
Mother Miranda

As Countess Dimitrescu chokes on his cock and Harry gives her mistress, this 'Mother Miranda' a somewhat blasé stare, inwardly his mind is racing. He'd done his research ahead of time into this woman before him. But that mostly meant plumbing the depths of Alcina and her daughters' minds for what they knew about Miranda. However, what they didn't know about Miranda, they couldn't very well tell him, now could they?

Like for instance, none of the vampires had known that Mother Miranda was a witch. To be fair, Harry wasn't sure she knew she was a witch either. Oh, she likely knew she was far more than human, but it was immediately obvious that she hadn't been trained in any sort of magical institution of learning. No, rather, anything she HAD picked up was self-taught. Like her impressively strong Occlumency Shields.

This wasn't like with Alcina, where Harry had tricked the giantess into believing his attempt to enter her mind hadn't worked. He'd let the Countess Dimitrescu believe she had managed to fight him off with a strong enough will, when that couldn't have been farther from the case. Such a strategy wouldn't work with Mother Miranda. She had natural Occlumency Shields, one of the reasons Harry knew automatically that she was a witch. Only beings of magic could practice Occlumency.

Whatever she'd gone through had caused something akin to massive callouses to develop in her mind. Harry could have shattered them with enough time and power, but the problem was getting the time to do so. He knew from Alcina and her daughters' memories that Miranda was a cut above them. Even with all four working together, they would not be able to hold her down while he did his work.

Especially since he could not rely upon affection to stay her hand like he had with Alcina and her daughters. Mother Miranda would almost certainly kill all four of them almost instantly for their treachery. Love and adoration would not hold her back for even a moment.

This was all to say, Harry found himself thinking fast. He'd only learned of Mother Miranda's Occlumency and Witchly status when the woman stepped foot into Castle Dimitrescu and entered his range. He probably shouldn't have exhausted Alcina's daughters before her arrival, in hindsight. He could have used the backup, even if they amounted to little more than cannon fodder to be thrown in the meat grinder.

Now, all he had was Alcina herself to back him up… which forced Harry to go a more diplomatic route and change his original plans on the fly.

Luckily, the sight of her creation between his legs gives Miranda pause. She watches as Countess Alcina Dimitrescu, clad in a full lace bodysuit that he'd conjured for her, gurgles happily on his dick. With one leg wrapped around the back of her head and the tome he'd been reading set aside, Harry waits. He's already said his piece to the woman in front of him. Now it's her time to speak.

Finally, she seems to come to a conclusion. In an instant, she pulls forth a chair for herself and sits down on it. Looking at him, Mother Miranda tilts her head to the side as well.

"You must be the Wizard Lord then. I must confess… I truly believed the Countess and her daughters would be more than enough to handle you on their own terms. If I had known your power, I would have met you on mine before they got mixed up with you."

Here, Miranda surprises Harry by dipping her head down.

"My apologies for their trespasses."

He's shocked that she would even be willing to apologize, truth be told. But he quickly shakes off his bemusement and shakes his head, waving a hand magnanimously.

"Think nothing of it. I'm sure you think of the Countess as your child, and her daughters as your grandchildren… but in the end, are they not all women grown? Their choices are their own."

Harry suspects that Miranda sees them as a lot less than that. Alcina's maternal love for her daughters was real. Her love for Miranda was also real. However, from Alcina and the three younger vampire's memories, Harry had developed an understanding of Mother Miranda that they themselves actually lacked. Put bluntly, she didn't love them. Not truly. They were tools to her. Not her children, but merely failed experiments… as well as means to an end.

Of course, when he throws out that line about children and grandchildren, the last thing Harry expects is for Miranda to admit the truth.

"I would not go that far. Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters are useful implements, but only that. In the end, they represent my failures. That I let them continue to exist is grace enough on my part."

Wow. Her honesty is certainly… something. Harry nods as he soaks this in, before deciding to change tactics. He's nothing if not adaptable, even as his cock remains thrust into Alcina's gullet, bulging the giantess vampire's pale neck while he rests one foot on her backside and crosses the other over his knee.

