
Cassandra Dimitrescu

He had initially planned to immediately move and confront the next of the Countess' vampire daughters, with Daniela on her leash and bound right beside him. But then Harry had reconsidered. He had an untapped resource in the form of the youngest Dimitrescu now, after all. And he would be a fool not to take advantage of the red head's slavish devotion and adoration, all directed specifically at him and his conquering cock.

And so, for the last few hours, Harry and Daniela had been playing hide and seek with her two sisters. The older girls were most definitely back in the Castle, and they were even semi-actively looking for their younger sister, as well as Harry himself. Alas, no matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find either of them.

It had been easy enough, to use Daniela as a swift test subject. Trying out what obfuscation magic did and did not work on her, Harry had developed a whole suite of spells that would make her sisters blind to his and Daniela's presence. Once he'd completely hoodwinked them, he'd had more room to go ahead and… experiment, as it were.

The obfuscation tests had given him the idea of expanding on his experiments, to figure out more about what sort of vampires Daniela and her kindred actually were. In that time, he'd also managed to find their weakness. Cold. They couldn't tolerate it, not truly, and in fact, Harry got the impression that too much cold would quite literally kill them under the right conditions.

However, just the right amount of cold… and they were reduced instead to a purely human condition. Trapped in their humanoid bodies, unable to shift or separate, and overall, so weakened that their speed and strength was no more than that of a normal human woman of their age and body type.

He'd stopped to fuck Daniela some more after that discovery, and in doing so awakened the crimson-haired vampire to a whole new type of joy, as she'd found herself even further dominated by her new Master and his bitch breaker of a cock.

By now, Daniela had degenerated further, into Harry's loyal hound. She no longer walked behind him as he tugged on her collar, but outright crawled. Dressed in leather straps that hid nothing of her beauty whatsoever, she crawled along on her hands and knees, still leashed and collared as Harry led her through the Castle of her 'birth'.

Of course, she'd been a very good girl for him so far, at least ever since he'd put her in her place. For being such a dutiful test subject and assistant combo, Harry had given his newest pet a little reward. As he'd expected, she'd immediately taken to it when he'd conjured up a ball gag with the ball made of literal blood pop.

Honestly, he was glad he'd tried one of the vampire-aligned treats at Honeydukes, once upon a time. It wasn't terrible truth be told, but it was a bit too coppery for his tastes. Still, because he'd had one before, Harry could reliably create a convincing simulacrum of a blood pop anew… and attach it to the straps of a ball gag, before sticking it securely in Daniela Dimitrescu's submissive jaw.

The young vampire sucks and slurps at her bloody, sweet treat while they make their way through the Castle. Harry, knowing what he knows now, has decided he's ready to face the next of the Dimitrescu Sisters. However, he had no desire to face off against both of them at once. Luckily, with his magic, he was able to separate them and blind the eldest to the middle child, just as he'd blinded them both to him and Daniela.

Neither Cassandra nor Bela even realized that they could no longer locate the other. Having split up to continue their search of their own accord, their focus is solely on finding Harry and Daniela. A task made singularly impossible by magic. As far as they were likely concerned, they would run into each other again soon enough, as they had done multiple times over the last few hours.

Little did they know, that was not what would be happening. Having properly blocked Cassandra off from Bela without either of the vampires aware of this fact, Harry then reveals his presence to Cassandra. The middle Dimitrescu daughter is a sadist of the highest order, according to what Harry had learned from Daniela's disjointed thoughts.

Truth be told, the youngest Dimitrescu daughter is also the most insane. Legilimens had taught Harry some things about the Dimitrescu family, but through the lens of a mad woman. He would be probing Cassandra's mind soon enough… but first, he had to deal with her.

As soon as the brunette vampire detects Harry's presence, she deviates from her current path and moves to cut him off. As Harry turns down a corridor, Daniela's leash in hand and the young vampire continuing to suck and slurp at her blood pop ball gag as she crawls beside him, he stops. There, at the end of the hallway, stands Cassandra Dimitrescu, looking quite frightening with how she's framed by the dark and stormy night depicted through the window behind her.

"Ah! Good! Just the man I was looking for! A moment of your time please, Lord Guest!"

She begins to stalk forward, and Harry cocks his head to the side. She hasn't reacted to Daniela yet, but there's a very good reason for that. She can't SEE Daniela just yet, only him. Unassuming, seemingly mortal him.

