't know the 2 abilities he picked or 3 anime worlds?" Lucy asked to which he nodded slightly.

"He rarely makes a move and leaves things to others. when he moves, he only uses the Universal Limitless. Universal: Infinity the supreme defense. he is out of range of everything

Universal: Blue has the power to attract all things in the universe, such as your time, soul, and so on.

Universal: Red has the power to repel all things in the universe. he could repel you back to your youth, repel your existences, and so on.

Universal: Purple has the power to... well, it turns things into a negative." The young man said calmly, while slowly down as he stopped before a mountain.

"those 3 are normally enough for him to deal with anything. The Almighty is to shut down those abilities. with it, I will have a fair fight with him. right now, Alex has the world's treasures... almost all of them that is." He said while he began to dig, and after going down a few meters, he hit the cave which had a huge ship along with a bunch of gold.

"My anime world is going to be Fate Stay Night... how much is Gillgamish Gate Of Babylon?" He asked while stopping taking the gold into the system and converting it all SP.

"Since you have a system, it going to be cheaper. so just 1 Trillion SP." Lucy said with a sweet voice, to which he snorted slightly. He thought for a moment about what he should do. he needed a way to break through the Limitless: Infinity. Just in case Alex had a secret trump card, and could survive a fight with him, he wished not to show Alex that he had the Almighty.

"Just what did Alex do?" Lucy asked seeing how the young man got up, running towards another place where the treasure should be located.

"He stole my woman, slaughtered my whole family... I managed to escape and began cultivating to get revenge. but I soon found out that was a foolish attempt. so I got close to someone with a phone. through him, I learned everything I needed to know. so after coming back in time, I quickly cultivated while watching him. waiting for the time to act." He said calmly, his name was David, 

"When does he create this Universal: Limitless?" Lucy asked calmly,

"In the future, about 1 year from now. but I don't want to risk my actions causing a butterfly effect. soon he would have Conquer Haki which could kill off the ability that see into his future. Plus, the almighty Might allow me to see... but I need to see my target first. Once I lay eyes on Alex, I will see every possible action he could take." David said eyes turning sharp.

"On that note. my second world shall be..."

"Alex?" Mia who stepped outside her house was stunned to see Alex pulling up in a new BMW. she was stunned while looking at him in confusion.

"that BMW I was driving around was given to me by the dealership while this one was getting ready. I just picked it up today." Alex said with a smile while getting out of the car to open the door for Mia, like a gentleman.

Mia had on a beautiful red saree, the fact she was not scared to show off her culture only made her beauty increase in Alex's eyes. She had little makeup on, she was a natural beauty, 

Mia blushed slightly when she saw me in my black suit, she didn't think I could look any more handsome. She into the car, Alex closed the door lightly, before he went on to enter the car.

"So. where were you planning on going to eat?" Alex asked with a smile, since Mia wanted a date, he didn't bother to plan it for himself.

"I was planning on cooking for you at Smooth Sea restaurant. Do you like spicy food?" She asked with a smile, to which I thought for a moment. I didn't hate or like spicy food. to me, those who like spicy food enjoy pain. spicy wasn't a flavor, you just like the taste of pain. 

"it depends. I like some food spicy and others not so much. you can't add spice to a salad, but at the same time, Chili isn't chili if it's not spicy." I said with a shrug,

"Good point, then you don't mind your food being spicy?" She asked, to which I smiled slightly.

"I could handle spicy food far more than you could," I said with a smug smile, making Mia's eyebrow raise. She looked at the cocky light-skinned American before her, did this guy just challenge her? As a proud Indian, she was eating spicy food for breakfast.

"We will see about that," Mia said with a smile. to which I just laughed...

Mia didn't live far from Smooth Sea Restaurant, it took a few minutes for us to appear at the closed restaurant, where Mia had kept a few things running knowing she would be coming here.

the two entered and went on to work together in the kitchen. since Mia wanted to cook for this date, Alex promised to cook on their next one, which made Mia blush heavily. while they cooked, they took the time to talk about their interest and get to know each other more,

overall, the date was going smoothly. Alex who thought it would be hard to love again found himself falling for the beautiful Mia. how could he not? She was beautiful, smart, and had a story to tell.

She was from India and had moved to America with her family. her parents opened this place, but they soon passed away leaving her the owner. At first, she was going to try and become a doctor, but after her parent's defeat, it led to her wanting to keep the business they had running to the best of her ability.

"So... tell me a bit about your family. It has been all about me." Mia said shocked in her eyes at how easily Alex was eating the food without his face turning red.

"thats because your story is far better than mine... my story isn't all that impressive," I said with a smile, Mia rolled her eyes. but since I didn't want to say a thing, she didn't force it out of me. 

After finishing our meal, we both went to wash the dishes and other stuff, before shooting down the restaurant. after which, I went on to drive her home.

