
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Chapter 31: Punishment and Dragons

Currently, I am in the sky about 100 meters from the ground using the skill <Air walk>. With my left hand, I was holding David's skull and wondering [Should I drop him from this height or not? No, no I can't kill him right now because of the church, and Hajime asked me not to. Then again killing is not the only way]. I thought, [Guess I have to do with trauma-inducing punishment.]

While Rihito was thinking about what to do with David, David himself was perplexed as to what just happened, his head was spinning and the nausea came and went. After he got his bearing he was confused [What just happened]. Just a moment ago he was in the restaurant, showing those disrespectful brats their place. Then suddenly everything was a blur and here I am.

David, not knowing what happened focused on what was near him. He tried to look around, but his head was not moving it was stuck. David unable to move his head panicked and used his hands to see what was holding him. He found It was someone's hand, he questioningly thought. He reflexively grabbed the hand and tried to escape, but was unable to do so. For him, Rihito's hands were like an iron claw, even with his high strength he was unable to free himself. Their stats difference was just that high.

Rihito sensing the movement woke up from his trance and lifted him to his eye level. David seeing who exactly was holding him in this humiliating manner shouted in anger.

"You bastard, release me this instant, or face the consequence of your action."

To his angry words, I smiled and said, "You sure about that."

Hearing my mocking tone, he got even angrier and roared "UNHAND ME NOW!!!"

To which I happily did. The moment I released him he started to fall.

David who suddenly started to fall finally understood his situation and screamed, "Aaaaaaah!". As he fell all David could see was water below him, as he was getting close to the water's surface, his life started to flash before his eyes. But before death could claim him, he felt that familiar blurred, head-spinning, nauseous sensation again.


This time it didn't take too long for him to come to his senses and push the nausea down. He then felt a familiar grip on his face again. David then tremblingly looked at the crimson eyes of the boy who had just moments ago thrown him from the sky.

He tremblingly looked at Rihito. David then said his next words carefully, "Y-you, put me on the l-land". Hoping not to feel the falling sensation again.

Rihito smilingly said, " And, why would I do that, I am nowhere near done with you." saying that Rihito's smile grew.

"You see it has been a while since I have been this angry. I normally don't give a shit about anyone unless they hurt my friends or family, and you, my friend were on your way to hurt one. Which I definitely didn't like at all, so, you will be helping me to calm this anger of mine, and before we start don't worry I won't kill you." 

David looked increasingly pale with every word I spoke. In this moment, I may as well be the devil to him.

While Rihito was administering punishment, inside the restaurant, Aiko panicked seeing David and Rihito vanish like that.

"Eh!! What happened where did those two go? Is this a magic attack, did someone teleport them." Aiko was coming up with one after another wild conjecture.

Hajime spoke to calm his panicking teacher, "As you heard, Rihito is having a little chat with David. They will be back soon enough."

While they talk, Yue tries to soothe Shea. Shea dejectedly asked, "Do my ears look that disgusting."

Yue patted her head and said "Of course not, let me tell you a secret of Rihito. When we were travelling through Carriage. While you are sleeping Rihito often stares and feels them with his hand.

Shea hearing that perked up, and looked at Yue "Really, he did that?"

Yue "N n…"

"And who told you to say that to her" Rihito spoke, returning from whatever he did with David. And behind him there on the floor was a haggard David who kept panting and mumbling "I am on the ground, finally the ground."

Shea seeing Rihito went close to him "Rihito if you really like my ears that much, then I won't mind if you touch my ears you know" Shea happily said.

I evaded Shea and looked at Hajime. Hajime saw David in one piece and asked, "You done with him," To which, I nodded.

I then looked at Aiko sensei and the others "Thank you for the food sensei. But this chat is over, we are leaving."

Aiko tried to come close to us but other students stopped her saying "Please don't go near them."

Hajime seeing this sneered "We have no interest in any of you. We only came here to work. After that is done, we will leave."