"I was worried my sisters would get to you first! Ah, but you wouldn't have happened to have seen my younger sister, would you have? Bela and I have been looking all over for Daniela! It seems she's gone missing!"

"That's close enough."

Harry's tone, when he finally answers her, is deadpan and no-nonsense. He's so clear and commanding in his words that Cassandra actually jolts to a stop, a few dozen feet away still, halfway down the corridor as she narrows her eyes at him, her seemingly innocuous smile becoming a bit more… toothy.

"Excuse me? Lord Guest… surely you aren't afraid of little ole me, are you?"

Under other circumstances, he might have been. If he wasn't who he was, if he was just some ordinary man. From Daniela's disjointed, broken mind, Harry had witnessed countless atrocities visited upon plenty of normal people by the Dimitrescu Sisters. Cassandra was decidedly the worst of the three, too. Daniela was delusional. Bela was stoic. But Cassandra… Cassandra was sadistic and enjoyed the torment of their victims even more then the killing.

Yes, if he were not a Wizard who had had ample time to prepare the battlefield ahead of time to his advantage, Harry would have had good reason to be scared. As it is…


His answer is honest and blunt. For a moment, Cassandra's eyes widen as she feels that honesty in his tone, knowing him to be telling the truth. He really isn't scared of her. Of course, a moment later and her eyes narrow as Harry watches the brunette vampire decide in real time that he MUST be lying, and she must just not be able to detect the deceit in his voice. After all, how could he possibly NOT be afraid of her?

Harry had listened in as the Countess, their mother, warned them all he was a Wizard Lord who could slay them with his magic in a heartbeat. And yet, it seemed that not just the delusional one was unwilling to listen to their mother's warning. A few hours was apparently all it took for Cassandra to decide not to heed the Countess' words.

Mouth slowly widening into a truly wicked, inhuman grin, the brunette vampire giggles as she flexes her claws.

"That's perfect. I love it when they make me work for it. You're a special one, aren't you? Maybe I'll even keep a souvenir!"

She's getting herself all worked up now and trying to rile him up as well into a state of panic, of fear. He can see it in her eyes, despite her words… she HATES when they make her work for it. She's going to make extra-sure he's terrified and in agony before he dies. Of course, before she can attack, Harry cocks his head to the side.

"You asked after your sister, before."

At the mention of Daniela, Cassandra stops dead in her tracks. For the first time, Harry sees an emotion other than sadistic glee as her synapses fire and she realizes he might have done something untoward to her younger sister.

"Where is she? What have you done, you bastard?!"

Harry just raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you mean. She's right here."

Then, he snaps his fingers, and reveals Daniela Dimitrescu in all of her glory to Cassandra.


Cassandra Dimitrescu did indeed love inflicting pain on others. She loved to drink up their fear, to torment her meals in their final moments. Quite frankly, she got more pleasure out of it then any physical activities. She was a sadist, true and blue.

Perhaps that was why it had honestly been easy to ignore Daniela's failure to follow her and Bela away from the Castle, hours earlier. She couldn't pretend to know what Bela's reasons for doing so had been, but the both of them had let their younger sister's flight of fancy pass them by without a word. They'd left her alone with the Wizard Lord that their mother had told them to stay away from, knowing full well that Daniela wouldn't be able to resist, what with her mental state.

Once again, Cassandra hadn't known what Bela hoped to glean from allowing it, but she knew what she wanted, what she'd hoped for. Cassandra had hoped to return to a bloodbath, if she was being honest. Not an unrecoverable one, mind you. The Wizard Lord had to remain alive, for their mother's purposes. But who was to say he had to keep all of his limbs? Who was to say they couldn't show him a good time, eh?

But something had gone wrong. When Cassandra and Bela had returned to the Castle, they had at first pretended like they knew nothing, silently making the mutual decision not to seek out the Wizard Lord Guest of their mother, or their youngest sister. It was enough to be aware, through their enhanced senses, that Daniela and the Wizard Lord were together. They could only imagine the fun Daniela was probably having.

And then, at some point or another, it had become obvious to both of them that they could no longer detect Daniela OR their mother's guest, anywhere in the castle. That was what had initiated the search for the pair. Where had they gone? Surely, they couldn't have left, right?