"It was a wonderful date, shall we go on a second one next week?" Mia asked while stepping out of the car, which I had opened the door for her.

"I don't see why not," I said with a smile, Mia nodded slightly, while I walked her to her door.

"you're not coming inside... thats too fast," Mia said half-jokingly, to which I just shrugged. I of course didn't plan to take things that fast. Taking out her keys, Mia opened her door while I turned to leave, but Mia stopped me, before kissing my cheek.

"That wasn't too fast right?" She asked to which I smiled while nodding my head. I said my goodbye and went on to enter my car before driving off while she saw me off. While Alex drove off, under the cover of the night, David's eyes turned cold while looking towards Mia.

"Why didn't you use the Almighty to see him?" Lucy asked unhappily, wasn't this a huge opportunity?

"Do not look down upon him. he would have easily sensed it. I don't want to fight him right now, in a hand-to-hand battle, he might be stronger than me right now." He said while turning his eyes towards Mia. Since Alex had the nerve to steal his woman, he would do just that.

"could he not sense the gaze you looked at him with?" Lucy asked, to which David shook his head

"He was a normal human just a few days ago. to have the instinct to sense my gaze... well, the current Alex isn't worthy." David said calmly,

"Me not worthy?" a stunned shocked voice sounded, and instantly David felt chills running down his spine. Sweat covered his saliva before he slowly turned around, just to see Alex sitting next to him, enjoying the view.

David wasted no time, in a heartbeat, he turned and began to start running. David was powerful, having strength around level 2 body tempering. Alex yawned, he didn't bother to even look at him. With a wave, he used Blue to pull David towards him.

David turned, his eyes glowing red while his hair stood. at that moment, Alex's eye ability was nullified, leaving Alex eyebrow-raising in shock. his eyes being useless, he lost the power to have perfect energy control, leading to blue disappearing

"the power to nullify one ability by looking at them... Eraserhead quirk? but you're so weak, do I even need my abilities?" Alex asked with a slight laugh, making David grit his teeth in rage. David turned and disappeared, only to find Alex in front of him, before slamming a palm against his chest.

'It can only make abilities be turned off, not techniques.' Alex thought while looking down from the roof, looking at his clone which was the one to attack David. The thing about David's ability, it had also turned off The End, so I couldn't copy it. It was only with another clone I created that I copied this ability.

'something is off here... Eraserhead quirk can't erase one quirk-based ability,' I thought with a frown.

"You're wrong host, Eraserhead quirk can work on all abilities that came from the system. take it as the world power system being balanced out." Nami said calmly, to which I nodded slightly in understanding. only abilities and not stuff like techniques or one-energy

'A clone? it has to be a technique.' David thought while standing up, looking at the clone in front of him, and Alex who was standing up in the air, looking at him with crossed arms.

'what type of clone ability is this?' standing up, breathing heavily for some time. 

'well... I should weaken him.' he thought while the clone suddenly frowned finding that his ability was also being nullified. His eyebrow raised, shouldn't Erasehead only affect one ability at a time?

It was then that the clone found that all of his strength disappeared as if his power was being stolen. on the roof, Alex looked over and saw a bunch of clones appearing, using some ability to still his strength.

"..." Alex frowned slightly, his mind racing to find what type of ability this could be. 

"Ban Snatch ability?" I asked feeling my strength being stolen from me. form the 7 deadly sins, there was a thief called Ban. he had an ability called Snatch which allowed him to steal almost anything.

right now, David was stealing not simply my physical strength, but my chakra as well. since this clone right now was only made using Chakra, this was all that the clone could steal. of course, I was too powerful, normally David shouldn't be able to handle my power. but with so many clones using this ability together, it allowed David to steal my power so quickly

"You're not the main body," David said while holding out his palm, causing my heart to be stolen, appearing in David's palm.

"... now that should be illegal to go around stealing people's hearts. it would be just cruel if you crushed it." I said with a smile, not bothered at all by the loss of a heart. this was a clone that could withstand a huge amount of damage. but my smile disappeared slightly as I looked to the side, where I saw one of the clone pupils grow another pupil. but the pupils returned to normal when I looked over.

'such sharp instincts.' David thought. Alex's slowly growing serious while looking at the clone. before he could speak, Alex's pupils shrank. from his phone storage, all of the treasures came shooting out. teleporting into the hands of David, who quickly destroyed my clone before running away.

"Yeah... this isn't happening. By Observation Haki. go through all of the anime out there and tell me of an anime ability that gives one, 2 pupils or something like that. at the same time the power to see my future." Within his Car, Alex's main body said coldly, while drifting his car, before shooting off towards where David was at.

"My treasures... You must make him pay. No one touches my toys." Nami cried, the phone flying up in a panic, causing my face to darken. whose treasures was it? hers or mine? it was foolish of me to create a clone of her as well when going out.