Let's go we need to book a room and rest, the next day we have a job to do. Hajime turned around and walked to the door. But before I joined him, I looked at the panting David and crouched in front of him. David sensing something wrong looked up. There he saw the person he least wanted to see wearing a strange mask. It was a white mask with red lips, dark blue eyes, black sclera, from the left eye a single blood-red tear that was halfway falling, and 2 round brows.

Seeing him so close David shivered and hurriedly tried to get away from him. But before he could go further, I caught David by his face and made him look me in the eye, I then used <Bloodlust > releasing 30% of my killing intent, and said in a cold tone "If I ever see you near Shea", I said my next line slowly "I, will, kill, you." Saying that I dropped David and walked away.




David, feeling so much killing intent point-blank trembled like he was having a seizure unable to utter a single word.

Aiko seeing Rihito leave took a deep breath, which she unknowingly held back.

Aikawa one of Aiko's guards tremblingly said "What was that."

At this moment there was only one person who could answer them, but feeling the point-blank pressure of killing intent he was in no situation to say anything.

After the room in an inn had been booked, Hajime said, "I have something to do. You guys should go to your room and sleep first."

I looked at Hajime and asked, "Will you tell them."

Hajime looked me in the eyes and said "Only sensei, whether she will tell the rest or not is up to her."

"I see," saying that I went towards my room.

1 week ago.

The northern mountains, where it's said to be filled with dangerous monsters, that even a gold rank may find challenging. There in the sky, a black dragon was flying heading to the nearest town. The dragon which was flying for a long time decided to rest up before entering the nearest village. The dragon then found the nearest large open space and landed there to sleep.


After the dragon had gone to deep sleep. A boy then came out from his concealment, he was hiding nearby behind the boulders. He observed the dragon, and after making sure the dragon was in deep sleep he gave a manic smile.

"Hahaha… with this dragon and my huge army of monsters, no one will able to stop me. I will be the one and only 'True hero'. I will show them the consequence of looking down on me."

After talking to himself the boy went closer to the dragon's head and used his dark magic to control the black dragon. It took him about a day, but he had finally done it. This dragon was now under his control.

The dragon who was sleeping woke up and looked at the human with dull eyes not doing anything. Seeing this he then started to laugh like a maniac.

"Hahahaha…" While laughing his hood came off. If Aiko had been here, she would have identified him, this was none other than Yukitoshi Shimizu, the missing student. He has black hair, pale skin, eyes with dark circles from lost sleep, and now an ever-present manic smile.

While he was laughing Shimizu didn't notice that behind him. Suddenly a rift opened and from it, a big green dragon stumbled and crashed into the ground.



The sudden crash caused a lot of dust in the air because of the dust Shimizu didn't see the rift closing. Shimizu hearing the crash thought some beast had attacked, thinking that he ordered the dragon to protect him. Hearing the order the dragon moved and stood protectively against the supposed foe.

After the dust had settled, he saw there was another dragon green in colour, a lot bulkier and bigger than the black one he just controlled. Shimizu seeing this his smile returned with even greater intensity.

"Hahahaha… even the god in heavens wants me to be a true hero. With two dragons and an army of monsters, no one will be able to stop me. I will take everything that I deserve. I will be a hero no, even better I will be an emperor."

Thinking about his happy future he started to walk towards the green dragon. Now that he closely observes this green dragon is injured. A giant sword is sticking out of its back. Shimizu shrugged seeing this "Doesn't matter the dragons are supposed to have high vitality and regeneration, if I pull the sword it will heal from it."

The dragon on the other side notices the human approaching close to it, and growls "Sty, awa, ro, me…"

Shimizu seeing this dragon can talk his eyes widen. "[A talking dragon is even better] he thought. After getting close enough Shimizu ordered "Hey you hold this dragon down prevent it from moving" he gave his order and the black dragon moved and did what it was told.

The green dragon now helpless with no mana, injured, and now unable to resist looked angrily at Shimizu, who had a manic smile. The green dragon before its will was completely taken over by this damn human said its last word with its remaining strength, "I, WILL, KILL, YOU…" saying that the dragon's fatigued finally caught up to it and fainted, making it easier for Shimizu to shackle the green dragon's will to his whims.

"Chapter end"