When Bela had suggested this during one of their passing meetups while hunting, Cassandra had shot it down as a silly idea. But privately? Privately, Cassandra had hoped that Daniela HAD taken the Wizard Lord elsewhere. It would mean her younger sister had grown enough of a spine to really go all out, and the sadist at Cassandra's core had wanted to see how that would end. Would their mother let Daniela's direct defiance pass? Would she punish it severely, or barely at all? What would happen?

Cassandra had been more than curious; she had been downright intrigued. Of course, she couldn't tell Bela that. Their older sister would likely start hunting for Daniela and the human outside of the Castle, and she might even find them. So, Cassandra had lied to Bela, and in order to keep up the deception, she had continued to search for the pair right alongside her elder sister.

Given her own private theory, it had thus greatly surprised Cassandra when she suddenly realized she could smell the human lord on the air. Suddenly, he was back in the Castle, as if he'd never left. All alone too, with no trace of her younger sister. Cassandra hadn't been concerned, until she'd cornered the Wizard Lord and begun talking to him.

His complete lack of fear was one thing, and she was all too eager to put some true terror into his heart, as well as shed some of his blood. However, his complete lack of fear coupled with the mention of her younger sister on his lips… that was something else entirely. For the first time, Cassandra had felt fear for Daniela, worried that this Wizard Lord their mother had warned them all about had done something to her.

But before she could strike, he'd done some sort of… thing, and all of the sudden, Daniela was right there. Cassandra didn't know how she could have missed her, her enhanced senses zeroing in on her crawling sister the INSTANT they found themselves able to. Inhaling sharply, the brunette vampire can only stare for a moment at her younger sister's face, before fully taking in what's been done to her.

Daniela isn't just crawling on her hands and knees beside the Wizard Lord. She's also been dressed in leather straps that accentuate her beautiful body in a way that's clearly for HIS eyes, rather than for her own pleasure. On top of that, she's wearing a collar, connected to a leash that Cassandra is just now capable of perceiving, held in one of the Wizard Lord's hands.

And if that's not enough indignity for her younger sister to be put through, the icing on the cake is the massive, glistening, shiny red orb of a ball that's been stuffed into Daniela's jaw like a gag, locked in place by two straps that stretch back around to the back of the red head's skull.

Their eyes meet, and Cassandra is shaken by the clarity in Daniela's gaze as she… dutifully sucks at her ball gag. She's shaken, because her delusional younger sister looks supremely content, kneeling there next to their mother's guest, dressed in leather straps and nothing else, and leashed and collared like… like a pet or something.

It's in that moment that their mother's warning truly settles in, though perhaps not in the way she intended. Cassandra looks from her kneeling sister to the Wizard Lord's crotch and realizes… his 'wand' must be very dangerous indeed, if it could turn her sister into this docile, submissive thing. And if she sticks around… who's to say it won't be able to do the same for her as well?

Finally realizing the severity of the situation and the danger she's in, Cassandra does something she's never done before, under any circumstances. She swallows her pride and turns on her heel to try and run to get Bela. But before she can even take a single step, something… something hits her.

In an instant, Cassandra is locked to her current form, the incredibly crucial ability to dissolve into a swarm lost to her. More than that, her strength and speed flag immediately, her ability to move faster than any human could possibly hope to gone in an instant.

She stumbles forward on suddenly awkward feet, whipping her head back over her shoulder to stare, wild-eyed, at the Wizard Lord. His green eyes flash with promise as he smiles at her wickedly. Then, he does something even worse. He reaches down and unhooks the leash from Daniela's collar.

"Daniela. Fetch."

Cassandra doesn't need any further context clues to know WHO he expects Daniela to fetch. Her younger sister's eyes dart over to her, and it's immediately apparent that whatever magic is weakening Cassandra, is NOT weakening Daniela. The other vampire bounds forward, and Cassandra has to turn and begin running, even as she feels Daniela hot on her heels.

It's not supposed to be like this, the sadist can't help thinking. She's not supposed to be the one being chased! Never in her life has Cassandra been reduced to the prey, instead of being the predator. Never in her life has she had to run from anything or anyone. Sure, their mother was always stronger than them, but she was their mother. If they did anything wrong, they would take their lumps, as expected of Alcina Dimitrescu's daughters.

