
The New Earth, The First Problems

Day 160 - 11:21 AM - Agos River, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

It was already three days after the consecutive events that changed the entire world.

Gliding down from the sky, Mark landed on a large rock by the riverside. After a long while, Mark stepped on this river area by at the base of Mount Malabito once more. When was the last time he went around its vicinity? It should be at that time when Mark and Amihan made their way to Real Military Settlement, just before encountering Karlene and Alana's group for the first time.

But to say, the appearance of the river, then and now, drastically differed.

The current Agos river had its width doubled. The flow of the water was more violent than before. It was also quite deep at its center. And to say, it looked better than its dried appearance in the past. Of course, also more dangerous.