
Muted Stars

Surprisingly, they were so similar: A guy who doesn't believe in love. A girl who's looking for it. Her eyes looked so tired, but they're just as beautiful.

En_im · สมจริง
2 Chs

[0] A Letter to No One

[I've thought of this day many times, seen it in my heart countless others.

My heart is warm that you would tell me that you don't want to love me if it feels wrong. That's good, love, speak your mind.

I knew that it would happen at some point. I'm happy that it's for the best.

I only want the best for you, and we've realised that it's not 'us' anymore.

Is it sad that I can barely remember your face? That my memories of you are blurring now? Too long apart is what it is, from being close together. I couldn't take the best look at you.

We weren't perfect, but we were worth it to me.

I could have elaborated it better, but when I confessed my interest in you, I decided that no matter what came my way, I would love you. That's not very appropriate to say to a person who is now my friend, so I hope you understand me when I say that.

Yes, so when you wanted us to break up, I was ready. I wasn't afraid.

Again, I predicted right by you.

First, that those feelings you had for me were so ardent so early, that if you knew I was interested in you, you would try 'us',

and second, that one day that fire would die down, and one day afterwards, you would realise that you weren't blazing so hotly anymore.

What I am most happy about is that you are living well. You're not drowning in despair, you're not hurting, you're living the good life that I wanted you to be living. I'm blessed to witness that.

And like the others, you don't need me anymore. It's like I was made to thrive in emotional turmoil.

So I'm not surprised when you leave.

Just don't be afraid to come back one day.

These letters won't end so soon, I'd think,

but I'd like to make this a formal closing statement.

I love you, and I don't think I will stop doing so. Keep living that wonderful life of yours.

The one who loves you,

Chikako Chiyo.]





'...Ah,' she realised once more.

In the depths of the night, she read it again.

Chiyo glanced at the early hours reflected on her phone's clock, and decided that some hours of sleep was better than none.

She checked her morning alarm one more time, hid her phone under her pillow, and settled into bed.

As she drifted off to slumber, she thanked God for another night of sleep.

Hi, En_im here. Thank you for reading the introductory chapter of Muted Stars.

I'm currently writing multiple stories so updates will come and go. I suggest coming back in a year and seeing where it's landed. Cheers

En_imcreators' thoughts