
Wednesday Addams Arrives

To say Wednesday Addams was… displeased by her current situation would be an understatement. After all, she often preferred being displeased to pleased. In fact, Wednesday preferred unhappiness over happiness. Happiness, after all, was a drug plain and simple. At least while she was unhappy she could be sure she was in complete control of her mental faculties.


However, there was the state of unhappiness that Wednesday preferred… and then there was this. Having been expelled from yet another school after releasing a particularly dangerous type of piranhas into the institution's swimming pool, Wednesday's parents had yet again shot down her idea of just doing away with the education system altogether. And no, she didn't just mean for herself.


Alas, despite the amount of free time that it would give her to work on her novel, her parents had not been willing to entertain the idea of completely dismantling America's education system so that something more interesting could take its place. Unfortunately, her mother and father were too damn smart not to see right through her thinly veiled excuses.


They knew that the only real reason she wanted to destroy America's schooling system entirely and rebuild it from the ground up was because she knew just how long that would take. Decades, probably. In which time Wednesday would grow up and cease to be shackled by the irritating limitations of chronological age that forced her to go to school in the first place.


At the same time, Wednesday had been equally unwilling to even entertain the idea of going to one of America's magical schools instead, such as the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located over in Massachusetts.


Yes, Wednesday was a witch, born of a witch and a wizard for parents. Yes, she knew some magic. No, she did not have a wand. She had no desire to get involved in all of that nonsense. True magic should not be funneled through the limitations and restrictions of a stupid stick of wood, regardless of whether its core was made from the feather of a phoenix, the heartstring of a dragon, or even the hair of a veela.


In this, she and her parents were ultimately in agreement at least. Both Morticia and Gomez Addams had wands… but they didn't use them very often, much preferring to allow their magic to flow through them and out into the world unconfined instead. The only reason that her parents had wands was to make the Magical Government in America happy. Wednesday might have to do the same when she finally turned eighteen, and pass whatever piddling test the MACUSA put in place to try and impede her, but ultimately she didn't care either way.


… Unfortunately, with her having been expelled from every normal school in the area, and magical schools being right out, her parents had managed to back Wednesday into a corner. Hence her current state of unhappiness and displeasure, which had everything to do with their arrival at the one place Wednesday had sworn she would never set foot in.


Nevermore Academy.


She hated this place, though to be fair she hated a lot of things. The particular strain of hatred Wednesday felt for Nevermore Academy stemmed not from anything it or anyone at it had done to her… but entirely from not wanting to live in her parents' shadow. Nevermore was her mother and father's alma mater and when the issue of her latter years of school had initially been brought up, they'd just assumed it was the natural choice.


Wednesday had refused, of course. She'd refused most stringently, until eventually they'd let her have her way. Alas… she should have known it would come to this. In the end, her mother's scheming was without limits and morals. It would almost have made her proud… if it weren't directed at her.


And so Wednesday found herself standing in the middle of the Principal's Office within the heart of Nevermore Academy. Seated on either side of her are her parents, while across the large mahogany desk that dominates one side of the room sits Larissa Weems. The Principal of Nevermore Academy has a strained smile on her overly red lips as she converses with Wednesday's parents about Wednesday's attendance at Nevermore. Meanwhile, those bright red lips of hers are already starting to give Wednesday hives.


The whole conversation is inane, pointless drivel… until much to Wednesday's surprise, something interesting happens.


"Ah, and how has Lord Potter been settling in, my dear Larissa?"


Her mother had mentioned a visit from a Wizard Lord some time back, but Wednesday hadn't cared to pry. People visited her parents all the time. Her father was one of the richest men in the world after all, and her mother was the most beautiful and vivacious woman alive. It was expected that they would draw attention to them, like moths to open flame… or flies to a bug zapper. Shame that it usually ended the same way for whoever they made the acquaintance of, of course. No, wait… not shame. The opposite of that.


Still, what's interesting about her mother bringing up Lord Potter again is the way the Principal reacts. For a split second, Larissa's practiced, strained, and entirely fake smile falls like a meteor strike, her face showing an open expression of fear and despair so delicious that Wednesday almost leans in instinctively, despite the other woman's offensive amount of… color.


