
My A.M.A.Z.O Journey

I wished, I wished so hard, luckily darkness didn't leave me in my last moments

wheel_of_power · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


Floating above as she walked annoyed her and caused me to smile, we were now back on the ships "You seem mad, what's up?" I spent a good while chatting with her and that allowed me to see she wasn't all that bad. Well, she was bad, crazy even, but if you're stronger and don't let her manipulate you, she's harmless. " I don't want to talk about it"

"Come on"

I knew she was just trying to build up pity but it was actually kinda fun " I was born with an illness, it took my abilities from me" She exclaimed with mock sadness " Want me to fix you" I could practically feel the evil smirk she had on her face "Really!?" Almost not being able to hold back my laugh I spoke in a neutral tone


Watcher her gritted teeth, if looks could kill I would definitely have died "Why so serious" doing a joker voice I laughed "Its only fair, you brought that on yourself" She was to tense for me and I wanted to lighten the mood, I'm trying to live a life of fun and adventure, not revenge and edge lord brooding. Picking up an electromagnetic signal from her ear piece I tapped into it " We'll be moving onto culacao next, ready the troops and plunder there technology, after taking over the vaga system you'll be seated as the queen of tamaran"

She clenched her fist with a smile "So Okaara next huh, mind if I go on your conquest of the vaga system, purely to watch of course"


"If you take me I might heal you"

She adorned a calculating gaze, as if crunching the cons and pros of making a deal or dealing with such a powerful unrestrained being. Like making a deal with the devil. Smiling I stuck out my hand for a shake "Deal?" An evil grin spread across her face before interlocking her hand with mine. Laughing evilly her face sank while I disappeared behind her "Are you ready!" Twirling her I started Singing the song, I put her in a mental illusion warping the surroundings "Are you reeeady" Finally making it to her room I spun her into it. Chuckling I started to salsa dance a little bit "How did you like the song, you acted like you were making a deal with the devil so I spiced it up a little bit" Doing some jazz hands sparks flashed like fire works.

Her breathing was rapid and her hair was a mess, the fear in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with annoyance, annoyance at the thought of being afraid of me. Slamming the door I yelled through it " There is no going back, you have to take me now" Looking around the long extending halls outside her rooms "Would you happen to have a room I can stay in" Knocking over and over again she opened the door with inhumane strength.

"What's your problem?!" Not stronger power or technological wise she could only complain and fight with words, though she was also on the losing front there too. Phasing through her I entered the room "Wow this is a nice room you got here, I like the purple and black, it really brings out your edge" Punching me in the back I didn't move from my spot "Answer my question"

" What do you mean, you're the one that made a deal with a mysterious and powerful being, in exchange for tagging along I heal your disease." When she blinked I faced her and touched her forehead "Wasn't that the deal, I'm your problem now" Stretching her face cheeks I almost laughed at her helplessness.

'I'll kill him after he gives me my powers back!'

Turning back I scanned the room, making a square shape with my fingers I measured it up " I can work with this" Dense energy formed on my hands, twisting it the rooms changed and expanded, a second bed formed with covers and all, feeling the fabric I nodded at its softness "Perfect" Blocking a laser coming for my bed I turned and deadpanned her " Was that really necessary"

'If I could kill you, I would have aimed for your head'

Scratching under my shirt her eyes followed, her eyes wandered and sized me up, seems she was finally getting a good look at me. " handsome right, a body built by god" Flexing I actually thought about that for a second and technically it was true. Sitting on the bed I wanted to get to know her so I initiated a conversation, I could just read her mind but I wanted to hear it from her own mouth. Her raw feelings, it has been so long since I was able to have a true conversation without a mask.

"Tell me about yourself, I'm gonna be on you like white on rice so might as well get to know you"

She just covered herself and rolled onto her side, floating on the bed completely quiet I didn't even give on sound. " Come on tell me" Poking her gave no response so I had to pull out the big guns, gathering energy around my finger my eyes flashed, poking her nerve cluster the energy around my finger stimulated it. Given just the right amount of power it could induce laughter like tickling.

"Tell me" Poking again and again she finally broke down and started to laugh, while her training made her a hardened warrior and wore out her pain and nerve receptors I could revitalize them again. Attempting to fight back her attacks phased through me and I continued "Are you gonna talk, I can do this all day"


Her laughter quickly turned into pleading "I'LL TALK! I'LL TaLK" Her laughter continued for several seconds after I stopped while she wiped tears from hers eyes. A genuine smile flashed for a second before disappearing which made me smile as well.

Two more chapter will be posted friday

wheel_of_powercreators' thoughts