She's never felt so helpless. Cassandra's memories of before her rebirth as her mother's daughter are completely faded, barely there and vague snippets at best. She has never cared for them, never acknowledged them, and never let them change or affect her in any way.

Now though, as she finds herself running through the Castle, stumbling on bare feet that suddenly feel entirely awkward and uncoordinated, it's as if she's been reduced to that state of being again. She's little more than one of the serfs down in the village like this. That strange feeling of cold running through her body…

They're not unaware that cold is their weakness, to be clear. The Dimitrescu Sisters avoid freezing at all costs, well aware of how dangerous it is to their constitutions. But this isn't like that, oddly enough. This is just enough cold to reduce her to a mortal woman again. To confine her in this form, and to hold her to the biological constraints of a normal, human female of her size and shape.

It's not nearly enough to let her escape Daniela, even as her younger sister bounds after her on all fours, her noises muffled by that glistening red ball gag in her mouth. As Daniela chases her down, Cassandra runs as fast as she can… but it's not fast enough.

And yet, Daniela is clearly playing with her. The other vampire's claws nip at Cassandra's heels more than once, and the sadist is no fool. Her own sadistic nature lets her see when she's being toyed with, when she's being led around and herded. And no matter where she goes, she can't seem to find Bela. In the end… in the end, there's only one place to go.

Bursting into the Castle Armory a few minutes later, Cassandra angles for a weapon, hoping to grab a pike or something that will keep Daniela at bay. Unfortunately for her, the moment she enters the Armory, Daniela stops playing games. She's barely a few feet inside before Daniela's full weight and speed slam into her back.

Sent to the ground, Cassandra yelps as she's pinned down right there among a bunch of disused weaponry. Castle Dimitrescu was not without its defenses, but it had been an awful long time since the denizens needed guards or the like to man the ramparts, so to speak. Still, as rusted as most of the metal in this room was, she might have been able to use something to hold Daniela off.

Alas, it's not to be. Her salvation is mere feet away from her, surrounding her on all sides… and Daniela's overwhelming vampiric strength holds her to the ground, leaving it all just out of reach of Cassandra's scrambling grasp.

"N-No! Sister, get ahold of yourself! This isn't you!"

Even as she speaks, Cassandra knows it's a lie. This is precisely Daniela. The youngest Dimitrescu was always mentally unstable, and entirely delusional. Whatever the Wizard Lord had done to Daniela to make her like this, it didn't truly surprise Cassandra in the slightest. Daniela was always the weakest among them…


Of course, her younger sister's response to Cassandra's entreaty is to moan through the red ball gag, and hump Cassandra from behind. She's horrified to feel the slickness of her sister's wet pussy as Daniela not-so-dry humps her right then and there. After a moment, Cassandra manages to turn over on her back, only to be pinned down all the more effectively as Daniela grabs her by her wrists and slams her arms down over her head.

Then, that strange ball gag in between Daniela's lips is smashed against Cassandra's. The weakened vampire's eyes widen, as she tastes… blood? Not just blood, but sweet blood. It's… intoxicating, truth be told. What is this substance? What is… oooh~

Completely caught off guard, Cassandra's constant hunger for blood and current weakness from the cooling charm distracts her entirely as the sadistic brunette finds herself weirdly making out with her younger sister. Their tongues dance over Daniela's blood pop ball gag, and their lips press against one another as they share the round treat between each other.

She barely even registers when their mother's guest enters the Armory a few moments later. Walking over, he watches in amusement for a moment before pointing a long stick at the distracted Cassandra's head.

"Let's see what we can glean from you. Legilimens."


When Harry pulls out of Cassandra Dimitrescu's head a few minutes later, she and Daniela are still sharing the blood pop between the two of them. Of course, with two vampires positively going to town on the thing, it's shrunken down an awful lot in just that short amount of time. At this point, they're sharing just as much blood-flavored spit and saliva with one another as their tongues wrestle for dominance, as they are licking at the increasingly tiny blood pop orb clenched between Daniela's teeth.

As he'd already gleaned from Daniela herself… Cassandra is NOT a good person. In fact, she might just be the worst of the bunch, with the hefty degree of sadism she has. Now, to be clear, Harry has nothing against sadism in general. He's been known to be something of a sadist himself. However, the details he couldn't find in Daniela's disjointed, delusional mind, are all there in Cassandra's very clear, very controlled memories.