Of course, it's gone a mere moment later. Shame that, Wednesday thinks that Principal Weems might very well have burst into tears if she were a little bit weaker of a woman. And that would have been… particularly exquisite.


Meanwhile, on Wednesday's right, her father perks up immediately and whether he's even noticed Weems' slip or not is entirely up for debate.


"Oh yes! Harry! Such a sterling chap, that man! How IS he doing, Principal Weems?"


The looks that Weems gives Wednesday's father has so much poorly concealed incredulity in it that it almost makes Wednesday laugh. Almost. And by almost, not really close at all. Still, it's quite amusing watching the Principal marshal herself and try to regain that fake smile of hers.


"Ah. Yes. Lord… Potter. He's doing… well. Indeed, he's settled in here at Nevermore quite… nicely."


The strain in her voice and face have doubled now. Which is interesting because the earlier strain that Larissa Weems had been under had clearly been a direct result of being face to face with three members of the Addams Family. Perfectly understandable for a woman like her to be struggling not to buckle under pressure in a situation like that.


… But for this Lord Harry Potter to apparently produce so much more strain than her and her parents' presence caused was… intriguing. Very intriguing. Not that Wednesday was going to let that lessen her displeasure and unhappiness one bit. This whole situation was still downright deplorable and unconscionable.


"Though I do have to wonder… if you two have really thought through sending your daughter here while Lord Potter is in residence."


Wait, what? Wednesday is legitimately shocked now, staring at the Nevermore Principal in surprise. Was that… concern on the other woman's face? Indeed, Larissa Weems is looking between all three of them with some sort of meaningful gaze, and whenever her eyes slid over Wednesday in particular, she looked almost afraid for her. Honestly. It would be kind of cute, if it wasn't so insanely offensive to Wednesday's sensibilities.


Fortunately, her parents both agree, each in their own way.


"Whatever could you mean? Of course I'm happy to send my beloved little girl to Nevermore while Harry is in residence! I know she'll only be safer under his watchful eye… and in good hands besides!"


Gomez's exuberance defense of this Wizard Lord is matched in turn by Morticia's lazy drawl.


"Besides… I have full faith in my Wednesday. She can handle anything that the world throws at her… be it the magical world or the mundane."


Oh? From her mother's tone, it almost sounds like she agrees with the Principal, at least a little bit. So this Lord Harry Potter had become fast friends with her father, but somehow rubbed her mother the wrong way. While also frightening Larissa Weems half to death from the look of things. Interesting… very interesting.


Looking even more incredulous than before, the Principal purses her offensively red lips together for a moment in silence before letting out a huff and shaking her head.


"… Fine. On your heads be it. Perhaps… perhaps now is a good time to show you all where Wednesday will be staying."


Something about Larissa's tone makes Wednesday feel like she should be feeling a pit of dread in her stomach. Safe to say that nothing the Principal has said so far has produced that effect though. After all, Wednesday already HAS a pit of dread in her stomach over this whole situation. If she doesn't act fast, she'll be stuck reliving her parents' wonder years at this godforsaken place and that's simply unacceptable.


No… Wednesday Addams is going to be getting out of here as fast as humanly possible. Running away to join the circus was a trite overdone, but she'd do whatever necessary to set herself apart from her parents.


Still, she couldn't very well get out of here while her parents were still here. Meaning Wednesday had no choice but to follow the Principal along with her mother and father all the way up to her new dorm room.


"Here we are. You'll be rooming with Enid Sinclair. She-!"


In the middle of her sentence, Weems cuts herself off, having opened the door and stepped inside while she was talking. It would seem the tall woman has been struck speechless, forcing Wednesday and her parents to sidle into the room behind her as she stands there frozen in flagrant disbelief.


Once they see what stopped the Principal dead in her tracks, the Addams Family all stop as well. Wednesday in particular stares with wide eyes at one of the most impressive but also most horrifying sights she's ever had the misfortune of laying her eyes on.


"Oh! Are you my new roomie?!"