"Then we have something in common, I suppose."

Mother Miranda's eyes flash with curiosity at that. Harry, seeing the value in being bluntly honest, reaches out and caresses the tome he was just reading.

"I came here seeking the answers to a Blood Curse that was put on the family line of some of my allies long ago. I was quite hopeful that Countess Dimitrescu would prove able to help me with her work. Alas, so far she has proven to be a failure in that regard as well. Not only did her daughters break guest rite, forcing me to defend myself against them, but then dear Alcina did the same, flying into a fury over what I'd done to her precious girls."

Harry scoffs at this, his emerald eyes flashing.

"As though they did not come at me first. As though I am not entitled to defend myself with my magic. Some Wizard Lord I would be if I could not defeat a few measly vampires, hm?"

Telling the truth was as much about building himself up as anything else, even if it meant tearing Alcina down. Of course, thanks to her broken, fractured mind and his alterations to her personality, being forced to listen to her two superiors denigrating her as a failure in both of their projects isn't that bad. In fact, from the way her hips have begun to hump and down, she's even getting off on it.

Mother Miranda, meanwhile, frowns slightly.

"I do wonder what made Alcina take leave of her senses. I sensed her daughters as I came in. You did not kill them, as would have been your right."

Harry raises an eyebrow at that, before realizing what Miranda is saying. She sensed them, but she did not lay eyes on them herself. She did not see the… debauched condition he'd left them in and had yet to connect the dots between what he was doing to Alcina right in front of her, and what he must have done to the Countess' three daughters. Chuckling softly, Harry just shakes his head, amusement playing across his lips.

"Your guess is as good as mine. It would seem she has failed the both of us more than can be allowed, hasn't she?"

A moment of truth. Not THE moment of truth, but one of them. Here and now, if Mother Miranda decides to take umbrage with what he's done to her creation, she might very well attack. Harry makes sure to appear as relaxed as possible, but he's ready to defend himself, even with his cock buried in Alcina's gullet. If Miranda IS going to attack him, doing so in a perceived moment of weakness over a perceived slight would be it.

And yet, while she stiffens momentarily, her eyes eventually descend down to Alcina's waving fat ass and her sluttily clad body. They flash for a moment before Mother Miranda slowly nods.

"… Yes. She has proven herself to be an utterly worthless waste of space. If you wish for me to dispose of her before we continue our conversation, I can."

Oh? That spoke to more control over Alcina than Harry would have guessed. It sounded like Mother Miranda had some way of disabling or incapacitating Countess Dimitrescu, perhaps even permanently. He doesn't let his surprise at this show of course, merely filing it away as he chuckles and shakes his head instead.

"Oh, I don't think that will truly be necessary. After all, she makes for an excellent oversized sex toy, don't you think? In this regard, her usefulness finally shines through."

He's pushing it, Harry can tell as much. But though Mother Miranda's eyes narrow as she gazes down at Alcina's bent over form speculatively, she finally nods again anyways.

"… I suppose you are right."

And there it is. Both Harry and Miranda, the two authority figures in Alcina Dimitrescu's life, have declared her only worthwhile existence to be that of a sex toy. Reinforcing her sense of worthlessness when it comes to doing anything else, and the fact that she was an utter failure in every way possible. Harry can only smile as Alcina's acceptance of her new role is also reinforced, something he knows to be true when she elongates her tongue out from her stuffed mouth.

Slithering under Harry, massaging and tasting his sweaty balls and his taint, Alcina's lengthened tongue goes to work as her throat does the same. She's diving into her new role, hungry for praise.

This does not escape Mother Miranda's notice, as Harry unfolds his legs and reaches down, grabbing Alcina by her head. He's definitely testing his limits with Miranda now, but he can't quite help himself… this is just the sort of man he is.

"One moment, please."

Without waiting for her permission, Harry proceeds to slam Alcina down his cock again and again, harder and faster than before, skull fucking her for a few moments more before he clogs her upper orifice with cum. He fills and fills her mouth and gullet with his seed, to the point that some of it explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her pale lips.