The things she's done to human beings… she's a monster, through and through. One of the worst. And frankly, Harry knows he's going to have to go all out when dealing with her. He doesn't mind one bit, either.

Luckily, he has a plan.

"Daniela. Up. Sit."

At hearing her Master's commands, Daniela immediately pulls off of Cassandra, the other vampire instinctively trying to follow for a moment as Daniella sits back on her haunches by his side. Running a hand through her red locks, Harry vanishes the last remnants of the blood pop ball gag and conjures a new one in its place so fast that it almost seems like the old one just regrows to its original starting size.

"Good girl. Enjoy your treat."

Daniela does so, sitting there and sucking loudly and lewdly. Meanwhile, Cassandra is just recovering her faculties, and upon realizing that she's no longer pinned down, she tries to surge upwards, to grab one of the nearby rusted weapons. Harry, of course, doesn't let that happen. His magic grabs ahold of her, and while he doesn't physically bind her, he metaphysically does, holding her in place with invisible arms of his power as he rips her dress from her body, exposing her naked flesh in its entirety.

Eyes wide with incredulity and growing fear, Cassandra squirms to no avail.

"P-Please… I…"

Harry just raises an eyebrow at that, moving over to the hanging weapons and eyeing them all up and down for a moment.

"You… what? You're sorry? Come now, Cassandra. We both know THAT would be a lie."

His tone of amusement triggers her something fierce, and she hisses as he finally finds an… implement that he feels will do the job, at least for a time. As he pulls a sword from the wall, she snarls at him.

"You won't get away with this, you bastard! You're done! You're going to die here! If not Bela, then Mother will slay you herself!"

Stalking back over to Cassandra, Harry holds the sword aloft as the fear and resignation in the brunette's eyes both grow.

"C-Curse you! Curse-!"

She clearly expects him to bring it down through her body. As she currently is, such a thing would likely kill her, seeing as her body is as weak as a mortal's, and she's unable to transform into a swarm. But Harry doesn't do so. Instead, he sinks the sword straight down into the floor, leaving it pommel up. Harry had chosen this sword on purpose for it's pommel. Long and with a large ball at the end of it, the sword's hilt is perfect for his purposes. Combined with the broad hand-guard that the sword has, and yes… yes, it'll do quite nicely indeed.

With the sword sticking into the stone floor thanks to Harry's magic, Cassandra can only gape at it in confusion… until, that is, Harry lifts her up and proceeds to properly impale her anally on the pommel and hilt of the sword.

A surprised yelp of pain leaves the sadist's lips, as she feels the bulbous iron ball at the end of the sword's hilt push up into her asshole. It's likely the first anal experience Cassandra has ever had, if Harry isn't missing the mark. And it's not at all a comfortable one, given he's barely going slow enough to avoid maiming her currently weakened body.

He could probably have literally torn her a new asshole and then healed it up afterwards, but Harry isn't nearly the sadist that Cassandra herself is. He's all for showing the monstrous woman what exquisite agony truly feels like, however.

Inch after inch of the pommel and then the rest of the hilt disappears into Cassandra's ass, until she's standing on her tip toes with her ass cheeks resting back against the hand guard, the sword between her legs effectively acting as a one bar prison of sorts. A medieval one, to be sure.

Experimenting, Harry releases his magical grip on the vampire… and watches as she immediately sinks another inch down the sword hilt, yelping as her feet scramble for purchase. The sword is just tall enough that she can quite literally only stand on the tips of her toes, and with her several inches down the sword's hilt, there's no way she's going to be able to pull herself off.

Her arms pinwheel about, and she shrieks in pain with every movement as Harry watches on for a long moment. It's an amusing sight to be sure, especially when the tears actually prick at the corners of Cassandra's eyes, making it clear how little she's enjoying this. Still, as fun as it is to watch her struggle… Harry's cock is rock hard and ready for some action.

Under normal circumstances, he would never get so close to a vampire. But in this case, Cassandra is helpless, and made even more so when he binds her arms behind her back. The result of this is a feeling of overbalancing backwards, and he can see in the brunette's widened eyes that she's SURE she's going to fall.

But Harry catches her, stepping up and grabbing her by the hips. With her legs in 'front' of the sword, her buttocks resting back against the sword's hand guard, she's perfectly positioned for him to sink his cock into her waiting pussy right then and there.