Now, Wednesday is an expert on dungeons. ALL dungeons. That includes sex dungeons, even if her parents had tried to forbid her research and she'd had to go behind their backs to complete it. As a result, she immediately recognizes all of the toys, tools, and machines that are arrayed across the room. There's everything from sex swings to wooden horses to crossbeams filling the space… and they don't look like they've gone unused either.


But then to be fair, Wednesday doesn't have to look at all of the toys and devices to recognize that they see regular use. Instead, she only has to look to her new roommate… Enid Sinclair. The bubbly blonde is wearing little more than a micro skirt and a see-through white shirt, exposing all of her bits quite crassly. She also has a dog collar wrapped proudly around her neck, making it clear JUST what sort of woman she is.


… None of this is the problem, however. Not the sex dungeon, not the slutty blonde girl. No, Wednesday would not mind living in a sex dungeon. But what she does mind…


"Well. I suppose you start to see Lord Potter's influence on Nevermore now, don't you?"


Larissa Weems sounds inexplicitly tired and weary as she finally speaks up. She's staring at Wednesday and her parents with a sort of vindication on her face, like they've finally proven her right.


"Ah… yes, this might be a problem."


That look of vindication grows when Morticia speaks, Wednesday's mother looking like she's sucking on a lemon. That is, until Gomez continues on from next to her, also looking incredibly disturbed by what they're staring at.


"Yes… unfortunately, our little buttercup is allergic to color. So this… this won't do. This won't do at all!"


They're right, of course. The problem isn't the sex dungeon. Or the slutty, collared roommate. No, the problem is that it's all so fucking COLORFUL. The sex swing is PINK! The crossbeam is baby blue! The wooden horse is ORANGE! Wednesday had felt an allergic reaction coming on when she'd spent too long staring at Weems' too-red lips. Now though? Now she might be going into anaphylactic shock!


Staring at them all incredulously, Weems just gapes.


"THAT is your problem with all of this?! The amount of COLOR?!"


Meanwhile, Enid, unable to read the room, rushes forward and hugs Wednesday tightly.


"Oh, I'm so glad to finally have a new roommate! We're going to be the BEST of friends!"


Wednesday stiffens at the physical contact. She doesn't mind the other girl's rock hard nipples rubbing against her front. Nor does she mind the discovery that Enid has a foxtail butt plug stuffed in between her pert butt cheeks, and from the smell, it's likely containing a fresh load of semen. But she does mind the overly assumptive display of affection. And the color. Did she mention the color?


"Rule Number One. No touching. That means let go of me."


Enid quickly pulls back, clasping her hands behind her back and thrusting out her chest as she nods eagerly. Wednesday doesn't smirk… but it's a near thing.


"Good girl."


THAT has a very interesting effect on the other young woman. But then, given everything, Wednesday isn't surprised as Enid shivers and lets out a little whimpering moan in response.


Behind them, Principal Weems just throws her hands up in disgust and leaves the room. After which, Wednesday finds herself departing as well to see her parents off after giving Enid express instructions to remove all HINTS of color from one side of the room. This is mostly for show, of course. She's not planning to stay at Nevermore long. But she has to make her parents think she's in for the long haul or they might try and stop her.


… Still, Wednesday would be lying if she said she weren't vaguely intrigued by all of this. And it all centered around one Lord Harry Potter as well. Curious. And she did so love a good mystery…




"Oooooh FUUUUCK! Fuck, FUCK, FUCK! Nnnngh!"


"That's it, my little Siren bitch. Sing for me. Let me know just who you belong to."


"F-Fuck you! Fuck you, you big dicked bastard! I w-won't… nnngh, I won't s-submit!"


Bianca's words were saying one thing, but her actions were saying another entirely. As Harry fucks Bianca from behind, she's happily pushing her hips back into his thrusting cock. She clearly thinks she can have her cake and eat it too… that defying him is as simple as saying she's defying him, and then doing whatever she likes at the same time… such as submitting to his big fat cock.


She doesn't have a choice, after all. She can't stop him from doing whatever he wants to her. So… surely it's fine to indulge, right? Surely it's fine to let him fuck her as much as he likes, so long as she proclaims her defiance at the top of her lungs the entire time.