"That sounds like the Almighty form bleach... let me read the Wiki to you.." Nami said hatefully

The Almighty is an ability used by Yhwach and Jugram Haschwalth that allows one to perceive and potentially alter the future. it gave one 3 abilities

Omni-Precognition: With The Almighty, Yhwach, and Haschwalth can see everything that is to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future. They can "know" everything that lies within that gaze. Rather than seeing a linear future, Yhwach observes all possible futures at once like countless grains of sand in the wind, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge he has gained to anticipate and counter his opponents.

Future Acausality: Yhwach states that the true power of The Almighty is the ability to alter the future into whatever outcome he desires. He utilizes this power by setting up traps where he knows his opponents will be and preemptively attacking them before they realize it. He can also outmaneuver any defense and countermeasure they use to protect themselves to facilitate his attacks. He can even rewrite his death.

Instant Adaptability: Yhwach states that any power that he "knows" through The Almighty would immediately adapt to him, making him able to use said power and rendering him impervious to harm in any way from it.

"thats so fucking broken... I want!" I said while using Observation Haki to cover the whole country, quickly locking onto David and his many clones which were running all over the place, with a smile I brought another technique, the Multi Shadow Jutsu.

This jutsu allowed me to create thousands if not more clones, it was the same jutsu David was using. above my car, thousands of clones appeared, all of them disappearing after a clone, while others hid to get a look at the Almighty being used so that they could copy the ability.

"Damn it... how is his instincts so sharp?" David said with a dark face while shooting towards the forest. this was the worst outcome in his eyes, Alex now knew how he, was and even saw the Almighty. what sucked was that he couldn't even see much of Alex since Alex's energy and power were being nullified, so what could he see?

he didn't expect Alex to be able to find the one clone out of dozens of other clones using the Almighty. he had not stolen everything from Alex when he used Snatch, so he wanted to see what the current Alex was capable of doing. but he had underestimated him.

"Stop it, I might blush if you speak to me so highly." Alex suddenly appeared next to David, causing his face to drop. before Alex could do anything, Alex landed a kick on David, causing David's body to explode into smoke.

with the death of the clone, all of the other clones gained knowledge of the clone, allowing them all to quickly realize Alex was coming after them. but they didn't have time to think before Alex appeared, defeating them all with great ease before they could do anything.

"I like playing tag and all... but this is boring. you're the main body. you're the one who took my palm. although I'm impressed. you think quick on your feet." Appearing behind a Dvid, Alex spoke with a calm smile. David's face turned pale seeing David appearing behind him.

"You were able to nullify my abilities and used that small window to create a bunch of clones when I was caught off guard. But what confuses me... how do you know of me? It's almost like you came from the future or something. adding the skills you pick, and how you avoid showing them to me. you're aiming to target me." I said calmly while waving my head, sending forward a dragon.

David's pupils shrink, he wastes no time in using the Almighty. if he dies here, what would be the point of anything? But his heart dropped when he saw the countless possibilities Alex could take...

"The End?" David's heart dropped, and he ignored the dragon flying towards him which could no longer affect him. instead, he was looking at Alex who was using the Almighty, 

"You're right... this is the end of your story. to think you came all of the way back from the future, just die... me personally, that could never be me." I said with a shake of my head, David's face twisted.

"What a shame, I would have let you go if you didn't see the End. but now it does not affect you." I said shaking my head, 

'system, quickly buy the Gate Of Babylon. I don't care that I will be in debt, I will pay you back.' David roared, trying his best to use the Almighty to counter or limit Alex's sight of the future to some degree, but Alex was stronger than him.

"Got you, host." the system said and the next moment, the gate of Babylon opened behind David. Alex's eyebrow raised for a second seeing this, he moved his head to the side, dodging the sword that shot forward at blinding speed, almost taking off his head. but that wasn't the only gate that opened, Surrounding Alex, countless gates of Babylon opened, all of them holding the endless treasures of humanity.

countless weapons of all types and sizes rained from this gate, all while David jumped up, landing on a jet and flying off at high speed.

He looked back, watching as Alex's body was stabbed through by the countless treasures, so many of which held unique powers and abilities that could get passed the Limitless.

"my poor clone..." David who was looking back sighed softly, only to freeze hearing a voice next to him. looking at the wing of the jet, he saw Alex winking at him, Alex pointed to the side, showing off how he could also use the Gate Of Babylon.

"It turns out I mastered the Almighty, so I could force my ability to affect you. I let you buy the Babylon so I could get my hands on the wealth of humanity." I laughed, making David's soul almost leave his body.

"Haha, look at your face. isn't this funny? You started this, so you can't blame me for enjoying this." I laughed, making David glare at me with hatred

"You took everything from me." David roared hatefully

"... I don't even know who you are," I said while putting David in a genjutsu...