Even after he's done cumming, he's not done with her. Leveraging his magically enhanced strength, the powerful Wizard proceeds to flip Alcina around, and promptly impales her pussy on his massive cock. The giantess of a vampire ends up in a humiliating position, her hands planted on the floor as she smashes her hips down onto her new Master's dick. Happily bouncing along, her wet ass cheeks clap hypnotically for him, even as her pleasure-stricken face is revealed to her creator in all of its degenerate glory.

This is the true test. Showing Mother Miranda what he's really done to her creation is a calculated gamble. Showing her what HE is like is something Harry considers a necessity. Oh sure, he could have tried to play nice, attempted to maintain some amount of decorum… but after what he'd done to Alcina and her daughters, Harry knew that it would only result in things showing through the cracks. The façade simply would not last.

Which was why he wasn't bothering with a façade at all. Or at least, not much of one. He was still very wary of Mother Miranda and her natural powers. The aura of nonchalance he was trying to give off was very much a façade he wanted to maintain. But the façade of a gentleman, of being a 'proper' Wizard Lord? Harry was done hiding his perverse nature. He felt like he'd get better results by just being honest about who he truly was instead.


Miranda watches the Wizard Lord make use of her creation, fucking Alcina like the woman was little more than… hm, how did he put it? Ah yes, a sex toy. She can't help but be a little annoyed. But not at the Wizard Lord. Not at this… Harry Potter.

In the end, it was as he'd said. This was all Alcina's fault. And if the Countess Dimitrescu could not maintain her seat, then she did not deserve it. If a single man could defeat her so thoroughly, then Mother Miranda cared not about rising to her defense. Ultimately… she saw more value in working with Lord Potter than she did in working against him.

Not that Miranda didn't believe she couldn't kill the Wizard Lord if she needed to. He was confident, perhaps overly so. But she was who and what she was. Alcina and her daughters might have fallen to his magic, but Miranda was sure she could take him down. It was unnecessary though. And it would likely be costly too. Why not just play nice instead?

She could tell he was provoking her at the same time that he was acting so calm and collected. The very casualness of his actions was provocation made manifest. He was sexually abusing her creation right in front of her, after all. Even if Miranda had declared Alcina a failed experiment, it wasn't as though this Wizard Lord knew what sort of woman she was. What if she were a prude? Ah, but then that was the point, more than likely.

He was testing her. Even still, she wasn't going to kill him. She wasn't even going to attack him. No, as they'd spoken and she'd watched Lord Potter interact with the broken Countess Dimitrescu, Mother Miranda's mind had been whirling with ideas. She had a new plan forming in her mind's eye, in fact. A plan that featured a use for this Wizard in her experiments.

Luckily, he'd already let slip what he wanted, be it intentional or unintentional. As she watches Alcina's face contort in ecstasy, the Wizard Lord's cum dribbling down her pale features, Mother Miranda smirks and speaks up.

"It is no wonder that the Countess could not assist you in your efforts. You went to the creation for help with something that only the creator could advise you in."

Those glowing emerald eyes that the Wizard Lord is sporting brighten a bit at that, and he himself perks up ever so slightly.


He wants to test her reactions to his lewd behavior? He wants to see if she's some prude who can't help but be offended by a little debauchery? Hah, she's been around for hundreds of years. She's done things she's sure would make him squeamish, would make him squirm. All in the name of her ultimate goal, but even still… she was no prude.

Making a show of crossing her legs, causing her dress to hike up and show some of her pale skin, Mother Miranda reaches out with a bared foot and proceeds to press it against her experiment's face. In response, Alcina moans, immediately beginning to lick at her mistress' foot, worshipping Miranda's toes in a slavishly devoted manner.

As Alcina slobbers all over her digits and continues to bounce up and down on HIS cock, Miranda makes eye contact with the Wizard Lord sitting across from her.

"Indeed. I can assist you with solving your little Blood Curse, Lord Potter. Though I will not do so for free."