That's what Harry can see going through the Siren's head as he fucks her doggystyle. With a little bit of Legilimency, he can watch her make justifications for herself in real time. Doesn't change the reality of the situation, however. And the stronger her denial gets, the more she's breaking under all of that faux defiance.


Of course, WHERE Harry is fucking Bianca is as important as HOW he's fucking her. Currently, the pair of them are in the middle of the inner sanctum of the Nightshade Society, with Bianca helplessly squirting her juices all over the floor in the middle of the room, making an absolute mess of things and helping him defile their 'secret' base.


Over off to the side, meanwhile, Divina the Siren has Yoko the Vampire in a forced sixty-nine. Not only is the poor helpless vampire bound in enchanted rope that she can't break free of, but Divina also has her thighs locked around Yoko's head and is forcing her fellow Nightshade to eat out her cum-filled cunt. To say Yoko wasn't happy would be an understatement, though she too was coming along nicely and breaking quite effectively the more time went on.


The best part was Yoko had a thing for Divina. A mutual attraction shared by the brunette Siren that made the betrayal all the sweeter.


Of course, Yoko and Bianca weren't the only two that Divina had betrayed to him. No, she'd betrayed the entire Nightshade Society to her Wizard Master. Though technically… the only members of the Nightshade Society NOW were the people left in this room.


After finding out about their secret little club and their secret little base, Harry had taken matters into his own hands and… rearranged the Nightshades. From now on, the society would be rededicated as a secret whorehouse used to seduce the 'normies' from over in Jericho. Bianca, who had always viewed herself as the Queen Bitch of Nevermore Academy, would be the first of these new whores… and once Harry was done with her, the dark-skinned Siren would lead the new Nightshade Society into the future.


Meanwhile, the boys had been less than necessary. So Harry had had Bianca call a 'vote' and then rigged the shit out of the resulting conversation. Put simply, the male members of the Nightshades had been left thinking they were simply outvoted and thus unceremoniously kicked out of the secret society. Never mind that there were five male members to the three female members left with Harry now.


As they all remembered it, there were definitely more girls then boys… and the boys simply hadn't been able to convince any of the girls to vote with them, resulting in their removal and the… rebranding of the Nightshades. Harry had made sure all of the guys came away from it with the sense that it was ultimately for the best though. After all, soon enough the title 'Nightshade' would be synonymous with 'whore'. Better to be on the outside than on the in, right?


It was the least he could do to make them all okay with it, given how he'd messed with all their minds, making them think they were outvoted and then removing the knowledge on how to access this hidden inner sanctum from their memories as well. Besides, he didn't need any of the five boys coming back to try and get 'revenge' or 'stop him' or anything ridiculous like that. Especially not when the most magic they had among them was prophetic visions and the ability to temporarily turn someone to stone with one's hair.


Yes… it was better this way. And thus the new Nightshade Society was in the process of being born. With Bianca to start, of course.




"Gah! S-Stop… s-spanking me, you asshole!"


Laughing, Harry slides one hand around the front to Bianca's neck, yanking her head back by her jaw as he continues to deliver harsh slaps to her fine, chocolate ass and incredibly punishing thrusts to her gushing, sopping, clenching cunny.


"Why would I, bitch? You love it. Every time I spank you, you clench up even tighter."


"T-That's just… an instinctive reaction!"


Harry just shakes his head with a sigh.


"You know, my dear… I can almost admire your persistence. Your obstinance. But we both know how you really feel. Who even is this act for, hm? Yoko? She's well on her way to joining you soon enough. Perhaps… perhaps it's time you were more honest with all of us."


It's a simple spell. With his hand on her jaw, he doesn't even have to use his wand to tap her lips. He does so with an index finger instead and smiles when the magic immediately nets him results.


"I'm not just going to tell you how GOOD your fucking cock feels, you bastard! And I'm definitely not going to say how much I love when you spank me, or how much I want you to fuck me harder and make me your BITCH!"


There's a brief pause as Bianca's word vomit reaches her own ears and she realizes what she just said. Harry, of course, doesn't give her any sort of reprieve. He keeps fucking her, even as she lets out a shuddering shriek.


