
The Tiring Meeting, Reports, Problems, and Solutions

Day 261 - 2:14 PM - Living Room, Cliff House, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

After a morning walk around the Mountain Base and a hefty lunch, Mark was now sitting inside the living room of the Cliff House.

Since it had been a while since Mark and his group were here in the Mountain Base, it was time to decide how things would proceed from now onwards.

The Mountain Base might be an ideal place to live during the apocalypse, thanks to Mark and those who created this place. However, it was far from the perfect place. It was not like they were aiming to make it perfect, as nothing could be called perfect even before the apocalypse. At the least, they wanted to deal with the problems the base currently had and could possibly have. And most importantly, what it essentially lacked for everyone to continue surviving the apocalypse.