At this, he grins wickedly.

"Nothing worth having in life is ever free, Mother Miranda. That said, some costs are more… palatable than others. What would you demand of me, exactly?"

He has been bluntly honest with her so far. Or at least, ever since she shot down his attempt to frame Alcina and her daughters as Miranda's child and grandchildren respectively. Tit for tat, so to speak. And so she's just as bluntly honest with him.

"Offspring, Lord Potter. I care not who you father them off of. Be it Alcina, her daughters… or myself. But I require a child from you. In exchange, I will do everything in my power to help you solve your problem."

She's expecting him to refuse out of principle. After all, children… REAL children are a precious gift. Not like the failed experiment currently cleaning between her toes. Not like the additional failures scattered around the Castle. Miranda's daughter… she'll give anything to get her back.

Just from the way Harry Potter hesitates, she can tell he understands. He's a father himself already, isn't he? How many children he has, she knows not. But she can tell these sorts of things. Still, she's ready for him to refuse her. She's ready for him to deny her his seed despite off-loading so damn much of it into Alcina already.

Instead, he tilts his head to the side, clearly considering it.

"You want me to father a child with you."

Miranda nods slowly, not taking her eyes off of him, even as the giantess remains spit-roasted between the two of them.

"Yes. Or the Countess. Or-!"

Before she can finish, he shakes his head sharply and cuts her off.

"No. I'm not sure they can even bear children, though with magic… but no. If we're to make this deal, the child will have to be yours in body as well as spirit. After all… I already own Alcina and her daughters wholly and utterly."

Mother Miranda's eyes widen ever so slightly at that, before narrowing. She shouldn't have been so surprised, but she was. Looking down into Alcina's glazed over eyes as the large vampire continues to lavish worshipful motions with her elongated tongue all over Miranda's bare foot, she frowns. Hm, was he correct? If he chose to, would Alcina and her daughters leave here with him? Could she afford to let them?

… In the end, it did not matter for the moment. She would cross that bridge when they reached it. For now, his stipulation that it be she who he fathered the child upon was not actually that terrible. Indeed, Miranda could see herself even enjoying herself.

"… Very well. Yes, I would demand that you breed me with your seed. It seems to be quite strong. I don't imagine it would take many attempts."

Smirking slightly, his emerald eyes flash again.

"No, it would not."

Ah. The Wizard Lord had some way of making conception take, did he? How intriguing. Thoroughly impressed and more than a little eager to give him a try at this point, Miranda pulls her toes from Alcina's desperately sucking lips and stands from her chair. At the same time, Harry Potter slides his cock out of Alcina's cunt and proceeds to push her to the floor, the Countess of Castle Dimitrescu reduced to little more than a quivering mound of womanly flesh before the two of them.

Neither of them are paying Alcina any mind at this point though. Having risen from her seat, Miranda reaches down and pulls open her robes. Her clothing falls away, exposing every last inch of her naked body… along with her black wings as they unfurl from her back, straightening out behind her. She has to admit, it feels quite nice to let them move freely, even as Lord Potter's eyes fall upon her pale, naked flesh.

Running her hands up and down her body, Miranda raises an eyebrow at the Wizard Lord.

"Well, Lord Potter? Do we have an accord?"

His rock hard cock, throbbing down between his legs and looking far too big for his body size, twitches and pulses, almost as though it wants to answer for him. Harry Potter himself, meanwhile, only hesitates for a moment longer before rising from his own seat.

"We do. I will get you with child, Mother Miranda. In exchange, you will help me solve the Blood Curse. So long as this deal is in effect, neither of us shall do harm to the other. So mote it be."

Smirking, Mother Miranda rolls her eyes ever so slightly. How quaint. Still, he's staring at her expectantly and she can tell what he wants. Hmph.

"So mote it be."

The moment she intones the words, Miranda's eyes widen as she feels something restrict in her chest. In that moment, she knows she's bound herself to her promise. The deal she's just made with the Wizard Lord… even if she'd intended to go back on her side of things, she could no longer do so. Oh… he was good. He was very good.