"W-What the fuck?! What did you to do me?! I love your cock! I love it so much! Fuck, why can't I say how much I hate your dick anymore?!"


Laughing at her struggling, Harry slides his free hand to her breasts, giving them a good, solid kneading, first one and then the other. Only then does he answer her.


"Because you can't lie anymore, Bianca. A simple truth spell. Nothing you say can be a falsehood now."


"N-No… that's not possible. You must have done the opposite! I definitely LOVE YOUR COCK WITH ALL MY FUCKING HEART!"


As she orgasms upon his dick, helpless and hopeless, Harry just grins. It really was a basic spell. One that any wizard or witch worth their salt could not only overcome, but also fool and circumvent with their own magic. That's why veritaserum was used most of the time instead. But Bianca was no witch. She couldn't fight it… especially not when Harry was using his own magic to overpower the spell into something far too strong for her to get away from.


The result is that she tries to shut up as Harry fucks her from behind, but it's impossible. Between her howling and squealing through climax after climax, Bianca feels obligated to try and off-set how much she's CLEARLY enjoying his dick with some sort of verbal barrage. Alas, now even her tongue has betrayed her.


"So good! No! Yes! Oh FUCK I love your cock! Fuck, fuck MEEEEE! I need it! I need your big fat dick stirring up my insides! D-Don't listen to me! Please, GOD!"


Yeah, needless to say, Bianca is a mess. Especially since, as a Siren her voice is her strongest asset. In fact, it's clear that the dark-skinned young woman doesn't realize it… but more and more of her Siren Power is leaking into her words as she howls and yowls before him. As his cock drives deeper and deeper into her cunt, her voice is reverberating through the room, her eyes half-rolled up in her head.


The effect is… minimal when it comes to Harry himself. His Occlumency Shields made it impossible for someone like Bianca to influence someone like him. However, it's not just the two of them in the Nightshade Society's inner sanctum, now is it? Being a Siren herself, Divina has some natural resistance to Bianca's vocal powers. Yoko though… does not.


Amused as all hell, Harry leans forward and whispers into Bianca's ear. In her current state of delirium and pleasure, she can't stop herself from voicing her thoughts truthfully and totally.


"M-Maybe we should be whores. Maybe… maybe this is what the N-Nightshade Society was always supposed to be. Nnngh… c-cock feels amazing. Its so good to submit to cock. It'd be even better to be able to secure the s-safety of Nevermore Academy for decades to come… with our bodies."




Off to the side, Yoko's struggling grows more heated. Clearly the Vampire can tell what's happening, can feel what Bianca is inadvertently doing. Alas, with her head trapped between Divina's thighs, she can do nothing but listen as Bianca fully breaks down.


"I'm just… I'm just a hopeless Siren BITCH! I belong to my Wizard MASTER! Oh fuck, how didn't I see it sooner?!  This is exactly where I belong! On my hands and knees, servicing COCK! Fuck! Yes! Harder!"


Her eyes fully roll back in her head after that, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Bianca loses all track of time or the world around her. Her words fall away as well, to be replaced by insensate moaning and squealing as she creams herself upon his cock again and again and again. But… the damage is done. Not just to Yoko either… despite having the same resistance as Divina, Bianca had still found herself influenced by her own voice. She was too mentally weakened to not be affected. Hilarious.


With a groan, Harry unleashes inside of Bianca's cunt, filling the chocolate toned Siren with a hot, thick load of his white jizz. Then, he pulls out of her and yanks her around so she's facing him, pulling her up off of her hands and into a proper kneeling position as he rises to his full height and slaps his mammoth-sized bitch breaker down upon her face.


"Clean it."


Eyes rolling forward, Bianca looks up into Harry's eyes with… reverence.


"Yes… Master."


She positively moans the words out, even as she takes his cock in her hands and places him in her mouth. As she greedily and eagerly sucks and slurps at his dick, worshipping his member, Harry pulls out his wand and points it over her shoulder, down the slope of her arching spine to the small of her back. There, he brands her just like he did the others. But with Bianca, he puts the stylized HP in the location of a tramp stamp, signifying her new nature as a Nightshade Prostitute.