Another yelp leaves Cassandra's mouth, as Harry fills her with his cockmeat. His massive bitch breaker slides right up into her, as he begins to fuck her ruthlessly right then and there.

"Are you ready to experience what Daniela did, Cassandra? Are you ready to learn who your Master is?"

The brunette vampire trembles and shakes, both from physical exertion and emotion. With a snarl, she sneers at him.

"Daniela is w-weak! She always has been! I won't break so e-easily!"

She would, in fact, break even easier. Daniela had been a test case, of sorts. She'd been an experiment that had told Harry everything he needed to know. After his little deep-dive into Cassandra's head, he knew even more… and in all honesty, he wasn't playing around anymore.

As he fucks Cassandra, he uses his magic to stimulate her senses, pervading her body with his magical essence. The brunette vampire has no way of understanding what he's doing, but what she does know is how good it feels, despite the pain of a sword hilt buried in her tight, virgin asshole. As Harry fucks her, the pleasure and pain mix together for the sadist. And for the first time in her life, Cassandra finds herself getting off to her OWN pain, instead of someone else's.

A sadist turned into a masochistic fuck slut. Was there any more poetic a punishment for a monster like this bitch? Harry personally didn't think so, and he was all too happy to show Cassandra the light, one powerful thrust at a time.

And so, he fucks her like that, standing up, pressed back against the sword impaled in the stone, the hilt impaled in her ass. He fucks her hard and fast, and Cassandra's yelps and squeaks are quickly overtaken by moans and cries. She stares at him, wide-eyed as he ravishes her, and seems to realize he's doing something to her. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

"N-No… no!"

Harry doesn't let up, he just grins wickedly and moves one hand from her hips to her chest, grabbing at her tits one after the other and giving them both a good, hard squeeze as she howls in pain and whimpers in pleasure.

"You love it, Cassandra. You know it to be true. Give in. Submit."

"No! It's a lie! Y-You're ruining me! You won't get away with this! Mother! MOTHER!"

Harry just laughs, unconcerned with her cries for mommy. Not only are the obfuscation spells still keeping her elder sister at bay… the Countess still isn't back from her errands and is nowhere to be found in the entire Castle. In this moment, Cassandra is all alone, with her younger sister watching on while sucking on her reward for hunting her down, and the elder sister none the wiser to what's being done to her siblings as she fruitlessly searches for him.

The more Harry fucks Cassandra, the more her words fail her. Her voice never does though, as she wails and cries out, her body shaking and spasming through orgasm after orgasm upon his massive member. He spears deep inside of her cunt again and again and again… until finally, he decides she's ready to move on to Stage Two of her taming.

With a grunt, Harry releases his seed up inside of her, filling her womb with the hot, sticky substance. Cassandra wails, even as her body bucks in one last climax at the sensation. Still, her mind is only partially subverted. He's got more work ahead of him.

Her thighs have been cut by the sword a bit, and she's bleeding from a few spots where her flesh was rent by the rusted blade. Harry hadn't anticipated that, but it would enhance this next bit, he figured. So, he simply pulls her off of the sword hilt, heals her wounds since her body can't currently do it on its own, and forces her to her knees.

With her arms still bound behind her back by his magic, Cassandra glares up at him as his cock flops down onto her face. Still defiant… for the moment. Harry knows she's drawing upon her pain to maintain that defiance. Because as good as it all felt, it still hurt a LOT, and she's trying to maintain her mind by focusing on that fact and on the fact that she's supposed to be a sadist, not a masochist.

"Put that thing anywhere near my mouth, and I'll bite it off."

Chuckling, Harry just shakes his head.

"We'll see about that.


Just as Cassandra is trying to speak up, trying to back talk him some more, she finds herself suddenly unable to. Conjured in the middle of her jaw out of nowhere is an O-ring gag of massive proportions, one that might have dislocated her jaw entirely if she were a normal human woman. In her weakened state, it definitely makes her jaw creak with protest, even as Harry wastes no time in shoving his rock hard cock through the opening in the O-ring gag.

Cassandra gurgles in discomfort… but also pleasure, her eyes widening as she realizes exactly what the O-ring gag is made of. Just as he'd given Daniela two ball gags made out of blood pop at this point… he's just conjured an O-ring gag made out of blood pop in Cassandra's mouth.