With a hiss, Miranda shoots forward and before he can react, takes him off of his feet.


When Mother Miranda tackles him to the ground, Harry very nearly goes for his wand. But no… in the end, he holds back. He still has plenty of tricks up his sleeve, and by no means is he down for the count just because she got the drop on him. But also, he doesn't really need to fight back… because she's not trying to hurt him. She quite literally cannot harm him.

Those nasty-looking black wings of hers even slam into the ground on all sides of his body as she grinds her crotch against the underside of his cock. If she wanted to, she could very well try to take his head off with how sharp and strong those feathers of her appear to be. Except she would fail. Because ultimately, she was just as bound by magic now as he was.

It was no Legilimency. He would much rather have complete control over the situation, like with Alcina and her daughters. Turning those four monsters into his pets had been quite an enjoyable experience for Harry, on top of making him Master of Castle Dimitrescu. Unfortunately, he could not do to Miranda what he'd done to them. Her natural Occlumency shields won't allow it.

So… he'd had to improvise. The very same thing that gave her a powerful defense against his Legilimency also made her vulnerable to other things… like magically binding oaths. Really, it was quite simple. If she'd been taught in a proper wizarding institution, she would have known better. But for all that Mother Miranda was clearly an old soul, she had not had the education Harry had. She didn't know the magic words… and he'd been able to use that against her.

Now they were both magically bound by the deal they'd made. His end of the bargain would be incredibly easy to satisfy. All he had to do was get her with child, something that would be the work of a few sessions. Meanwhile, until she helped him solve the Blood Curse that plagued the Greengrasses, she could not harm him nor move against him in any way. If she did, if she tried… it wouldn't kill her, but it would hurt her greatly.

This was no Unbreakable Vow. Unfortunately, those needed to be properly understood by both parties. Tricking someone into an Unbreakable Vow was impossible, it required consent. But tricking someone into a magically binding oath of lesser strength like he had was all too easy, especially when they didn't know what they were doing. All they needed was magic of their own to bind them properly.

All of this was to say, when Miranda took him to the floor and pinned him down, Harry wasn't ultimately worried. He knew she couldn't hurt him. And indeed, the beautiful, pale, winged woman does not make any attempt to harm him. She glares at him haughtily for a moment, and then grabs him by his massive cock, before slowly slotting it against her slit.

"I do hope there is no issue with taking care of your end of the bargain first, Lord Potter."

Grinning up at her, Harry settles his hands on Miranda's hips and chuckles.

"No problem at all, Mother Miranda. That was how the deal was worded, after all."

Miranda's eyes flash with comprehension at that, though her understanding of the situation is flawed. Technically, no he does not have to get her pregnant before she helps him with the Blood Curse. So long as the two of them both work towards their ends of the deal at a reasonable pace as decided by the magic of the oath, then they'll be fine.

This pace is more than reasonable, in Harry's humble opinion. And so, as Miranda gets ready to impale herself upon his cock, he decides to help her out and thrusts upward with all of his magically enhanced might. The winged witch's eyes widen at this, and she hisses as he punches up into her cunt and right through her cervix. As he enters her womb itself, a gasp spills forth from Miranda's lips.

She's not nearly as large or even as thicc as Countess Dimitrescu. The giantess and Harry's cock were perfectly sized for one another… which means his massive bitch breaker of a member is much too large for Miranda, not only stretching out her cunt, but bulging from her abdomen as she shudders atop him. Shuddering, she gives him another glare.

"You are much too large for your size."

Harry can't help grinning at that. He knows he's not hurting her, or else the 'do no harm' caveat of the magically binding oath he'd swore would have stopped him. So, cheeky grin etched on his face, he prepares to really start giving it to her from below, all while being as snarky as possible.


However, before he can make good on his plans, Miranda proves she has other intentions. Her wings come into place, slapping his hands away from her hips and not just that, but pinning them down on either side of him. She makes sure not to harm him, a twitch of her body telling Harry that she had to be reminded not to do so by the oath.