She belonged to him now… but Harry had more than enough women as it was. He would get quite a lot of pleasure out of having Bianca sell her body to the young men over in Jericho. Not to mention, it would be fucking hilarious seeing the stuck up Queen Bitch degrading and humiliating herself in that way.


Of course, it would be just as hilarious to see a certain vampire do the exact same. With Bianca broken and branded, with her tongue and plump lips worshipping his cock, Harry turns towards Divina and Yoko. Sensing his gaze, the brunette Siren immediately pulls apart from Yoko, forcing the bound Vampire up onto her knees as well.


Yoko's face, covered in Divina's pussy juices, is an utter mess. The Vampire herself looks dazed, right up until she makes eye contact with him. Then, it all seems to come back to her, her gaze sharpening as her eyes narrow into slits and she hisses.


"You… I know what you just tried to do. It won't… it won't work. I'm not going to succumb that easily. Bianca might have broken, but I won't break! And no amount of Bianca's voice will break me either!"


Harry just smiles and raises an eyebrow.


"Oh? Such a clever little vampire. So convinced of your own superiority that you think you've got it all figured out. Bianca wasn't meant to break you, sweetheart. She was meant to break herself. But she certainly softened you up, didn't she?"


Yoko's eyes widen in outrage at the insinuation that she could BE softened up, but before she can reply, Harry gestures… to Divina. Immediately, his pet Siren leans in and whispers in her girlfriend's ear. Specifically the type of girlfriend who is a friend, not a love interest. Though everyone in this room KNEW that Yoko wanted nothing more than to be proper girlfriends with Divina. To be more than just besties. Alas… there was only one way that was going to happen. She just had to stoop to Divina's level first.


He watches Yoko's expression turn into a consternated grimace as she trembles from listening to Divina's Siren Powered Voice. She's fighting it of course, but it's harder when the Siren is concentrating their power on you, and also someone you fancy already.


Heh, things get even worse for Yoko a moment later, when a certain bubbly blonde suddenly skips into the room before stopping and gasping in delight.


"Oh Master… you've had so much fun without me~"


Amused, Harry looks over at Enid Sinclair, enjoying the debauched view.


"You're late, pet."


Immediately, Enid whines in the back of her throat and drops her gaze to the floor.


"I know, Master. I was just about to head over but then I was introduced to my new roommate… one Wednesday Addams. Unfortunately, it turns out she's allergic to color! Sooo… I had to rearrange some things in our dorm room to make her feel more at home!"


That was… intriguing. Larissa had of course told Harry that the Addams were dropping off their eldest daughter today. He'd been surprised. He and Gomez might have been fast friends, but that wouldn't protect the man's daughter from his appetites. And Morticia should have known that. Unless the two of them were actively feeding him Wednesday for some reason… they were certainly crazy enough to do something like that.


More than that though… Wednesday Addams was allergic to color of all things? Harry's first instinct is to point out that Enid had clearly been had. But… no, when he really thinks about it and how insane the Addams Family seemed to be, he could almost believe she might actually BE allergic to color. It was just weird enough to make sense.


"Wednesday is really cool, Master! And cute too! I think you'd definitely like her! She even called me 'good girl'! Hehe, it took every fiber of my being not to correct her! After all, I'm Master's Best Girl, right?"


Harry chuckles as Enid's blatant attempt at fishing for affirmation. Still, he nods all the same.


"Indeed you are, Enid. And your tardiness is excused, given the reasons. Now… go over and help Divina loosen up Yoko for me some more, alright? I want her to be the Nightshade Society's second official prostitute after Bianca here."


"Yes sir!"


Technically Divina and now Enid were also members of the Nightshades and thus prostitutes… but he wasn't sure whether he'd have either of them actually sell their bodies to anyone in Jericho just yet. He was still on the fence about that. Bianca and Yoko though… they deserved to be humiliated and degraded in such a fashion. It was the life of a whore for both of them.


Enid drops to her hands and knees and eagerly crawls over to Divina and Yoko. Then, she dips down and Yoko's eyes go amusingly wide as her best friend proceeds to begin to eat out her ass while Divina continues to whisper power-laden 'suggestions' in her ear.