Once again, she finds herself helpless before him, as he begins to truly ravage her throat with his massive cock, forcing it down the back of her gullet and into her esophagus without an ounce of hesitation or mercy. As Harry starts to skull fuck the brunette, his hands come down on her hair and grip down TIGHTLY and harshly, pulling hard.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

All the while, Cassandra is getting mixed messages in her poor, beleaguered mind yet again. Because yes, Harry is fucking her face, choking her on his cock quite violently, and blocking a need for oxygen that she didn't normally have, but currently was forced to contend with in her weakened state. And yet, even as she's asphyxiating on his cock… she's getting that delicious taste of sweet, candied blood from the O-ring gag in her mouth.

Her eyes flutter, both from lack of air and from the treat, and Harry continues to make progress on… rearranging her ordered mind to something more his liking. Turning Cassandra into a toy is both easier and harder than Daniela. Daniela's disjointed mind was difficult to contend with in some ways, but also easy to manipulate in others.

By comparison, Cassandra's mind is clear, and so Harry has to cloud and confuse it some on his own first, before he can make the changes he wants to make. Still, slowly but surely, the sadistic brunette is being bent to his will. Slowly but surely, she's coming around to HIS way of thinking.

Gurgling moans begin to fill the air, as Harry continues to force his cock down Cassandra's throat at a breakneck pace. She sucks and sucks at the O-ring blood pop gag stretching her jaw open, and slowly it starts to lose its integrity. It won't be long before she could, if she wanted to, make good on her threat to try and bite his dick clean off.

Of course, Harry is more than prepared for that eventuality. His cock is currently bolstered by his magic, so if Cassandra DOES try to take a bite out of him, she's more liable to chip a tooth then break skin, especially with her weakened state. Harry is convinced it won't come to that though. The powerful Wizard's plan is going perfectly, after all.


Beginning to grind her cunt against the floor, since her arms are still bound behind her back, the kneeling vampire starts to face fuck HERSELF upon his cock, as she mentally starts to associate the delicious taste of blood pop with a newfound oral fixation centered around his throbbing manhood. Bit by bit, Cassandra's resistance breaks down, until Harry is able to transmute it into overwhelming enthusiasm.

The O-ring gag doesn't last forever, but then, it's not actually meant to. Finally, it breaks down, the last bits ending up tucked away into Cassandra's cheeks for her to continue to suck on. Meanwhile, her lips finally suction down around Harry's real cock, and her teeth finally have the chance to carry out her earlier threat.

She doesn't. Not once does Cassandra try to bite down, as Harry fucks her face while she kneels in front of him. Not once does she even consider it. The blood pop is all but gone, and yet, she chokes down his cock like it's made of the substance. She worships his member like it is her God. She sucks his cock… as though he is her Master.

He doesn't bother giving her a warning, when he finally cums down her throat. She doesn't deserve one. Even still, Cassandra swallows dutifully, drinking down his seed as if it's more of the sticky, sweet candied blood that she'd just gotten a whole lot of. And when she's done, and Harry finally pulls back off of his cock, she looks at him with a sort of resigned acceptance in her eyes, and a hungering need for more of what only HE can seemingly offer her.

And yet, when she opens her mouth, it's not to beg as one might think.

"You really won't get away with this… if Bela doesn't stop you, Mother will."

Cassandra no longer sounds quite so certain of her own words… nor does she sound all that excited for them. In fact, she sounds somewhat stricken by the inevitable… showcasing just how close she is to breaking and truly worshipping him and his cock.

Chuckling, Harry shakes his head in amusement.

"You let me worry about that, pet."

Before she can answer, he uses his magic to spin her around and push her face first into the stone floor of the Castle Armory. Cassandra lets out a yelp, and then a pouting whimper as her ass is in turn forced high into the air. The wiggle she gives of her hips however, that's all her.

Taking the invitation give to him, Harry steps forward, crouches down, and proceeds to feed his cock right into Cassandra's virgin-tight asshole. The brunette vampire positively HOWLS as he stuffs her back door full of his dick. Even the large pommel and thick hilt of the sword he'd impaled her upon wasn't big enough to properly prepare her for his meaty shaft.