Even still, where his strength is enhanced by his magic, hers seems to be entirely natural… or rather, more likely its just the way her untrained magic has manifested itself over the years, both in her mutated form and her incredibly powerful body. In an instant, Mother Miranda has pinned him down, restricting his movement.

Once she's done so, she half-snarls, half-smirks at him as she finally begins moving her hips on HER terms.

"Not anymore."

Harry can't help but laugh in amusement. It's not like he's completely down for the count to be fair. He can still thrust upward with his hips. Unfortunately, without his hands to grip her hips as well, he can't control the pace. But he gives as good as he gets, fucking up into Miranda, turning it into a bit of a bucking bronco kind of ride.

With her wings, Miranda is in no danger of falling off, but he still has her slightly flustered and panting from the pleasure in short order. As they fuck one another, Harry gets the impression that she's as much a dominant as he is. He's managed to put them on an even playing field with the magical oath, but he's not in control here. Still, neither is Mother Miranda and if she thinks she is, she's got another thing coming.

The wet noises of their crotches meeting one another fill the library, even as she bounces up and down on his massive bitch breaker of a cock. Groaning, she tightens up her cunt muscles, doing her level best to get him off sooner rather than later. Harry can tell that she's trying to avoid cumming, not wanting to be the first to show weakness. By comparison, Harry himself couldn't care less about such a thing. He'd already cum in front of her once before, making use of her own failed experiment to get himself off.

Now, he does so with her as well. With a savage upward thrust of his hips, a grunt from his lips, and the piercing of his mammoth sized member into her womb once more, Harry begins to cum. Miranda's eyes widen and she tenses up for a moment before shuddering as an involuntary gasp leaves her lips. Much to Harry's amusement, she proceeds to climax all over his cock as he spills his seed directly into her womb. Could it be? Yes… Mother Miranda had a breeding fetish, guaranteed.

As she cums alongside him, the strength of her pin weakens. Harry is able to flip the script so to speak, turning the tables on the gorgeous winged witch as he suddenly pins HER to the floor. Her wings catch her of course, but before she can respond, he's got her by the hips, lifting her lower body up into the air so her weight is on her wings, shoulders, and neck.

"W-What are you doing?!"

Harry just shakes his head in humor as he pulls out of her creampied cunt.

"You don't think one time is enough to knock you up, do you? I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain. I WILL breed you, Mother Miranda. I will give you a child of my seed, just as I promised."

Both of them feel the magically binding oath in their hearts sing at Harry's declaration, making it clear he's telling the truth. Miranda relaxes for all of a moment before he presses his cock against her back door instead of returning to her pussy.

"W-Wait! That's the wrong hole! You can't get me pregnant via that hole!"

Harry just grins.

"Well, no… but not to worry. All of my seed is going where it's needed."

With that assurance, he thrusts right into Miranda's ass, impaling the winged woman on his cock once more. This time around, he's in charge. This time around, he's on top. Miranda shudders beneath him, caught off-guard and off-balance. Her position makes it impossible for him to escape him, mostly because the only way to escape him would be to do him harm, which she's not allowed to do. Meanwhile, Harry IS fulfilling his side of the equation.

He has every intention of cumming inside of her womb again… so it doesn't matter which hole he fucks her in to reach the point of completion. In the end, all Miranda can do this time around is endure it.

Which to be fair, she does quite a good job at. Her body shakes and quivers, her wings shuddering as they prop her up, but ultimately she settles in and accepts his dominion… for now. Her glare doesn't die for a while, but eventually, he's clearly getting to her. Jackhammering his massive fucking cock in and out of her ass, plowing her bowels like he plowed the bowels of Alcina and her daughters, Harry can tell that Mother Miranda is unused to such strange sensations.

Perhaps if someone had dislodged the stick clearly buried up her back door earlier, things wouldn't have reached this point. As it is, it's obvious to Harry at least that the winged witch is in need of a good buggering, so that's exactly what he gives her.