Needless to say, Yoko's resistance to Divina's Siren Voice was entirely reliant on her concentration and focus. Her iron resolve, one might say. Also needless to say, Enid had just taken Yoko's focus out back and shot it in the back of the head with a shotgun. As the bubble blonde's tongue works its way in and out of Yoko's ass, the Vampire's eyes begin to glaze over as Divina's words of prostitution, whoring, and submitting to their Master worm their way into her distracted mind.


Finally, Harry decides she's ready. Yanking Bianca off of his cock, he tosses the dark-skinned Siren aside. When she whimpers at being so readily abandoned, Harry just scoffs at her.


"Touch yourself, Bianca. Sing my praises while I prepare your first… subordinate for you. You're going to lead the Nightshade Society as the best damn whorehouse that Nevermore and Jericho have ever seen."


"Yessss Master~"


Hissing out her approval, Bianca spreads her legs and begins fingering her creampied cunt. Meanwhile, Harry makes his way over to Yoko, tilting his head to the side as he considers how he wants to shatter her. She's already fractured in a million little ways. Already broken, really. She's holding herself together just barely at this point. All it would take is a single tap in the right spot and she'd shatter into a thousand different pieces.


But Harry isn't really the type to tap, now is he? Grinning wickedly, he comes to a decision.


"Lift her up, girls. Present her to me."


"Yes Master!"


"Yesh Mashter!"


Pulling her tongue out of Yoko's ass, Enid hops to her feet alongside Divina as they both work together to pull Yoko's bound form up off the ground and into the air. The Vampire hisses, regaining some of herself now that Divina's voice has cut off.


"N-No… d-don't… I won't… I don't wanna be a prostitute. I don't wanna be a whore…"


Her whimpering mewls are pathetic. Harry would almost pity her, if he hadn't had to deal with her shitty attitude since he first arrived at Nevermore. Honestly, if she'd just been a little nicer… or perhaps not even gotten on his radar in the first place, she probably could have escaped unscathed.


… Nah, that was a lie. She was too close to Enid, Divina, and Bianca to not be pulled into his orbit. And besides, even if she'd kept her head down… well, the Nightshade Society was going to need more bodies than this if it was going to be a successful whorehouse. Luckily, Nevermore Academy was FILLED with all sorts of lovely young women, even if they hadn't crossed him yet. Yes, soon enough the Nightshades would be filling their ranks with girls from all over the school.


Yoko never stood a chance, in the end. Just like she doesn't stand a chance now. Lifted up and presented to him like a sacrificial offering by his pair of more willing collared sluts, Yoko whimpers as Enid doesn't let up on her poor ass, driving fingers up into Yoko's back door to replace her missing tongue. At the same time, Divina uses her own free hand to pinch one of Yoko's nipples, pulling on it viciously while continuing to whisper power-laden sweet nothings into her ear.


With her legs forcibly spread open and her pussy dripping with reluctant pleasure, there's nothing Yoko can do as Harry steps forward and lines up his cock with her cunt lips. She freezes in tense anticipation, even as he gives her a grin.


"No coming back after this, Yoko."


It's not an empty boast and he can see in her eyes that she understands and agrees with him. This is it. This is the moment where she shatters. No coming back.


With no further fanfare, Harry lets out a grunt and proceeds to slam home into Yoko's cunt, filling her pussy with his cock. The Vampire tosses her head back and HOWLS in ecstasy, his member stretching out her sopping wet insides as he impales her against her will. She might not want this; she might hate him with all her heart… but she can't deny how good it feels to have him inside of her. Nor can she do anything to stop him.


Fucking Yoko hard and fast, Harry plows the poor vampire through orgasm after orgasm upon his dick. While Divina continues to help break her down with her voice, Harry all but ignores the vampire, instead choosing to reach over and grab hold of Enid by her hair. He pulls his Best Girl into a tongue-filled kiss, enjoying the way she moans into his mouth as he takes advantage of her submission and devotion to him.


