
The Failed Plans, The Ambush Prepared by the Raiders

Day 72 - 10:39 AM - Mansion, Padilla, San Jose, Antipolo, Rizal

Black smoke scattered around the hatch found under the statue in the garden. As the smoke spread, it was accompanied by the blood-curling screams of the rotting victims.

What was scarier than dying immediately or being tortured to death?

Feeling a pain worse than being tortured and watching your body rotting slowly.

A grotesque hole opened on your body, slowly eating everything as it dug into your flesh deeper.

Witnessing your skin and flesh reduced to a putrid mush as it exposed your bones and organs.

Seeing such a horrible thing happen to yourself until all signs of life escaped your body. That was one of the worst things that could happen to anyone.

It was a severely nasty way to go. Especially when the last thing they would remember before dying was their rotting organs spilling on the ground.