She tries to restrain her voice at first, her lips pressed together tightly to avoid giving anything away. However, over time more and more whimpers and gasps manages to escape her mouth. Until eventually, she's just groaning up a storm as her body flexes and shudders beneath the barrage of his constant thrusts.

When she'd first disrobed before him and flung herself at him, Harry had been reminded of an Angel of Death. Now though? Mother Miranda is just a woman. A powerful witch no doubt, and long-lived from what he'd gained from Alcina and the others' memories, but still just a woman at the end of the day. Perhaps the strongest willed woman he's ever had though. Ultimately, Harry knows he's not going to conquer her… that's not the point of this. He's still going to give as good as he can though.

With a lustful growl, he feels himself reaching the point of no return. A twang in his chest from the oath he swore lets him know he's in danger of disappointing by leaving his load somewhere except for Miranda's womb. With an amused huff, the wizard pulls out of her back door and slams home into her cunt a moment later.

Mother Miranda, who isn't expecting it, positively HOWLS from the sudden swap. This time around, it's she who cums first. Her explosive orgasm tips him over the edge for this second round, and Harry groans as he fills and fills Miranda with his seed. He pumps a hot, thick load into her womb to take up residence next to the first, leaving her belly nice and swollen, as though she was already a few months pregnant.

In fact… Harry's eyes light up as he feels a certainty take root in his chest. In that moment, he knows that he's gone and done it. He's impregnated Mother Miranda, even if his seed hasn't fully taken root just yet. Magic knows, and the oath knows. He's fulfilled his end of the bargain.

He opens his mouth to let her know the good news, but before he can do so, Miranda has pulled his move and used his moment of distraction to slip out from under him. He falls quiet, curious to see what she'll do… only to his shock to watch her kneel before him. Her wings come up with her hands and she grasps his cock in ALL of her appendages. His massive member, which HAD been slowly beginning to droop, quickly goes back to being fully erect with the help of the rather strange wing job.

Harry realizes then that the oath they swore to each other must be itching at the back of Miranda's mind, but she doesn't understand why. She doesn't understand that he's fulfilled his end, and now it's time for her to fulfill hers. Instead, she thinks they're still going, doesn't she? Rather, she thinks she has to pleasure him in order to get a third load in her womb.

"You like this, do you not? This is your kind of thing, isn't it Wizard Lord? Having a powerful woman kneeling before you."

As she kneels there, glaring up at him, Harry can't help but be a little amused. On the one hand, he definitely wouldn't want to be in this position if not for the fact that she could do him no harm. The oath would make sure of that. Knowing how strong those wings of hers were, knowing how strong SHE was, he wouldn't want to be in a position where Miranda could just decide to tear off his dick.

Luckily, that wasn't going to happen no matter what. And so he could be a little… mean about it. Affecting an air of nonchalance, Harry just shrugs.

"I suppose if you used your mouth, maybe."

Miranda's eyes flash, and she looks a little insulted. But Harry overrides whatever her response might have been, giving her a grin.

"Or I could go back to fucking your pussy or ass I suppose. Honestly… your hands and wings are nice, but they're not really doing it for me. Not in the long run."

By bringing up the other options himself, Harry is offering Miranda a way out… and he knows she can't accept that. With a growl, the winged witch leans forward and takes him in her mouth. Her jaw stretches obscenely wide and so does her neck as she takes him all the way to the base. Alcina did the exact same, but Alcina was a giantess of a vampire. Miranda's neck bulges much more obscenely than her failed experiment's did, and she hasn't even reached the base of his cock yet.

Amused by the display, Harry reaches out… but Miranda is quick to bat his hand away with her wings. They form a protective circle around her and his cock, even as her hands slide around his torso and grasp at his buttocks. Harry grunts, realizing with some level of bemusement that he was not going to be in control here. This was another case where he would be… just along for the ride.

Still, she's nothing if not enthusiastic.


Forcing herself further down his cock, seeming to take his massive length as a challenge, Mother Miranda deep-throats his member. She aggressively face fucks herself on his dick, almost hostile in her actions. But never harmful. The oath doesn't allow it. Harry can't help but be grateful that he tricked her into said oath. Something tells him that without its protection, he would be a lot bloodier by this point.

