
Starting the Demon Invasion, The Battle of Sumida River

Day 341 - 11:42 PM - Reclaimed City, Ruins of Tokyo

The strong winds blew, carrying the heavy fall of snow. 

A sudden blizzard.

It took many citizens of the Reclaimed City off guard as those in the streets rushed into any possible shelter they could find. The sudden strong wind and chilling cold were too much, even if the citizens were already wearing winter clothes.

Early noon, people should be preparing their meal stubs while heading to food stations to receive their lunch. However, the streets were now mostly empty, with only a few to risk braving through a strong blizzard.

And with this empty street and the unconscious victims of the strange hymn, no one should be able to witness the army of Demons crossing the frozen bodies of water around the Reclaimed City.

It was an amazing scheme, a supposedly foolproof plan. By the time the citizens noticed the Demons invading, the invaders were already within the city.