And yet, at the same time that she's howling in agony, her anal muscles are clenching on his cock, and her pussy is squirting a combination of her own fluids and his cum as she climaxes right there on the spot. Smirking, Harry begins to butt fuck her, even moving one foot forward to press into the back of her head as he does so.

Cassandra doesn't try to resist. The fight has all but gone out of her, at this point. Through his toes, Harry is able to work a bit more of his magic, applying the last bits of alteration to her mind. As he does so, Cassandra lets out a gurgling moan of enjoyment, before suddenly breaking out into begging.

"Yes! Fuck me harder! Don't stop! Punish my ass! Use your little pain slut!"

The sudden one-eighty would have been jarring if Harry hadn't been in the brunette sadist's mind for as long as he'd been inside of her body. He's been moving towards this point since he started fucking her. While he was fucking her orifices, he was also fucking her mind itself, and by now, Cassandra can't stave off his alterations any longer. They're settling into place and becoming solidified in her mind as her new foundations for being… just like with Daniela.

"Please! Please hurt me more! I need it!"

Amused by the sudden whiplash, Harry gives her a little bit of what she wants. He brings one hand down on her ass cheek, and then the other down on the opposite side, spanking her derriere like a pair of rented drums.


Still in her weakened state, Cassandra Dimitrescu squeals happily as she cums again for him, the pain an immense turn on for her now. From sadist to masochist in just one sitting, she's completely lost track of who she previously used to be. Now, all that matters is feeling good by being bad and getting punished for it. Of course, that alone won't be enough. Not for Harry's purposes.

He eventually stops spanking her silly, and even stops drilling down into her ass with a violent speed and intensity. Instead, he holds himself inside of her and waits for Cassandra to realize he's paused.

"W-What… why did you s-stop?!"

"Because you're not asking properly, pet. You know what I want to hear. You know what you need to say."

There's a pause, not because Cassandra needs to figure out what he's talking about, but because she does indeed already know. It wasn't by happenstance that she'd avoided addressing him in any particular way so far, despite her begging. He can feel through his foot atop her head that the last remnants of her are warring against his order, fighting it with all her might.

And so, Harry reaches into her mind one final time with his magic, and like an assassin in the dark slipping a blade between an enemy commander's ribs, he snips that defiance off from the rest of Cassandra, leaving her completely and utterly… his.

"Pleeeeease, Master! Please hurt your fuck toy! Please sir, use your slave! Fuck me! Abuse me! Brand me as your property!"

Harry grins as he begins fucking her ass again, though that last suggestion gives him pause. In fact, he quite likes the idea. Eyes drifting around the armory for a moment, Harry eventually comes to the rusted sword still sticking out of the stone. With his magic, he pulls the sword over to him. With his magic, he begins to reshape it into something more… proper.

All the while, he continues to fuck Cassandra in the ass, his foot keeping her head pinned to the stone floor. She can't see what he's doing, and so she has no idea what's coming. Soon enough, the sword has been reshaped into a proper brand, and at the end of said brand are his stylized initial. H.P. but with lightning bolts coming off of the bottom of the H and P, of course.

Putting the finishing touches on the magically made brand, Harry admires his handiwork for just a moment before using magic to heat it up as well. Soon, it's a bright hot red, the heat quite literally wafting off of it as he studies it for a moment longer.

Then, without warning and without hesitation, Harry brings the brand down on Cassandra's ass, the sizzling of flesh filling the air as the brunette vampire shrieks in ecstasy and agony alike, the most exquisite, pleasurable pain of her entire life rocking her body. She kicks her feet into the air and claws at the stone beneath her, even as Harry holds the brand fast to her ass cheek, making sure to really get it in there.

When he pulls away, his initials mar her flesh, and with one final bit of magic, he makes it permanent. Even if she disperses into a swarm, even if she heals herself fully of every other injury or malady… the brand will ALWAYS remain. He makes it part of her own self-image, the most ham-fisted use of mind magic on her he's done yet. She will never forget it… and thus never forget who she belongs to.

As he makes her see and feel this with every fiber of her being, Cassandra Dimitrescu gurgles and moans and cums one final time from the sheer arousal the thought gives her. He cums as well, filling her bowels with his seed and then pulling out to coat her ass and her back in the rest of his load. She just lays there in turn, the former sadist face down, ass up, and completely insensate as Harry admires his second conquest.

One sister to go… and then the Countess herself.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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