Instead, while he IS a bit filthy, it's only with sweat and other fluids. Groaning his enjoyment, Harry throws his head back, deciding to clasp his hands through his hair as he enjoys Mother Miranda's not-so-tender affections to their fullest extent. Driven on by that nagging feeling in the back of her mind, the winged woman is going absolutely insane trying to get him off.

The only thing is, HE already knows he's knocked her up. As such, there's nothing forcing him to cum inside of her a third time. And Harry is… well, he's an asshole, at the end of the day.

When the moment finally comes, he can't help himself. Miranda pulls back off of his cock with a gasp and glares up at him.

"Are you getting clos-?"

And in that moment, Harry cums. A grunt is the only warning that the winged witch gets before he paints her so damn white that even her wings are left greyer than they were previously. He covers her in as thick a load of his seed as he's ever released, coating her from her hair to her lap as she kneels there, mouth agape in shock and surprise.

When he's finally done, she's positively vibrating with fury, but when she goes to attack him, the oath holds her back. She looks outraged, but Harry just grins and shakes his head in amusement, greatly enjoying how messy he's made her look.

"I held up my end of the bargain, Miranda. The seed will take. You will have your child. Now it's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain."

Mother Miranda's eyes widen as she feels the oath thrum in her chest, affirming his words. After a moment, she relaxes with a sigh.

"… Very well then."


About an hour later, they stand before a monstrous thing that Mother Miranda calls the Fungal Root. Harry stares at it wordlessly, his nose wrinkling in distaste. Alcina and her daughters hadn't known everything. In fact, he now knows more about Miranda and her goals than they do. She's explained it all to him and explained that she believes Eva's consciousness is still in the Black Mold. She believes that the Fungal Root can help him with his Blood Curse situation.

That's all well and good, and who knows, maybe it can. But there's just one problem. Having heard Miranda's story, he knows now what she intends to do with the child he's given her. She's hoping to replace it with Eva. And while it's not even begun gestating just yet, the very idea is abhorrent to Harry's senses. More than that, he fully believes this is a false hope.

"So now you see why I have done the things I've done. All of my experiments, even the failed ones like Alcina and her daughters, have led me to this point. I will not rest until I succeed."

Her conviction is strong, her belief steadfast. Unfortunately, it's very, very wrong. Shaking his head, Harry reaches for his hand and feels a ring that he's worn for most of his adult life. Finally, he sighs.

"Mother Miranda… I understand the loss of your child consumes you. But this is not the way."

Stiffening up, Miranda straightens her back and snarls.

"And who are you to say what is and is not the way? My path is clear!"

"No. This will not get you Eva back. Tell me, Miranda… do you want to see Eva again?"

At that, the winged, untrained witch goes still. Now that he knows her story, she's not nearly as threatening as she first seemed. Thanks to the oath, there's nothing to be afraid of either. She still has to fulfill her end of the bargain. Just showing him the Fungal Root isn't enough for that. That said…

"What… what do you mean?"

Humming, Harry takes hold of the Resurrection Stone set into his ring and turns it once, twice, thrice.

"I am a Wizard Lord, am I not? This much is simple…"

And with that, the spirit of Eva, Mother Miranda's long lost daughter, appears before them. She looks at him for a moment, but he just gestures to Miranda. When Eva sees her mother, she doesn't seem surprised or even particularly upset by Miranda's mutated appearance.

"Hello mama."


Collapsing to her knees, Miranda reaches for her daughter, but to no avail. It is merely Eva's spirit, and thus intangible. Harry watches on as the beautiful winged woman doubles over, crying in grief and awe as she stares at her daughter's ghostly apparation. He can't help but feel sympathy for Mother Miranda at this moment, even with all that she's done in the name of bringing her daughter back.

Still, hopefully this would be enough to convince her that Eva wasn't still in the Black Mold. Her daughter had moved on a long time ago… perhaps it was time Miranda tried to do the same.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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