Yoko, meanwhile, just gets fucked. She doesn't get anything more than that from him… just like she's not going to get anything more than this from her customers as well. When the men of Jericho fuck the gorgeous Vampire, they're not going to do it out of love or affection. They're going to do it for pleasure… specifically their own. Because she's nothing more than a tight collection of holes to them. And Yoko certainly won't be doing it for love either. She'll be doing it for money.


That said… even as he all but ignores Yoko while he and his girls turn her into a whore just like he did Bianca, Harry's mind wanders. How can it not, really? Wednesday Addams is here and he doesn't really know what it means.


Oh sure, Larissa had given him the excuse that they'd given her. Supposedly, Wednesday had been expelled from every normal high school in the entire state. But that didn't mean much, did it? She could easily have gone to a magical school instead. Gomez might not have been much of a wizard, but Morticia was plenty powerful for a witch. Wednesday likely had a similar amount of magic.


Actually… she definitely did, Harry confirms with but a thought. Stretching out his attention across the Academy Grounds, he quickly locates Wednesday Addams by the distinct feel of her power. She's definitely magical. A full-blown witch, but without any of the training that one of their kind would have gotten from a school like Hogwarts. Nor did she have a wand, interestingly enough.


Harry didn't know what it all meant. Had Gomez and Morticia sent Wednesday here as a trap? Was he supposed to keep his hands off their daughter, or else? If it was some sort of test… Harry suspected he might fail it swiftly. Because he was seeing his first glimpse of Wednesday through Enid's mind as he continues lip locking the bubble blonde werewolf while fucking her vampire best friend. And honestly… Wednesday was more than cute. She was beautiful.


He didn't know if he'd be able to resist. But perhaps that wouldn't be a problem. Harry would burn that bridge when he came to it, he supposed. For now… well, pulling out of the lip lock with Enid, Harry looks over to the vampire he's fucking. Yoko… is dead to the world. She really has broken, even worse than Bianca at this point. Her gaze is almost lifeless and if it weren't for the fact that her cunt is clenching down rapidly around his cock, she might as well appear to be a corpse.


Well, that just wouldn't do. The Nightshades had to put their best foot forward with Jericho, after all. With that in mind, Harry reaches out and grabs Yoko by her head, planting his palm upon her forehead in particular. She gasps as he… does some rearranging of her thoughts and priorities.


Finally, he flicks a finger and her bonds come undone, letting her arms and legs loose. The first thing Yoko does… is wrap her limbs around his body. Harry smirks as the vampire bitch lets out a truly wanton moan, cumming yet again upon his pistoning cock. And he fully grins when she looks at him with nothing but lust and arousal in her lidded gaze.


"D-Damn you… damn it all…"


And that's it. The old Yoko dies not with a bang, but with a whisper. And the new Yoko, the whorish prostitute Harry wants… takes her place.


He makes sure to brand her on the small of her back the same as Bianca after he cums deep inside of her. Filling Yoko with his seed, enjoying the way she shudders from how good it feels to be creampied, Harry just smiles softly and pulls out of her. He nods to Divina and lets her carry the vampire over to Bianca, where all three women proceed to truly get… reacquainted with one another.


Sure, Divina betrayed them both. Sure, Bianca and Yoko resisted until the very end. But that's all water under the bridge for them now. They're united as Nightshades. As whores. In service to their Master… and to the normies of Jericho.


Enid, meanwhile, Harry takes over to the nearest chair, sitting down and pulling her into his lap, her back against his chest. As he impales her upon his cock from below and enjoys the bubble werewolf's moans, Harry feels Enid up, letting her loll her head backwards onto his shoulder.


"Tell me about Wednesday Addams, Enid. Tell me everything you noticed, no matter how small it might have seemed."


Enid does so without reservation and without hesitation. Even though she tells him she already considers Wednesday a friend, she happily gives up every single second of their interaction, as well as the ways Larissa and Wednesday's parents interacted when they thought she wasn't paying attention.


It sounded like quite an amusing scene. It also sounded like Larissa needed to be punished for daring to speak against him in her own roundabout way. But… that was for another day. For now, Harry continues fucking Enid while listening to her tell him all about Wednesday Addams. And with Enid's freely given information and Larissa's reluctantly given information combined… Harry begins planning his next move.